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Nurture Playbook: Eight Campaigns to Jumpstart your Efforts

According to MarketingSherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert to sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the #1 cause for poor performance. Lead nurturing is no different than building long-term relationships. It is simply a strategy marketers use to stay in front of prospects, providing relevant, worthwhile content to warm them up or continue the conversation in an automated way.

So, why are people still facing challenges when it comes to effective lead nurturing? Part of the problem is that there are too many options when designing your nurture. In this Nurture Playbook, we have narrowed down the eight tried and true nurture campaigns and outlined each based on what it is, the campaign goal, content to consider including, how to start, and suggested length.

Download the Nurture Playbook to understand more about these eight basic nurtures.
