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How Top Web Source Values are Determined


The Top Web Sources card on the Web/Social Dashboard shows the most popular sources of your web traffic:

SM KB topwebsources

  • Organic Hits : A web hit is classified as Organic when it does not have any value in the referrer_domain field of the Web Activity table.
  • External Links : A web hit is classified as External Link when it does not have a value in the referrer_domain field of the Web Activity table.

Custom Categories

You can use UTM parameters on your links to include custom categories in the Top Web Sources Card. To do this, include a query string that includes utm_medium and the value of the utm_medium parameter will appear as a category and the web hit will be classified with this value. In the example shown above, the Ownedmedia category has a value of utm_source=orcadstartpage&utm_medium=ownedmedia&utm_campaign=SE Connect BOM Risk Launch in the query string.

The utm_campaign value will also write to the referrer_keyword field, but that is not reflected in the dashboard card above.