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What to Expect When Upgrading to 13.2 (Q4 2023)


Upgrades to Sugar 13.2 are available or required for instances according to the following guidelines:

  • All instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service will be upgraded to 13.2 (Q4 2023).

When preparing for your upgrade, please keep in mind that there are some key features of 13.1 (Q3 2023) that have changed or no longer available in Sugar 13.2.x. Some of the items that are unavailable in Sugar 13.2.x may be made available in a future release. To help provide you with the necessary information, this article covers what to expect when your instance is upgraded from 13.1.x to 13.2.x. 

For information regarding new functionality available in 13.2.x, please refer to the release notes specific to your CRM solution licenses (e.g., Sugar Serve):

Feature Disparity Between 13.1.x and 13.2.x

13.1.x (Q3 2023) features in the following categories have changed or are no longer available in 13.2.x (Q4 2023):

Please refer to the sections below for further information on the changes.


The following 13.1.x Administration behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Import Google contacts to Sugar In previous versions of Sugar, the “Contacts API” must be enabled by administrators when configuring the Google connector to allow users to import their Google contacts.   

The “Google People API” must be enabled when configuring the Google connector to allow users to import their Google contacts.   

For customers that have already configured the Google connector with the Contacts API, you do not need to disable this and can just enable the Google People API to allow the import to Sugar. Sugar users should also reconnect to their external Google account via their user preferences as covered in step 5 of the Integrating With Google for End Users article.  


Dashboards and Dashlets

The following 13.1.x Dashboards and Dashlets behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
SharePoint integration with Cloud Drive dashlet SharePoint files explicitly shared with you are available in the Cloud Drive dashlet configured to use Microsoft OneDrive. All SharePoint files you have access to are available in the Cloud Drive dashlet configured to use Microsoft SharePoint.

Enhanced Forecasting

The following 13.1.x Enhanced Forecasting behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Enhanced Forecasting Snapshots Snapshots are taken daily when a change in the instance is detected. Snapshots are taken daily between 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. local time, whether or not a change is detected.


The following 13.1.x report behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Report Charts Report charts place all legend information on the screen. Report charts place extra legend information in a menu, allowing more space for the chart data.

Sugar Automate

The following 13.1.x Sugar Automate behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Smart Guide Actions menu From the Actions menu of a smart guide, click "View" to open the smart guide record and click "Configure" to open the smart guide template record. From the Actions menu of a smart guide, click "Edit Smart Guide" to open the smart guide record and click "Configure Template" to open the smart guide template record.

Sugar Hint

The following 13.1.x Sugar Hint behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Multiple phone numbers Phone number fields can contain multiple numbers separated by commas.  Phone number fields can contain multiple numbers separated by periods. 


The following 13.1.x SugarBPM behavior has changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Process Definition Icons When designing a process definition, the icons in the toolbar (e.g., Undo, Save, and Validate) utilize the Font Awesome library. When designing a process definition, the icons in the toolbar (e.g., Undo, Save, and Validate) are from a proprietary font-based icon library, SugarIcon, which will replace the Font Awesome library in an upcoming release.


User Interface

The following 13.1.x User Interface behaviors have changed in 13.2.x:

Feature Sugar 13.1 Behavior Sugar 13.2 Behavior
Drag-and-drop in Documents module Click "Browse" to choose a file for your document or document revision record. Drag-and-drop or click "Browse" to upload a file for your document or document revision record.
Name DocuSign envelopes Every envelope is created with the name "New Envelope". Envelopes created with the "Send with template" option are given the name of the DocuSign template by default and this name can be changed prior to being redirected to DocuSign. All other envelopes do not have a default name and require you to add a name before being redirected to DocuSign.
Notes module The Mobile list, detail, and edit layouts include some of the default fields. The Mobile list, detail, and edit layouts include all of the default fields.