Troubleshooting Health Check Output
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the " has unsupported custom views" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the " has unsupported custom views in module directory" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "$this usage" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad hook file" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad subpanel link" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad vardefs - key" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad vardefs - link" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Bad vardefs - module has invalid vardefs for field" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Bad vardefs - multienum" error (also shown as "badVardefsMultienum") reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad vardefs - relate field" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Bad vardefs subfields" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "badVardefsTableName" error reported by the health check
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Cannot Perform Collation Conversion" error reported by the health check
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Cannot Remove Temporary Table" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Custom File Has Name Conflict" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Custom Help File Has Name Conflict" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "customizations that are not compatible with new Quotes" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "There are customizations to the Contacts subpanel in Emails" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "deletedFilesReferenced" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Deprecated LESS color variables detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Deprecated use of FontAwesome detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Extends From Removed Sidecar Class" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Extension dir" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Field has incorrect display_default value" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Field type missing" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found 'get_subpanel_data' with 'function' error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Found customCode" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found "die/exit" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found "echo" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Found NULL values in moduleList strings" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found "print" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found "print_r" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Found subpanel with link to non-existing module" error (also shown as "subpanelLinkNonExistModule") reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade to Sugar 7. This article will cover how to resolve a "Found usage of array functions on $_SESSION in files" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a Found "var_dump" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Incompatible database collation" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Incompatible Integration" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Incompatible Integration Data Reset" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Incompatible module" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Incompatible Monolog Customization" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Inline HTML found" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Invalid Advanced Workflow Field Use" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Unexpected values found in emails" (Invalid status and type for emails) error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Invalid SugarBPM Field Use" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Invalid SugarBPM Serialization" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "is not MB module" error reported by the the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Logic hook after_ui_footer detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Logic hook after_ui_frame detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade to Sugar 7.x. This article will cover how to resolve a "Module has definition of another module" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a general PHP error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Custom parent PHP4 constructor call" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Removed jQuery function(s) detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of removed Sidecar Bean APIs" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of removed Sidecar Bean APIs" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Skin customizations were detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Smarty Outdated Custom PDF" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Smarty Outdated Customization" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. The Health Check wizard detects a variety of issues that may affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Smarty Unsupported Syntax" error reported by the health check.
This article will cover how to resolve a "SugarBPM Partially Locked Field Group" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Type change" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve an "Unknown widget class detected" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Unsupported method call" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Unsupported property access" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "useOfAppViewInvokeParent" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of deprecated Config Parameter Password Hash" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of deprecated Zend Framework component" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of outdated DBAL functionality" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of Removed getField Signature" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of removed 'resetLoadFlag signature" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of Removed Sidecar Context APIs" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of Removed Sidecar Metadata APIs" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate whether your instance is suitable for upgrade. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Use of removed Underscore APIs" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of removed Zend Framework component" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected, which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover how to resolve a "Use of unsupported Config Parameter Password Hash" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Vardef HTML function" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Vardef HTML function custom" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Vardef HTML function in module for field" error reported by the health check.
The Health Check wizard must be run when upgrading in order to evaluate your instance's ability to move to the target version. During the health check, various types of issues may be detected which can affect your ability to upgrade. This article will cover the "Vendor files inclusion" error reported by the health check.