Let the platform do the work

Sugar Market Internal CRM

This section includes topics covering the management of your data in Sugar Market's internal CRM.


You can quickly determine the number of contacts in your internal Sugar Market CRM by running a standard report. This count includes only verified contact records with email addresses that are not blank, bounced, or unsubscribed. The status of new contact records moves from "Unverified" to "Verified" when Sugar Market receives a successful delivery message after an email send. If a bounced message is received from the contact's server, then the status of the contact record moves to "Invalid".
Many Sugar Market customers are interested in maintaining the smallest database size possible. This article provides advice on maintaining only marketable contacts in your database. In Sugar Market, a marketable contact is any record with an email address that is not bounced, blank, or unsubscribed. Unverified contacts are included in your total contact count. New contact records are considered unverified until Sugar Market receives a successful delivery message after an email send.
When using Sugar Market with an external CRM, the Sugar Market Recycle Bin functionality determines which records have been deleted from your external CRM1.