Let the platform do the work

Customer Journey Plug-in 5.5.0 Release Notes


This document describes any new features, enhancements to existing features, fixed issues, and known issues for the 5.5.0 release of the Customer Journey Plug-in. For information on supported platforms, please refer to the Connectors Supported Platforms page.

Feature Enhancements

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported to SugarCRM have been resolved in this version of the Customer Journey Plug-in:

  • 86141 : Regular users can add users to the Customer Journey Plugin without proper configure/edit privileges.
  • 85445 : Tasks related to a parent record that has been deleted will cause a 500 error.

The following additional issues have been resolved for this release:

  • An error may occur when a Related Sugar Action is set to automatically update the related record.
  • The popup message is empty when a web hook returns an error.
  • Users cannot increase or decrease the size of Customer Journey dashlets in Sugar 10.2.
  • Momentum values may not be accurate when Momentum Start Trigger is set to "When created" on sub-activities.
    Note: If Momentum Start Date is not set for a parent, then the sub-activities will not affect the parent's momentum regardless of momentum applied for sub-activities.

Additional Information

The following pages contain information related to the use and installation of the most recent version of the Customer Journey Plug-in.