Let the platform do the work

Getting Started With SugarPredict


In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to get started with SugarPredict, from frequently asked questions to activation and setup. 


What is SugarPredict? 

SugarPredict identifies patterns in your live data using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and external firmographics. These patterns are used to generate insights and projected outcomes for your lead and opportunity records in Sugar Sell. 

How can SugarPredict help me? 

SugarPredict can help you focus on the leads and opportunities that have the best chance to convert and close. SugarPredict also offers dynamic insights into why or why not a lead or opportunity is projected to close or convert. 

What if I do not use the Leads or Opportunities modules? 

SugarPredict can only provide insights and projected outcomes for the stock Leads and Opportunities modules. In addition to being able to use SugarPredict, using SugarCRM’s stock modules ensures you have access to all of the powerful features available through the SugarCRM platform.   

Do I have access to SugarPredict? 

SugarPredict is available at no additional cost for Sugar Sell Advanced and Premier customers.

How do I activate SugarPredict? 

Once your instance has met the enrollment requirements, contact your Customer Success Manager to begin the activation process.  

How do I use SugarPredict? 

Once SugarPredict is activated, insights and projected outcomes can be displayed for leads and opportunities in the list view and through the Predict dashlet in the record view.  

Is SugarPredict available for Sugar Serve or Market? 

There are some additional SugarPredict features offered for Sugar Market and Serve. For more information, please refer to the SugarPredict for Market and SugarPredict for Serve User Guides.

Activating SugarPredict

There are a few steps to activating SugarPredict in your instance. Some steps require no action from you and other steps are a collaboration between you, your Customer Success Manager, and the SugarPredict team. The first step is meeting the following enrollment requirements:  

Instance Requirements 

SugarPredict uses external AI models and firmographics. Due to this, your instance must meet the following requirements to be compatible with these external resources: 

  • For Sugar versions 12.0 or higher, you have an active Sell Advanced or Sell Premier license 
  • For Sugar version 11.0, you have an active Sell license 
  • Your instance must be hosted in one of the following regions:  
    • ap-southeast-2: Asia Pacific (Sydney) 
    • eu-central-1: Europe (Frankfurt) 
    • us-west-2: US West (Oregon) 
  • Your instance must have SugarIdentity enabled 
  • Your instance must be on SugarCloud  

Data Requirements

SugarPredict is configured to your unique data. Due to this, your data must meet the following requirements to ensure you have enough data for SugarPredict to provide quality insights and projected outcomes: 

  • Lead Modules 
    • Auditing is enabled for the Status field 
    • 1000 or more lead records created in the last two years 
    • 300 or more lead records created in the last six months 
    • Converted lead records is no less than 5% and no more than 95% 
  • Opportunities Modules  
    • Auditing is enabled for the Sales Stage field 
      Note: If you are using the Revenue Line Items module, auditing must be enabled for the Status field. 
    • 500 or more opportunity records created in the last two years 
    • 200 or more opportunity records created in the last six months 
    • Closed-won opportunity records is no less than 5% and no more than 95% 

Data Assessment

Once your instance meets the enrollment requirements, contact your Customer Success Manager to begin the next stage. We will then assess your data against our AI model and firmographic data. Once the data assessment is completed, your Customer Success manager will contact you with the results. If the model produces projected outcomes that are more than 70% accurate, we will activate SugarPredict in your instance. If accuracy is below 70%, we will review your instance and may be able to improve the model’s accuracy through further configuration aligned with your unique data.

Note: Once SugarPredict is enabled changes to the Prediction field will update the Date Modified and Modified By Name fields for lead and opportunity records. These updates may trigger dependent workflows. 

Setting Up SugarPredict

Once SugarPredict is activated in your instance, your Sugar Administrator can set up SugarPredict to be displayed to users in the Leads and Opportunities list view and record view.  

Displaying SugarPredict to Users in List View

Follow these steps to display SugarPredict in the Leads and Opportunity list views by default. 

1. Go to Admin > Studio > Leads or Opportunities > Layouts > List view. 

2. Locate the Prediction field.

3. Click and drag the field to the Default section. The field's placement within the section determines the order of the columns that appear in the list view. 

4. Click "Save & Deploy".

5. Once the Prediction column is added in Studio, users can add the column to their list view and change the order of the column if needed. 

Note: For more information on administrative action in Studio, visit the Studio documentation in the Administration Guide.

Allowing Users to Filter a List View with the Predict Field

Follow the steps to add the Prediction field as a list view filter option. 

1. Go to Admin > Studio > Leads or Opportunities > Layouts > Search. 

2. Locate the Prediction field.

3. Click and drag the field to the Default section. The field's placement within the section determines the order of the fields that appear in the list view filters.

4. Click "Save & Deploy". 

Displaying the Prediction Dashlet to Users on the Default Record and Focus Dashboards

Follow the steps below to add the Prediction dashlet to your default Record and Focus dashboards: 

1. Hover over the Home module tab > click the three-dots menu > select "Manage Dashboards".

2. Create a filter for the Leads or Opportunities module. 

3. Confirm the dashboard name of the respective module's default Record and Focus Drawer views. 

5. Navigate to the Leads or Opportunities module list view. 

6. Open a record to access the Record dashboard or click the Focus Drawer icon of a record to open the Focus dashboard. 

7. Ensure the record view dashboard displayed is the default dashboard from step 3.  If it is different, click the arrow next to the name and select the appropriate dashboard from the list. 

8. Scroll down to locate the Leads Conversion Prediction dashlet. 

9. If you do not see the dashlet, click the Floating Actions button > select "Add Dashlet" > select "Leads Conversion Prediction" from the list of available dashlets > click "Save". For the Opportunities module, select "Opportunity Close Prediction".

10. Click and drag the dashlet to your desired location in the dashboard layout. 

Displaying Updates to the Predict Field in the Timeline Dashlet

Sugar versions 13.3 and higher will display Predict field updates in the Timeline dashlet by default. If you are not seeing Predict field updates in the Timeline dashlet of your lead and opportunity records follow these steps:

1. Go to Admin > Studio > Leads or Opportunities > Fields.
2. For Leads, click the Prediction (ai_conv_score_classification) field, or for Opportunities click the Prediction (ai_opp_conv_score_enum) field.
3. Ensure that the field has the Audit checkbox checked.

4. Once auditing is enabled for the field, Prediction field updates will be displayed in the Timeline dashlet.

Note: Once auditing is enabled, only future Prediction field changes will be displayed in the Timeline dashlet.

Using SugarPredict

Once SugarPredict is activated and set up in your instance, your users can take advantage of the insights and projected outcomes for their leads and opportunities. For more information, please refer to the SugarPredict for Sell User Guide.

Note: SugarPredict will stop creating new projected outcomes if the modal accuracy drops below 70%. This is to ensure that SugarPredict is always delivering valuable insights and projected outcomes to your users. Once the model accuracy returns to 70% or higher, SugarPredict will create new projected outcomes again.