Let the platform do the work

Creating a Multi-Page Survey (Use Case)


The Sugar Market Landing Page Wizard allows you to build multi-format, multi-question surveys for a variety of uses including client satisfaction, prospect profiling, post event questionnaires, and more. Analytics provide insight into responses and trends. Surveys can literally be deployed in minutes and may be embedded on your website or as call-to-actions in emails. Responses are automatically mapped to your CRM system.

Example used in this article:

Type: Multi-Page

Survey Reason: Product Feedback

Goal: To automatically push results back up to the CRM, issue a trigger campaign upon completion, and score survey completions using lead scoring

Accessing Legacy Tools

To access legacy features:

  1. Click the open button at the top of the navigation bar to view all available modules.
  2. Click the Legacy Features module.
  3. Select the tool you need to access from the Legacy Features section.

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Enter unique name/description. Choose "Landing Page" as the Type and select Next
  2. Choose the fields for the personal information you would like to gather and select Next
  3. Choose your landing page design. You have the following options:
  • Use basic Sugar Market provided templates
  • Use the email template library
  • Copy an existing Landing Page
  • Use a Landing Page Template
  • Build from scratch with HTML editor
  • Choose your theme (in the case of a Sugar Market provided template - optional)
  • Complete the options and select Finish
  • Begin by selecting page 1. Double click to edit and change the "Page Title" to something unique & identifiable (Remember that the Page Title populates in the browser tab and is customer facing)
  • On the Questions tab, create additional survey questions that are not needed to map back to a CRM field (i.e. How would you rate our product). When choosing a field type, we recommend using either the rating or slider tool for ease of use and to increase the survey completion rate.
  • Make any adjustments to the Content that are needed and remember to publish your changes. Save and Return to Landing Page.
  • Edit the Thank You page by first changing the Page Title to something unique and identifiable. Many copy the title used for the form and add " | Thank You" to the end of it.
  • To add additional pages for a Multi Page Survey (Next Page Logic) - edits here are only needed when you decided to add additional pages to the survey. By default, when creating a 2-page landing page through the wizard, the logic from page 1 to page 2 will be setup for you.
  1. Select Pages tab from the landing page designer, Create a New Page
  2. Open the page and add additional questions for this page.
  • Go to the Content tab of this page and import the HTML from Page 1 to give your Landing Page a consistent look. Save and Publish your Content changes. Save and Return to Landing Page
  • Go back to the first page of your survey. Navigate to the Next Page Logic tab and select the New button
  • Give your Condition a name (ie: Move to page two).
  • Under the Next Page section select Go To Form from the drop down menu and select the name of the next page in the survey.
  • Repeat these steps on each new page, sequencing your survey.
  • Make sure you adjust the movement to the final Thank You page
  • NOTE: Navigate to the Page Properties for the Thank You page and select Yes under the Final Page option since this is your last page.