Let the platform do the work

Customer Journey Plug-in 5.7.0 Release Notes


This document describes any new features, enhancements to existing features, fixed issues, and known issues for the 5.7.0 release of the Customer Journey Plug-in. For information on supported platforms, please refer to the Connectors Supported Platforms page.

Feature Enhancements

  • Added support for Sugar 11.1.x (Q3 2021): This version of the Customer Journey Plug-in can be used with supported Sugar versions up to 11.1.x.
  • Streamlined user display options: The user's display options have been consolidated into a simple configuration view on the journey panel.
  • More panel display configurations: Administrators can configure the journey panel to be shown below the record view (default), above the record view, or as the first or last tab of a tabbed record view layout for each enabled module via Admin > Configure Display Settings.
  • Check for available updates: An admin panel setting has been added to allow the plug-in to automatically check for updates or to let the administrator check for updates manually.
  • Access control for task completion: You can now restrict the ability to complete an activity to one or more users, teams, or roles via the "Allow Activity By" field on the activity template.
  • Improved UX for Related Sugar Action relationship selection: The relationship field is now presented in a nested-folder tree view. 
  • Separate Start and Due date settings: For ease of use, the Start Date and Due Date field settings have been decoupled in the Activity Template fields.
  • Email improvements in Related Sugar Actions: The administrator can now choose an email template and a combination of contacts and users to add as recipients to the message, and can arrange for the message to be sent automatically using the Email Fields in the Related Sugar Actions menu.
  • Invite guests (variable or specific) for calls and meetings: Select a combination of contacts and users to add as guests by referencing the user fields on the parent record or selecting specific names in the activity template's "Guests" field.
  • Pre-populate currency fields: Currency type fields are now available to be pre-populated via Related Sugar Action.
  • Days-to-complete fields added to the Tasks module: The Customer Journey Activity Start Date, Activity Completion Date, and Days to Complete fields can be added to Tasks layouts in Studio.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this version of the Customer Journey Plug-in:

  • Manual updates performed through Related Sugar Actions may not work as expected if the instance is simultaneously running the Customer Journey Plug-in and Sugar Hint.
  • When a parent activity is blocked by its child activity, an "Unsupported module" error message occurs if the user attempts to cancel the journey.
  • When an activity is completed, separate customer journey panels are created.
  • Disabling the Customer Journey Plug-in in Module Loader may not work as expected.
  • Related Sugar Action functionality is not carried over when a journey template is copied.
  • It is not possible to select a module in the Start Due Date panel and Momentum panel.
  • Users without edit permission on the parent record are restricted from starting journeys for that record despite having the appropriate role settings to do so.
  • A double drawer opens when a specific user, team, or role is selected in the "Allow Activity By" or "Select 'To' Email Address" field.  
  • In the Web Hooks, the in-progress option is improperly shown for meetings and calls.  
  • The field "Send Invites" in Activity Templates does not work as expected.
  • Task start dates are all set to the journey create date.

Known Issues

  • 86889: When using the Customer Journey Plug-in with Sugar 10.3.x, activities created by journeys may fail to trigger SugarBPM process definitions as expected.

Additional Information

The following pages contain information related to the use and installation of the most recent version of the Customer Journey Plug-in.