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Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator 1.1.0 Release Notes


This document describes any new features, enhancements to existing features, fixed issues, and known issues for the 1.1.0 release of the Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator.  For information on supported platforms, please refer to the Connectors Supported Platforms page.

Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements are included in this release of the Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  • Added support for Sugar's Spring '19 release : This version of the connector can be used with Sugar versions 8.0.x through 9.0.x.
  • Updated User Interface : LinkedIn's developers have updated their display services to have added functionality and an updated look. Some of the new features include:
    • Messaging : The new Messages module enables sending LinkedIn messages and InMail through Sugar.
    • Connecting : The new Connect module enables sending connection invites through Sugar.
    • Lists : Custom Lists help you keep track of leads, accounts, and existing clients saved from Sugar to Sales Navigator.

Fixed Issues

Several issues have been resolved in this release including the following:

  • 81776 : Users cannot access the connector if the admin who configured the users' access has a default team that the users are not on. 


The following pages contain information related to the use and installation of the most recent version of the Sugar Connector for LinkedIn Sales Navigator.