Let the platform do the work



The Configurator class, located in ./modules/Configurator/Configurator.php, handles the config settings found in ./config.php and ./config_override.php.

Retrieving Settings

You can access the Sugar config settings by using the global variable $GLOBALS['sugar_config'] as shown below:

  global $sugar_config;

//Use a specific setting
$MySetting = $sugar_config['MySetting'];

If you should need to reload the config settings, this is an example of how to retrieve a specific setting using the configurator:

  require_once 'modules/Configurator/Configurator.php';

$configuratorObj = new Configurator();

//Load config

//Use a specific setting
$MySetting = $configuratorObj->config['MySetting'];

Creating / Updating Settings

To create or update a specific setting, you can specify the new value using the configurator as shown below:

  require_once 'modules/Configurator/Configurator.php';

$configuratorObj = new Configurator();

//Load config

//Update a specific setting
$configuratorObj->config['MySetting'] = "MySettingsValue";

//Save the new setting


When looking to store custom settings, the Configurator class will store the settings in the ./config_override.php file. This class should only be used for long-term configuration options as Configurator->saveConfig() will trigger a metadata refresh that may log users out of the system.

Alternatively, you can use the Administration class, located in ./modules/Administration/Administration.php, to store settings in the config table in the database. This Administration class should be used for storing dynamic settings such as a last run date or an expiring token.
