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Configuring Your SMTP Server to Work With SugarCloud


A lot of useful functionality (e.g., notifications, emails, campaigns) depends on Sugar being configured with an outbound email server (SMTP). Setting up an SMTP server in Sugar is as simple as navigating to Admin > Email Settings, choosing "SMTP" as the mail transfer agent, and entering the server information. A fully working setup, however, may require additional configuration on the email server. This article provides the list of appropriate IP addresses to add to your allowlist when configuring your outbound email server or LDAP authentication (for instances that use SugarIdentity). 

Note: If you are sending from Sugar through an Exchange server, ensure that you have configured your SMTP Exchange server to accept "Basic Authentication".

Restricted IPs

Outbound Email Server

Some email service providers restrict access to their servers to a predefined range of IP addresses. This means that the email server will only talk to a certain set of machines. You will need to speak with your system administrator, IT team, or email service provider to find out if access to your email server is restricted.

For more information on the IP addresses needed to configure your outbound email service, please refer to the Configuring IP Addresses, Ports, and Domains article.

LDAP Authentication

Please refer to the Configuring IP Addresses, Ports, and Domains article for information on LDAP authentication settings.

Error Messages

When encountering this issue for the outbound email server, your Sugar log is likely to show the following error message:

[FATAL] SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server. Code: 111 Reply: Connection refused

A similar message may be displayed with the error code of 1.1.0. The cause of both is the same: the outbound email server is not accepting the request coming from Sugar, usually because the server is restricted to accepting requests from only a certain range of IP Addresses. These messages are relayed from your SMTP server back to Sugar and can be viewed in the Sugar logs. For more information, please refer to the article Troubleshooting Outbound Email Using Sugar Logs.