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Creating an Email

Step 1: Select a Template, Theme or Campaign

  • New - Allows you to select a layout with preset columns to build from scratch
  • Theme - Allows you to use and customize Sugar Market designed templates
  • Templates - Allows you to use our previously designed and saved Email Builder Templates
  • Draft/Sent Campaign - Allows you to import a draft or sent Email into the body of your new campaign


Step 2: Customize Global Styles
  1. Set your Typography options to match your company brand.
  2. Set the background colors for each of the following sections: Page, Preheader, Header, Body and Footer.


Step 3: Create Your Outline
If you selected to create a brand new drag and drop email, you should begin by outlining the structure of your email. Within the stage on the right hand side, add the appropriate columns and rows.

Step 4: Select Your Components

Drag the desired components to the appropriate row or column on the stage ensuring that the component is placed inside the borders of the desired box

Step 5: Insert Your Images and Content

Add your text, button and image content to the appropriate location by clicking on the component within the stage. You may use the revision history to reload the email in a previously saved state as needed.

Note: Email Builder saves after every major change and every time a component is applied onto the stage.

Test Your Campaign

Once the email is completed it is advised that you test and preview your campaign. You may also want to consider saving the email as a template if it will be referenced often in future campaigns.

Select Next to advance to the Recipient's screen to select your lists