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Using Legacy Workflows to Notify a Customer When Receiving a Note via the Portal


A customer has submitted a note through the Sugar Customer Self Service Portal . We would like to send them an email reply indicating the note has been received.

Each user's license type (e.g., Sugar Serve, Sugar Sell Premier) determines what functionality is available as described in the License Types matrix.


You will need to enable the Process Workflow Tasks Scheduler under Admin > Schedulers and ensure that cron is operating correctly on your system. For more information regarding schedulers in Sugar, please refer to the Schedulers documentation.

Steps to Complete

We will create a workflow using the Notes module. We will be using a time elapsed workflow to account for the current note creation mechanism in Sugar Portal. Currently Sugar Portal creates the note and adds the case relationship in two steps. This means that when the note is initially saved there is no relationship between the note and the related case. Using a time elapsed workflow allows us to delay our response until after the note has been related to the case.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Workflow Management
  2. Click Create Workflow Definition
  3. Provide a name
  4. Set the properties:
    • Execution Occurs: After time elapses
    • Target Module: Notes
    • Processing Order: Alerts then Actions
  5. Save the definition
  6. Create a condition
    • Field does not change for a specified amount of time
      • Field: Created By Id
      • Time: 0 hours
  7. Create another condition
    • When a field in the target module contains a specified value
      • specified field: Created By Id = portal user
  8. Create a new Alert
    • Choose Normal or Custom Template as desired
  9. Add the recipient to the alert recipient list
    • Recipient associated with a related module
      • Related Module: Case
      • Related Related Module: Contact
    • Select custom email and name fields
      • Email
      • Name
      • To