/Accounts/:record/link/:link_name/filter GET
Lists related filtered records.Summary
This endpoint will return a set of related records filtered by an expression. The filter can be applied to multiple fields and have multiple and/or conditions in it. Care will need to be taken to make sure this filter has appropriate indexes on the server side otherwise the runtime of the endpoint will be very long. Related fields can be searched by specifying the field name as: "link_name.remote_field", so if you wished to search the Accounts module by a related member account you would use "members.sic_code".Request Arguments
Name | Type | Description | Required |
filter | String | The filter expression. Filter expressions are explained below. | False |
max_num | Integer | A maximum number of records to return. Default is 20. | False |
offset | Integer | The number of records to skip over before records are returned. Default is 0. | False |
fields | String |
Comma delimited list of fields to return. The field date_modified will always be returned. This argument
can be combined with the view argument.
Example: name,account_type,description |
False |
view | String |
Instead of defining the fields argument, the view argument can be used instead. The field list is
constructed at the server side based on the view definition which is requested. This argument can be used
in combination with the fields argument. Common views are "record" and "list".
Example: record |
False |
order_by | String |
How to sort the returned records, in a comma delimited list with the direction appended to the column name
after a colon.
Example: name:DESC,account_type:DESC,date_modified:ASC |
False |
Filter Expressions
There are four types of filters:Basic
This will filter the results by checking the field "name" for value "Nelson Inc". This will only find exact matches.
{ "filter":[ { "name":"Nelson Inc" } ] }
This expression allows you to specify what operation you want to use for filtering on the field. In the example you
would match any record where the field "name" starts with the value "Nelson".
{ "filter":[ { "name":{ "$starts":"Nelson" } } ] }Below is a list of operation types:
Operation | Description |
$equals | Performs an exact match on that field. |
$not_equals | Performs an exact match on that field. |
$not_equals | Matches on non-matching values. |
$starts | Matches on anything that starts with the value. |
$ends | Matches anything that ends with the value. |
$contains | Matches anything that contains the value |
$in | Finds anything where field matches one of the values as specified as an array. |
$not_in | Finds anything where field does not matches any of the values as specified as an array. |
$is_null | Checks if the field is null. This operation does not need a value specified. |
$not_null | Checks if the field is not null. This operation does not need a value specified. |
$lt | Matches when the field is less than the value. |
$lte | Matches when the field is less than or equal to the value. |
$gt | Matches when the field is greater than the value. |
$gte | Matches when the field is greater than or equal to the value. |
This allows you to group filter expressions into or/and groupings. By default all expressions are and'ed together.
The example expression would match if the field "name" was either "Nelson Inc" or "Nelson LLC". The only currently
accepted sub-expression types are "$and" and "$or".
{ "filter":[ { "$or":[ { "name":"Nelson Inc" }, { "name":"Nelson LLC" } ] } ] }
There are two module expressions, they operate on modules instead of fields. The current module can be specified by
either using the module name "_this" or by leaving the module name as a blank string. The example expression would
filter the records in the current module to only your favorites. The only currently accepted module expressions are
"$favorite" and "$owner".
{ "filter":[ { "$favorite":"_this" } ] }
Response Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
next_offset | Integer | Displays the next offset for retrieval of additional results. -1 will be returned when there are no more records. |
records | Array | An array of results containing matched records. |
