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Performing a Quick Repair and Rebuild


The Quick Repair and Rebuild function in Sugar® allows administrators to perform common maintenance routines in their Sugar instance. The Repair menu is available only to system administrators and can be accessed by navigating to Admin > Repair.

For more information on the Quick Repair and Rebuild function, please refer to the Repair documentation. 


A quick repair and rebuild should be performed after significant changes have been made to your instance of Sugar. If you notice inconsistencies with module layouts or fields after making modifications within Studio, running this repair option should be the first course of action taken to correct the issues. It is a helpful troubleshooting step that will not have any negative effects on your instance.


Sugar builds and caches files to improve system performance. The Quick Repair and Rebuild function clears out many of these cached files and forces newer versions of the files to be rebuilt.

A quick repair and rebuild will perform the following actions:

Action Description
Clear Vardefs From Cache  Deletes any *vardefs.php file in the cached modules folder.
Clear Language Files From Cache Deletes any {Module Name}.lang.php file in the cached modules folder.
Clear Template Files From Cache Deletes any .tpl files in the cached modules folder.
Clear JavaScript Files From Cache Deletes any *.js files in the cached modules folder.
Clear JavaScript Language Files From Cache Deletes any *.js files in the cached jsLanguage folder.
Clear Dashlet Files From Cache Deletes any *.php files in the cached dashlets folder.
Clear Sugar Feed Files From Cache Deletes the Sugar Feed files in cached modules folder.
Clear Smarty Template Files From Cache Deletes any *.tpl.php files in the cached smarty templates folder.
Clear Theme Files From Cache Deletes theme files in the cached theme folder for all themes in Sugar.
Clear XML Files From Cache Deletes any *.xml files in the cached xml folder.
Clear Search Files From Cache Deletes the unified_search_modules.php file in the cached module folder.
Clear External API Cache Files Deletes the external API cache PHP and JavaScript files in the cached include folder.
Clear Additional Cache Files Loops through the cached API folders and deletes any *.php files as well as the cached client's folder.
Clear PDF Font Cache Files Deletes the cached PDF font list file.
Rebuild Extension Files Rebuilds language files, extensions, dashlet containers, relationships, and the table dictionary. This step also clears any cached files by APC or WinCache, resets the Zend accelerator, clears eAccelerator's cache, and clears XCache cached files. 
Note: These functions will only run if the associated systems are installed and running.
Rebuild Audit Tables Creates audit tables for any module that has audit enabled and where the audit table does not already exist. The results for each table are printed on the page. 
Repair Database Tables Checks to make sure the database is in sync with the table dictionary and vardef files. Any missing tables, columns, and indexes will be scripted to be re-created as well as any column properties that are incorrectly set in the database. The screen will display any database changes that should be made with the option to execute the repair script(preferred) or modify the script for a specific repair function.

Steps to Complete

  1. Log into Sugar as an administrator and navigate to Admin > Repair.
    Select Repair
  2. On the Repair screen, click the first option, "Quick Repair and Rebuild". This will immediately initiate the repair process.
    Quick Repair and Rebuild
  3. As the process runs, Sugar will display a real-time activity log so that you can monitor its progress. The repair should take approximately one minute to complete, at which time the log will display a final line reading "Done" and below that, a link to return to the Administration page.
    Return to Administration page

Potential Database Sync

In some cases, the repair may have detected a difference between your database schema and your vardef files. If so, Sugar will suggest a script to run against your database to correct the discrepancy. If this appears, click "Execute" to have Sugar run the script.
PerformingQRR PotentialDBSync Execute

Once the script completes, you can run the quick repair and rebuild again to check if the database and vardefs are now synced or if the same script appears again. If the same script appears, you may need to do some additional troubleshooting.


After running a quick repair and rebuild, verify that the irregular behavior that prompted the repair has been reverted to normal.