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Example Contact Scoring Profile


This article provides an example of a Scoring Profile with specific points and scoring actions for each threshold. Since every organization has unique priorities, this is only intended to be an example, not a recommendation.

Example Contact Scoring Profile

Web Activity Email Activity Landing Page Activity Scoring Actions within Scoring Thresholds

1 point for each page a lead visits

1 point for email open

20 points for completing a landing page

Cold Leads (No Interest)
0 - 15 points: Do Nothing

10 points for a visit to the pricing page, indicating they like the solution enough to be interested in the price

5 points for email clicks

100 points for submitting a Demo Request or Contact Us form

Warm Leads (Some Interest)
16 - 40: Add to Nurture Campaign

-100 points for a visit to the Careers page, likely indicating they may just be looking for a job


30 points if the contact's title contains Director, President, or Chief

Hot Leads (High Interest)
41 - 999: Send 'Hot Lead' Alert