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Troubleshooting Uploading Large Files


Attempting to upload a large file to a Sugar module fails; the page may simply continuously load, or fail with "file too large" type of error.

Note: This article applies to on-site instances of Sugar. SugarCloud customers should file a case with the Sugar Support team for assistance.


The attachment size in the System Settings and in the php.ini file is smaller than the file being uploaded.


To resolve this issue, increase the attachment size in Admin > System Settings and the php.ini file.

  1. In Admin > System Settings, go to the Advanced sub-panel. Increase the "Maximum upload size" value, specified in bytes, to accommodate the large file.
    Note: For instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service, the cloud servers are set up to allow a maximum file size of 32MB, so any value larger than 33554432 (i.e., the binary equivalent of 32MB in bytes) will be ignored in favor of the default cloud limitation. For more information about cloud allowances, please refer to the SugarCloud Managed Storage Limits page.
  2. In the php.ini file, update the following variables to accommodate larger file sizes. 
    • post_max_size
    • upload_max_size
    • max_execution_time
    • max_input_time
    • memory_limit
  3. After editing the php.ini file, restart the web server.

Example php.ini:

post_max_size = 40M
upload_max_size = 40M

max_execution_time = 1000
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 128M