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Understanding Legacy Stock Reports


Sugar's Reports module comes with over 100 pre-built, stock reports. When new versions of Sugar are released, the stock reports that are shipped with the release may vary. Some new reports may be added and some older reports may be retired as legacy offerings. Legacy reports are never deleted from an instance during an upgrade, they just cease to be distributed for new installations of Sugar. This article describes the legacy stock reports that may be found in a Sugar instance but are no longer shipped with or documented in the current version of Sugar.

All of Sugar's stock reports can be accessed via the Reports module. In addition to the following stock reports, users can create their own reports. For more information on creating reports, please refer to the Reports documentation.

Note: In Sugar 14.0 and higher, reports that are distributed by Sugar are known as report templates. Refer to the Report Templates documentation for more information on the current offering.

Legacy Stock Reports

The reports in the following table were shipped in previous versions of Sugar but are no longer being circulated as of the latest Sugar release. This means that you may have some or all of the following reports in your instance depending on the version of Sugar that you first installed. For information on the stock reports shipped in your preferred version of Sugar, please refer to the Stock Reports documentation in the Application Guide.

Name Module Type Description
Customer Account List Accounts Rows and Columns Lists accounts where the type is "Customer"
Customer Account Owners Accounts Summation Lists accounts that are assigned to the user specified in the report's run-time filter
Partner Account List Accounts Rows and Columns Lists accounts where the type is "Partner"
Call List By Last Date Contacted Calls Rows and Columns
Lists the names, phone numbers, and related account name of contacts who are not marked "Do Not Call"
Calls By Team By User Calls Summation Shows the total count of all calls for each user grouped by primary team
Open Calls Calls Rows and Columns
Lists calls where the status does not equal "Held" and the start date occurred in the last 7 days for the user specified in the run-time filter
Open Cases By Priority By User Cases Summation with Details
Shows the count of all cases with an open status (e.g. New, Assigned, etc.) for each case priority grouped by assigned user
Meetings By Team By User Meetings Summation Shows the total count of all meetings for each user grouped by primary team
Current Quarter Forecast Opportunities Rows and Columns Lists opportunities with an expected close date in the current quarter
Detailed Forecast Opportunities Rows and Columns Lists all opportunities in Sugar
Opportunities By Lead Source Opportunities Summation with Details Shows the total number of opportunities grouped by each lead source
Opportunities By Sales Stage Opportunities Summation with Details Shows the average and total amount of all opportunities grouped by sales stage
Opportunities By Type Opportunities Summation with Details
Shows the average and total amount of opportunities for each sales stage grouped by opportunity type
Opportunities Won By Account Opportunities Summation with Details Lists opportunities, grouped by account name, where the sales stage is "Closed Won"
Opportunities Won By Lead Source Opportunities Summation
Displays a horizontal bar chart representing the total amount of opportunities with a sales stage of "Closed Won" for each lead source
Opportunities Won By User Opportunities Summation with Details Shows all opportunities with a sales stage of "Closed Won" grouped by each Sugar user
Tasks By Team By User Tasks Summation Shows the total count of all tasks for each user grouped by primary team