The Troubleshooting section includes topics covering various issues, solutions, and troubleshooting techniques for Sugar.
PHP provides various levels of feedback to developers in the form of notices, warnings and on occasion errors. Some of these can be ignored and are only used to inform programmers of best practices (and violations there of) and others, such as errors, as you suspect, need to be addressed.
When managing records in Sugar®, some fields pertain to a relationship and as you type text in the field, a search is performed to find relevant matches. On high-performance systems, this method of querying can lead to unintended results because the query returns quickly before the user has finished typing the full string they wish to search.
Your browser's cache may be storing information that prevents new changes from being displayed in Sugar. Clearing the browser's cache can relieve this issue.
Sugar has the ability to constantly log information about its actions depending on the logging level the administrator has chosen. When an issue or unexpected behavior is encountered while using Sugar, the Sugar log can be a valuable source of insight. While it is recommended to leave the logging level at "Fatal" for daily use, the level can be adjusted as necessary when attempting to troubleshoot a particular issue.
The Diagnostic Tool in Sugar allows you to capture your system's configuration in order to help diagnose problems in your Sugar instance. This tool collects basic system information regarding Sugar along with server configuration details and places it into a zip file on the server. You can download the zip file to analyze the contents and send to the Sugar Support team if required to troubleshoot an issue.
The Quick Repair and Rebuild function in Sugar® allows administrators to perform common maintenance routines in their Sugar instance. The Repair menu is available only to system administrators and can be accessed by navigating to Admin > Repair.
When I attempt to log into Sugar, I cannot log into the system. There is no error message. If I switch browsers or empty my cache, then I am able to log into Sugar. Why does this problem occur?
Upon logging into your instance, you see that the icons are not displaying correctly on the Admin panel or that the "Next Page" button in a legacy module does not work or is showing the wrong icon.
While attempting to access a Sugar® page, you see the following error message: "Possible Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) Attack Detected".
While using Sugar, you may occasionally encounter a database error or unexpected behavior. This article will go over how on-site clients can recognize symptoms of database errors, locate the database errors, and apply common solutions to resolve issues.
An incorrect count is shown when selecting "All records" as well as in a module's listview count.
When navigating Sugar, users may encounter warnings stating that a page contains insecure content. This article explains why they may see this message and what to do about it.
This article describes some initial troubleshooting steps to try when accessing a Sugar page that results in an error that says "Page Cannot Be Displayed", a 500 error, a blank page, or a partial page load.
A user is unable to browse the Knowledge Base tree past the parent tags. An error message is not always returned, but may include one of the following:
The Knowledge Base Tag Browsing window hangs when attempting to expand a tag. A spinner icon appears next to the tab being expanded but nothing else happens.
Traceroute is a commonly used network tool that helps identify bottlenecks in speed and connectivity when experiencing issues connecting to a website or server from a computer. Traceroute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their way to a given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's time to live (TTL) field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to the host. This article covers using traceroute to test latency issues when connecting to your Sugar® instance.
In Sugar, when stock or custom modules do not appear within the navigation bar, they may have been hidden from view via Admin > Navigation Bar and Subpanels (or "Display Modules and Subpanels" in Sugar versions 12.0 and lower). This article will cover how to verify if a module is hidden from view and the steps required to make a module visible to users in the instance.
If you are experiencing issues with latency or uploading files, you can troubleshoot your internet connectivity using this article.
Beginning with PCRE version 7.2, PCRE interprets /h as a horizontal whitespace character while prior to 7.2, it was interpreted as the letter "h". For more information regarding the /h character, please refer to the resources. Using PCRE versions prior to 7.2 may cause an issue where characters are not recognized properly. In addition, you may also encounter an error or unexpected behavior in Sugar® such as the page not loading properly due to AJAX or JavaScript errors. This article will go over some possible solutions in troubleshooting PCRE issues.
When deploying Sugar, the PDF engine only has the capability to display specific characters. This article covers how to add additional language support for PDF rendering.
When developing with Sugar, you may experience an API request returning a 500 error of php_error_after_api. The request's response will be as follows:
As more records are added to an instance, errors like this may begin to appear for non-admin users: "Query limit of XXXX reached for Calls module"
When creating new fields in Sugar, there may be occasions where the field fails to save in Studio due to hitting the row size limit of the table in your database. This article covers the error message that appears in Sugar and how to resolve this issue so that new fields can be created for the module.
While utilizing Sugar, users may be unexpectedly logged out of the system. This article covers several reasons that the browser may automatically log a user out as well as some high-level troubleshooting tips.
SugarCloud instances have limits for their allowed storage and customers must manage their storage usage to stay below the limit, or they can purchase more. Knowing how to manage your storage effectively can be challenging and this article will show what administrators can do to understand and address the issue.
Attempting to upload a large file to a Sugar module fails; the page may simply continuously load, or fail with "file too large" type of error.
There may be occasions where you experience unexpected behavior in the Sugar® application. Accessing Sugar using your browser's privacy mode and checking if the issue persists can help you determine the source of the problem. A browser's privacy mode opens a new browsing session which has no access to cached data, cookies, or history. In addition, it disables all plugins, extensions, and add-ons for the browser, allowing you to access your Sugar instance using a completely clean browser. This article will cover how to access the privacy mode when troubleshooting via the various supported browsers in Sugar.