Let the platform do the work

Rerunning the Sugar Installer

After initiating the SugarCRM Installer, it will not run again without editing the {sugarroot}/config.php file. Re-running the Installer may be required if an installation failed, to install another instance or to install a fresh database.

Note: The SugarCRM Installer will give you the option of pointing the installation at a new database or erasing/replacing the existing database. If there is any data you wish to maintain, be sure to back up your existing database prior to re-running the SugarCRM installer. To re-run the SugarCRM Installer:

  1. In the {sugarroot}/config.php file
    1. Locate:
      'installer_locked' => true,
    2. Change to:
      'installer_locked' => false,
    3. Save the file
  2. In a web browser, go to http://{url}/install.php and click on the "Start" button to run the installer.