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MS Outlook Plug-in Release Notes 2.6.2


This document describes any feature enhancements, as well as fixed and/or known issues for the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2.6.2. For information about supported versions of Outlook, refer to the Plug-ins Supported Platforms.

Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements are included in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook:

  • Improved sync failure handling : The following improvements have been implemented for records that fail to sync:
    • Users are provided with detailed information via a dialog box regarding records that failed to sync.
    • Records will be unmarked from sync and excluded from future sync actions.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook. Case Portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue:

  • 81892 : Syncing a contact from Outlook to Sugar may not sync the related account as expected if the "Create Account when creating Contact" option is disabled. 
  • 81845 : The "Automatically archive future emails in this conversation" option is missing from the Archiving Email window when sending and archiving emails to Sugar.
  • 8178981755 : In certain circumstances, the plug-in may not work as expected and display errors (e.g. Sugar Plugin initialization has failed).
  • 81749 : When creating or editing an Outlook contact for sync with Sugar, selecting an account via the "Set Company to Sugar Account" option does not give you the option to copy the address from the selected account.
  • 81717 : Disabling the Use Category option in the SugarCRM Plug-in Settings improperly removes the Unarchive from Sugar option from the right-click menu. 
  • 81485 : In certain circumstances, the SugarCRM side panel may not appear in Outlook as expected and incorrectly display in a separate window.