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SugarPredict for Serve User Guide


Sugar Serve incorporates artificial intelligence (A.I.) capabilities to give you insight into your customer interactions, enabling you to identify areas of success and improvement to help your customers get what they need faster and more consistently. 

SugarPredict in Sugar Serve uses transcripts from your SugarLive call records and assigns them a positive, negative, or neutral sentiment based on the tone detected in the conversation. Both the agent's sentiment and the customer's sentiment are analyzed and given separate values. The sentiment evaluations are then surfaced via user-friendly SugarPredict icons and values throughout Sugar, making it easy for users to quickly benefit from the insights at a glance.


The minimum requirements to have SugarPredict for Serve enabled are:

  • Your instance must be on version 12.0 or higher.
  • Your instance must be licensed for Sugar Serve.
  • Your instance must have SugarLive enabled and configured with call transcripts set up via Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.
  • You must initiate your calls via Amazon Connect in SugarLive for Sugar to populate the sentiment fields.

For more information on setting up SugarLive, refer to the Amazon Web Services page in the Sugar Serve Administration Guide. 

Setting Up SugarPredict for Serve

Administrators for Sugar instances that meet all of the prerequisites can add the sentiment analysis fields to the Calls layouts to ensure the visibility of SugarPredict features. The section below provides an example set of steps to add sentiment analysis fields to your layouts.

Note: Once SugarPredict is enabled, sentiment analysis will update the Customer Sentiment, Agent Sentiment, Date Modified, and Modified By Name fields for call records. These updates may trigger dependent workflows.

Adding the Sentiment Analysis Fields

Follow the steps below to add the Customer Sentiment and Agent Sentiment fields to your Record View layout:

  1. Go to Admin > Studio > Calls > Layouts > Record view.
  2. Determine where in the layout you want the fields to display and add a new row or new panel as needed.
  3. Locate the Customer Sentiment and Agent Sentiment fields in the left-hand side.
  4. Click and drag the field to the desired location in the record view.
  5. Click Save & Deploy.


NoteFor additional information on editing layouts, refer to the Studio documentation in the Sugar Serve Administration Guide.

Sentiment Analysis

SugarPredict sentiment analysis is surfaced in two fields within the Calls module: Agent Sentiment and Customer Sentiment. Each field is assigned a sentiment value and icon (positive/smiley face, neutral/neutral face, or negative/frowny face). Administrators can place these sentiment fields on the Calls record view, list view, and preview view, on the Timeline, Record View, and List View dashlets, and in Calls subpanels. The sentiment analysis fields will be visible to every user who can see call records (and has not been restricted via field-level controls) whether they are licensed for Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell. Additionally, the Agent Sentiment and Customer Sentiment fields are available for evaluation in SugarBPM in Sugar versions 12.0.0 and higher.

For more information on using sentiment analysis, refer to the Calls documentation in the Sugar Serve Application Guide.