{ "next_offset":-1, "records":[ { "id":"fa300a0e-0ad1-b322-9601-512d0983c19a", "name":"Dale Spivey", "date_entered":"2013-02-26T19:12:00+00:00", "date_modified":"2013-02-28T05:03:00+00:00", "modified_user_id":"1", "modified_by_name":"Administrator", "created_by":"1", "created_by_name":"Administrator", "description":"", "img":"", "deleted":false, "assigned_user_id":"seed_sally_id", "assigned_user_name":"Sally Bronsen", "team_name":[ { "id":"East", "name":"East", "name_2":"", "primary":false }, { "id":1, "name":"Global", "name_2":"", "primary":false }, { "id":"West", "name":"West", "name_2":"", "primary":true } ], "salutation":"", "first_name":"Dale", "last_name":"Spivey", "full_name":"Dale Spivey", "title":"VP Operations", "linkedin":"", "facebook":"", "twitter":"", "googleplus":"", "department":"", "do_not_call":false, "phone_home":"(523) 825-4311", "email":[ { "email_address":"sugar.dev.sugar@example.co.jp", "opt_out":"0", "invalid_email":"0", "primary_address":"1" }, { "email_address":"the.support@example.biz", "opt_out":"0", "invalid_email":"0", "primary_address":"0" } ], "phone_mobile":"(373) 861-0757", "phone_work":"(212) 542-9596", "phone_other":"", "phone_fax":"", "email1":"sugar.dev.sugar@example.co.jp", "email2":"the.support@example.biz", "invalid_email":false, "email_opt_out":false, "primary_address_street":"345 Sugar Blvd.", "primary_address_street_2":"", "primary_address_street_3":"", "primary_address_city":"Denver", "primary_address_state":"CA", "primary_address_postalcode":"87261", "primary_address_country":"USA", "alt_address_street":"", "alt_address_street_2":"", "alt_address_street_3":"", "alt_address_city":"", "alt_address_state":"", "alt_address_postalcode":"", "alt_address_country":"", "assistant":"", "assistant_phone":"", "picture":"", "email_and_name1":"", "lead_source":"Campaign", "account_name":"Smallville Resources Inc", "account_id":"d5db6292-5c24-eb61-e202-512d09f0134e", "opportunity_role_fields":"", "opportunity_role_id":"", "opportunity_role":"", "reports_to_id":"", "report_to_name":"", "portal_name":"DaleSpivey97", "portal_active":true, "portal_password":"$1$yKMAONHM$Y5S.8CY.WZCZCwfGD1a1Q\/", "portal_password1":"", "portal_app":"", "preferred_language":"en_us", "campaign_id":"", "campaign_name":"", "c_accept_status_fields":"", "m_accept_status_fields":"", "accept_status_id":"", "accept_status_name":"", "sync_contact":"", "my_favorite":false, "_acl":{ "fields":{ } } }, { "id":"95e17367-9b3d-0e26-22dc-512d0961fedf", "name":"Florence Haddock", "date_entered":"2013-02-26T19:12:00+00:00", "date_modified":"2013-02-26T19:12:00+00:00", "modified_user_id":"1", "modified_by_name":"Administrator", "created_by":"1", "created_by_name":"Administrator", "description":"", "img":"", "deleted":false, "assigned_user_id":"seed_sally_id", "assigned_user_name":"Sally Bronsen", "team_name":[ { "id":"East", "name":"East", "name_2":"", "primary":false }, { "id":1, "name":"Global", "name_2":"", "primary":false }, { "id":"West", "name":"West", "name_2":"", "primary":true } ], "salutation":"", "first_name":"Florence", "last_name":"Haddock", "full_name":"Florence Haddock", "title":"Director Sales", "linkedin":"", "facebook":"", "twitter":"", "googleplus":"", "department":"", "do_not_call":false, "phone_home":"(729) 845-3137", "email":[ { "email_address":"dev.vegan@example.de", "opt_out":"1", "invalid_email":"0", "primary_address":"0" }, { "email_address":"section71@example.it", "opt_out":"0", "invalid_email":"0", "primary_address":"1" } ], "phone_mobile":"(246) 233-1382", "phone_work":"(565) 696-6981", "phone_other":"", "phone_fax":"", "email1":"section71@example.it", "email2":"dev.vegan@example.de", "invalid_email":false, "email_opt_out":false, "primary_address_street":"111 Silicon Valley Road", "primary_address_street_2":"", "primary_address_street_3":"", "primary_address_city":"Denver", "primary_address_state":"CA", "primary_address_postalcode":"79900", "primary_address_country":"USA", "alt_address_street":"", "alt_address_street_2":"", "alt_address_street_3":"", "alt_address_city":"", "alt_address_state":"", "alt_address_postalcode":"", "alt_address_country":"", "assistant":"", "assistant_phone":"", "picture":"", "email_and_name1":"", "lead_source":"Support Portal User Registration", "account_name":"Smallville Resources Inc", "account_id":"d5db6292-5c24-eb61-e202-512d09f0134e", "opportunity_role_fields":"", "opportunity_role_id":"", "opportunity_role":"", "reports_to_id":"", "report_to_name":"", "portal_name":"FlorenceHaddock169", "portal_active":true, "portal_password":"$1$nWFhTbK6$JF9BCGSqL\/NCrbhueX5ia0", "portal_password1":"", "portal_app":"", "preferred_language":"en_us", "campaign_id":"", "campaign_name":"", "c_accept_status_fields":"", "m_accept_status_fields":"", "accept_status_id":"", "accept_status_name":"", "sync_contact":"", "my_favorite":false, "_acl":{ "fields":{ } } } ] }
Change Log
Version | Change |
v10 |
Added /<module>/:record/link/:link_name/filter GET endpoint.