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MS Outlook Plug-in Release Notes 2.4.1


This document describes any feature enhancements, as well as fixed and known issues for the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2.4.1. For information about supported versions of Outlook, refer to the Plug-ins Supported Platforms.

Feature Enhancements

The following feature enhancements are included in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook:

  • Mail view side panel enhancements : The following enhancements have been implemented for the Mail view side panel: 
    • The side panel now displays additional key information (e.g. phone, address) for matching Sugar accounts.
    • When creating a related case or bug via the subpanel, the create form now has the Subject and Description fields auto-populated based on the selected email's details. 

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in this release of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook. Case Portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue:

  • 18084 : When archiving emails with attachments, the attachment may be incorrectly assigned to the Global team instead of the user's default team.
  • 22355 : The Outlook plug-in disregards the user's default currency setting in Sugar when creating opportunity records.
  • 41539 : Outlook contacts with a missing value in a required field (e.g. last name) are improperly synced to Sugar.
  • 77195 : When archiving an email, the Opportunities module may not be available to select in the Archiving Email window if the Accounts module is hidden in Sugar.
  • 77491 : Changing Outlook's Ribbon Display Options setting may cause unexpected errors in Outlook. 
  • 77857 : The Archiving Email window remains open during the archive process which may cause users to not be able to use Outlook as expected.
  • 78450 : Pushing Outlook contacts with the same last name (e.g. Jane Smith, Joe Smith) to Sugar via the "Send to Leads" option may not work as expected and result in an error.
  • 78520 : The plug-in may not properly respect the "Use module team when archiving" option and incorrectly assign archived emails to the user's default team instead of the module record's assigned team. 
  • 79187 : Having multiple outbound email accounts configured in Outlook may cause unexpected behavior when archiving an email to Sugar.