Let the platform do the work



Sugar Market's Page Builder helps you create modern, mobile-responsive landing pages in seconds through a drag-and-drop editor. Page Builder joins Sugar Market's Email Builder and Form Builder to give you the easiest-to-use suite of marketing tools available. This topic explains how to leverage the themes and templates in Page Builder to create professional-looking web pages for your marketing activities.

Page Builder Features
  • Full-featured drag-and-drop canvas where you can easily add images, video, buttons, and more.
  • WYSIWYG interface lets you visualize your page as you build.
  • Completely mobile-responsive pages that work across all devices.
  • Put your leads to work immediately using powerful automation leveraging Sugar Market's Form Builder.
Page Builder Pages vs. Legacy Pages

Page Builder is the newest creation tool available in the Sugar Market platform. Since the original landing page tool continues to exist in Sugar Market, pages created in the original tool are now referred to as "Legacy Pages", and those created in the new Page Builder tool are referred to as "Pages". See the Sugar Market Support Articles for documentation specific to the original tool. Our long-term goal is to reach functional parity between Pages and Legacy Pages, ultimately retiring the legacy tool.

Page Hosting And Configuration

Each page built with Page Builder is hosted by Sugar Market in a fully scalable environment. Every customer is provisioned with SSL certificates and a default domain to host their pages. Sugar Market has partnered with Let's Encrypt, a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the non-profit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). Dedicated to creating a more secure and privacy-respecting web, Let's Encrypt's sponsors include Google, Akamai, Mozilla, Cisco, and Facebook. Learn more about Let's Encrypt.

To use a separate SSL certificate, please contact Sugar Market Support.

Default Hosting Domain

The default hosting domain for your pages is configured around the root domain registered with Sugar Market in this pattern: {domain}.pages.salesfusion.com. For example, if your company domain is greatcompany.com, your default domain will be configured as greatcompany.pages.salesfusion.com. To change your hosting domain to something other than the standard configuration, please contact Sugar Market Support.

Custom Domains via CNAME Mapping

You can easily fully brand your pages with your own domain using a custom subdomain. For example, if your company domain is greatcompany.com, you can create a custom subdomain like pgs.greatcompany.com to point to your hosted pages on Sugar Market. 

Page Scoring

While scoring for Pages built with Page Builder works the same as it does for existing legacy pages, note there are two types of scoring components that should be considered:

  • Legacy Pages and External Forms: These scoring values will factor in for all Legacy Pages and Form Builder Forms embedded in external web pages.
  • Pages: Scoring values for all page visits and form submissions for Page Builder Pages.

To properly configure a well-rounded scoring solution, we recommend you enable scores for both Legacy Pages and External Forms and Pages. Learn more about Scoring here.


This page describes how to create landing pages with Page Builder. For information on Legacy Landing pages built with Sugar Market's original builder, please refer to the Sugar Market Support Articles.
The Page Builder lets you quickly style your pages with its drag-and-drop editor. Access the editor on Step 3 of the Page Builder.
Page templates allow you to reuse your designed pages to help you quickly generate new pages, and ensure consistency across your pages and conformity to company standards. 
In the navigation bar, click the Pages and Forms module.
Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app, such as those intended for traffic analysis and marketing optimization.