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Creating a Landing Page Template


A Landing Page Template is the shell that serves as a starting point for creating new Landing Pages or Splash Page and are best utilized when you envision repeating layout and design: this includes images/logos, text, background colors, hyperlinks, and more. The template is created using a HTML editor. It can be as basic or as dynamic as you are capable of creating.

Example common Landing Page Templates that a company may choose to prepare are:

  • General Landing Page - Side Bar (for the form)
  • General Landing Page - Full Width
  • Asset Download Landing Page
  • Event Registration Landing Page
  • Registration Confirmation Landing Page
  • Product Promotion Landing Page

Accessing Legacy Tools

To access legacy features:

  1. Click the open button at the top of the navigation bar to view all available modules.
  2. Click the Legacy Features module.
  3. Select the tool you need to access from the Legacy Features section.

Step-by-Step Guide


You have options when editing the template content:

Option 1 - Import HTML: Create your template in another HTML editor such as Dreamweaver and then import it directly in to Sugar Market.

lp template import

If you use this method, there are three key pieces of information that must be present on an imported HTML page to make a Landing Page function correctly within the system.

  1. <head runat="server"> - This attribute must be present in your HTML head tag
  2. <form id="form1" runat="server"> - This attribute and id must appear on the form tag that encapsulates the ++Content++ merge field.
  3. ++Content++ - This merge tag will be where the form field labels and inputs will appear. Be sure your imported HTML page has enough room for those questions.

lp template basic code

Save the imported template and you're ready to go!

Option 2 - Use WYSIWYG Editor: You can use the built-in HTML editor to create a landing page that already has the required tags and a simple layout. The base template comes with a two cell table with the ++Content++ tag on the left. We'll add an image to the left using the editor.

  1. Click in the right cell of the template editor to select the location you want the image.
  2. Click on the Asset Library icon.
  3. Upload an image.
  4. Insert into the top left of the table and resize the image as needed.
  5. Use the enter key to insert space below the image as needed.
  6. Type in a sentence or two about registering for a webinar.