Let the platform do the work

Setting up Sugar Sell Features


When you first receive a new Sugar Sell instance, the administrator must configure some Sell-specific functions before Sales agents can leverage those features.

Some examples described in this article include:

For a more generalized overview of getting started with Sugar, please review the First Settings to Configure article.

SugarBPM for Sell

Sugar Sell includes stock SugarBPM™ process definition templates that will automate sales processes around leads, opportunities, and quotes. For more information on enabling and adjusting these automated processes, refer to the Sell Templates section of the SugarBPM page of the Administration Guide for your version and edition of Sugar Sell.

Sales Console

Note: The Sales Console was known as the Renewals Console in Sugar versions 13.0.x and lower.

Sugar Sell's Sales Console is a specialized dashboard that provides a powerful work environment for your Sales agents and Customer Success Managers to automate and streamline sales management. The Sales Console makes it easy to manage accounts, quickly see the status of your current quarter's renewal pipeline, and manage individual opportunities.
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Out-of-the-box, the Sales Console dashboard is shared with the Global team and set as a default dashboard. So, it will appear in the home dashboards list for all users who are members of the Global team and have a Sugar Sell license type. An administrator user may need to alter the dashboard's Teams field to share the Sales Console with members of the Sales team so they can access the dashboard.

SugarLive for Sell

SugarLive is an omnichannel tool for sales representatives to communicate in real-time with prospects and customers. It requires some admin configuration to be connected with a working Amazon Connect instance for routing call and chat sessions. See the Amazon Web Services page in the Administration Guide for details on how to configure SugarLive.

Purchase Data and the Active Subscriptions Dashlet

The Purchases and Purchased Line Items modules contain the list of goods and services your customers have purchased and the number of times those goods and services have been purchased, respectively. Additionally, the Active Subscriptions dashlet references purchases that are marked as a "Service" and have a start date in the past and an end date in the future. Users with a Sugar Sell license type who use the Revenue Line Items module can utilize the automatic generation of purchase and purchased line item records. Revenue line items created after migrating to Sugar Sell will automatically generate purchase data. Records existing prior to migration will require user action to generate purchase data. For in-depth coverage on the subject, please refer to the Generating Purchases From Revenue Line Items Knowledge Base article.

Enhanced Forecasting

The Enhanced Forecasting capability is available only for Sugar Sell Premier users who are using the stock Opportunities module and are SugarIdentity-enabled. This capability consists of 18 out-of-the-box Enhanced Forecasting reports that provide you with a way to monitor the changes to your pipeline, trends, and forecasts over time. Users can add these reports to a Sugar dashboard by adding the Sugar Discover dashlet and then choosing the desired report. For more information, please see the Enhanced Forecasting Reports documentation. Note that an administrator must grant access to regular users before they can use this capability.