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Reducing Your Sugar Market Database Size


Many Sugar Market customers are interested in maintaining the smallest database size possible. This article provides advice on maintaining only marketable contacts in your database. In Sugar Market, a marketable contact is any record with an email address that is not bounced, blank, or unsubscribed. Unverified contacts are included in your total contact count. New contact records are considered unverified until Sugar Market receives a successful delivery message after an email send.

If you want to reduce your Sugar Market database size, we recommend you consider the following questions:

  • Are there records in the database that do not meet your target audience criteria (e.g. titles, geography, etc.)?
  • Do you have any records that are inactive?
  • Do you have any stale records, those that have no recent engagement in Sugar Market? (e.g. clicking/opening an email, completing a landing page, visit to your website).


After identifying contacts that are not marketable, the following recommendations may help reduce the number of contacts in your Sugar Market database. It is always best practice to delete records from your external CRM first, and then delete the records in Sugar Market since it prevents your sync from pulling down the unwanted records back into Sugar Market. If you have the Recycle Bin feature enabled, you do not need to manually delete these records since they will be automatically deleted from the Sugar Market database at the next sync. Keep in mind that Sugar Market is only exposed to records in your external CRM based on the syncing user's permissions.

Warning: Deleting records has inherent risks, including the possibility of creating duplicate leads in your external CRM and potential loss of important contact history necessary for accurate lead scores and customer journeys. We suggest you consider these recommendations carefully before taking any action, and consult with Support if you are unclear on the options.
  1. If you want records to continue to exist in your external CRM but not in Sugar Market, use an auto-deletion report or other record consolidation option to automatically delete the records from Sugar Market. This option is also recommended for customers who are doing regular contact/lead syncs but do not have access to the Recycle Bin feature.
  2. For customers not using the Recycle Bin, manually delete records from Sugar Market that have already been deleted in your external CRM.
  3. Manually delete records if you are not integrated with an external CRM.