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Health Check Error: Use of Removed Zend Framework Component


The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of removed Zend Framework component" error reported by the health check.


This error generates the warning, "Use of removed Zend Framework component", in health check.


This health check error indicates that your instance is using the Zend_Mime framework component, which has been removed in 13.2.0. We recommend rewriting any customizations using Zend_Mime and replacing it with the laminas-mime package, which is a direct successor of Zend_Mime and bundled with Sugar. For more information, please refer to the laminas-mime page on the Laminas documentation website.