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What to Expect When Upgrading to 14.1 (Q3 2024)


Upgrades to Sugar 14.1 are available or required for instances according to the following guidelines:

  • All instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service will be upgraded to 14.1 (Q3 2024).

When preparing for your upgrade, please keep in mind that there are some key features of 14.0 (Q2 2024) that have changed or no longer available in Sugar 14.1.x. Some of the items that are unavailable in Sugar 14.1.x may be made available in a future release. To help provide you with the necessary information, this article covers what to expect when your instance is upgraded from 14.0.x to 14.1.x.

For information regarding new functionality available in 14.1.x, please refer to the release notes specific to your CRM solution licenses (e.g., Sugar Serve):

Feature Disparity Between 14.0.x and 14.1.x

14.0 (Q2 2024) features in the following categories have changed or are no longer available in 14.1 (Q3 2024):

Please refer to the sections below for further information on the changes.


Feature Sugar 14.0 Behavior Sugar 14.1 Behavior
Progress bar when uninstalling package in Module Loader When uninstalling packages via Admin > Module Loader, the progress bar and log page appears once the uninstall process is complete. The progress bar and log appears in a pop-up window as soon as you click "Commit" to visually show the progress of the uninstall process.
Name when creating a custom field You can create a field with the name "processed". "Processed" is a reserved system name and cannot be used when creating custom fields.
Prune Database on 1st of Month scheduler >When the "Prune Database on 1st of Month" scheduler runs, all soft-deleted records will be hard deleted. When the "Prune Database on 1st of Month" scheduler runs, soft-deleted records will only be hard-deleted if they were last modified over 24 hours ago (the default time specified in the new prune_delay config setting).


Feature Sugar 14.0 Behavior Sugar 14.1 Behavior
Field set added to layout The Currency Rate field is not on the record view layout by default. The existing Currency Rate and the new Lock Conversion Rates fields are added to the layout as a field set by default.
Adding quoted line items A quoted line item's currency rate is determined by the rate established in Admin > Currencies. A quoted line item's currency rate is dependent upon the status of the Lock Conversion Rates field.


Feature Sugar 14.0 Behavior Sugar 14.1 Behavior
Colors assigned to dropdown field values in report charts The colors assigned to dropdown field values in report charts vary across all reports and dashboards. The colors assigned to dropdown field values in report charts are consistent across all reports and dashboards.