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AI Release Notes


This page lists feature enhancements and fixed issues for the current release of all SugarCRM's AI features. Case portal users can view more information about a specific issue by clicking on the linked issue number.

AI Summarization 1.3.0 (July 16, 2024)

Feature Enhancements

  • AI-powered record summarization: AI Summarization is now available in Sugar if you have purchased the Intelligence add-on!
  • AI Summary dashlet: The AI Summary dashlet leverages OpenAI to analyze a record's data and generate concise, actionable summaries for your opportunities and cases.
    • Instant big picture: With the AI Summary dashlet, you can review important details and see suggested next steps for your opportunities and cases.
    • Distilled data: The summary is organized into focused sections so you can quickly find the information you need. 
    • Privacy: SugarCRM's trust and security layers anonymize your data before sharing it with OpenAI; your data is never used to train their models.
    • Localization: Summaries can be generated in most languages supported by SugarCRM.