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Health Check Error: Invalid SugarBPM Field Use


The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Invalid SugarBPM Field Use" error reported by the health check.

Note: This error was titled "Invalid Advanced Workflow Field Use" prior to Sugar 9.x.


This error generates an output similar to the following in health check:
HC-sugarbpm invalid field use


As the SugarBPM functionality evolves, certain fields and field types that were available in earlier versions may be prohibited in later versions for data integrity purposes. Please refer to the SugarBPM Exclude List section below for a list of the excluded items in SugarBPM modules and the Sugar version in which they were removed.

The error indicates that the health check has discovered excluded fields in a Process Business Rule or Action for a Process Definition in your instance. This issue will need to be fixed before proceeding with the upgrade.

Click the Export Log link below the health check results to view the log file detailing the records and elements causing the error. If you are prompted to download the log instead, please save the file to your local machine then view the errors. We will use the following log line as an example:

[2016-02-09T15:28:09-08:00] INFO -----
Accounts->date_modified field is not a valid business rule conclusions field.
Business Rule Name: Users and such
ID: 4381f1b4-9a47-4ef8-abf6-56a6d0bcb45f

This example reveals that the invalid reference was found in a conclusion element of a process business rule record. The conclusion modifies the date_modified field, which has been excluded for use in conclusions as of The listed ID (4381f1b4-9a47-4ef8-abf6-56a6d0bcb45f) then identifies the specific record within the module (e.g. Process Business Rule conclusions) where the issue exists. To address this error, navigate to the SugarBPM record which references the excluded field and either remove the record or remove the invalid field reference (e.g. remove the conclusion that affects the date_modified field).

Once the necessary changes have been made, please navigate to Admin > Repair and perform a "Quick Repair and Rebuild" to ensure that the changes are synced between the application and database.

Perform the health check again to confirm that the error is no longer reported.

SugarBPM Exclude List

The following table lists the excluded items in SugarBPM modules and the Sugar versions in which they are excluded:

Excluded Item Element Type Process Definitions Process Business Rules Process Email Templates
contact Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
deleted Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
favorite_link Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
following_link Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
system_id Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
mkto_id Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
parent_type Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
user_name Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
user_hash Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
user_sync Field 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
is_admin Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
password Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
portal_active Field 7.6.2 - 11.0.x 7.6.2 - 11.0.x 7.6.2 - 11.0.x
portal_app Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2 - 11.0.x
portal_name Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
created_by Field 7.6.2+ (Change Field actions) 7.6.2+ (Conclusions) N/A
date_entered Field 7.6.2+ (Change Field actions) 7.6.2+ (Conclusions) 7.6.2+
date_modified Field 7.6.2+ (Change Field actions) 7.6.2+ (Conclusions) 7.6.2+
duration_hours Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
duration_minutes Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
modified_user_id Field 7.6.2+ (Change Field actions) 7.6.2+ (Conclusions) 7.6.2+
repeat_type Field 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+
image Field Type 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
password Field Type 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+ 7.6.0+
file Field Type 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+ 7.6.2+