Let the platform do the work

Installable Connectors

Sugar Automate

Sugar Automate lets administrators create easy-to-follow, visual business processes for users to complete against their Sugar records. Each Smart Guide created by Sugar Automate is an end-to-end process that is split into color-coded stages, and each stage contains one or more call, meeting, or task activities that the user can complete with optional dependencies and actions on related records.

Sugar Automate is included with Sugar Sell Premier and enables the guided selling capability. Sugar Automate can also be purchased as an add-on for Sugar Sell Advanced, Enterprise, and Serve. Please contact your Sugar partner or representative to learn more.

Sugar Automate Installation and User Guides

Sugar Automate Release Notes

Supported Platforms

Customer Journey Plug-in

The Customer Journey Plug-in (now renamed Sugar Automate) lets administrators create easy-to-follow, visual business processes for users to complete against their Sugar records. Each journey is an end-to-end process that is split into color-coded stages, and each stage contains one or more call, meeting, or task activities that the user can complete with optional dependencies and actions on related records.

Customer Journey Plug-in Installation and User Guides

Customer Journey Plug-in Release Notes

Supported Platforms

Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator connects Sugar with your paid Sales Navigator account. After installing the connector, your users will be able to save leads directly to Sales Navigator and view LinkedIn information about their leads, contacts, and accounts without leaving Sugar.

Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator Installation and User Guides

Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator Release Notes

Supported Platforms

Sugar Connector for Marketo

Marketo provides marketing automation and sales effectiveness solutions that help B2B marketing and sales teams at global enterprise and mid-sized companies unlock growth across the revenue cycle. Sugar can be integrated with Marketo to allow new and existing leads and contacts to be synced seamlessly between both applications. In addition, key data (e.g. name, address, and email address) from the Accounts and Opportunities modules can be synced from Sugar to Marketo.

Sugar Connector for Marketo Installation and User Guides

Sugar Connector for Marketo Release Notes

Supported Platforms