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Stock SugarBPM Templates


SugarBPM™ has a number of pre-built, stock process definitions, process business rules, and process email templates that are available depending on your license type. These templates work together to automate common business processes (e.g., Service Level Agreement management on cases). This page lists and describes each of the stock process definitions, including their associated business rules and email templates, that come out-of-the-box for users with the required license type. For more information on license types, refer to the User Management documentation.

Note: SugarBPM is not available in Sugar Sell Essentials.

Before continuing, please read the SugarBPM overview page, which defines critical vocabulary and other elements that may be referenced in this page.

The SugarBPM documentation contains the following pages:

Additionally, the Processes page of the Application Guide contains documentation for the user-facing elements of SugarBPM.


The following conditions are required to access and configure the stock process definition templates described below:

  • You must be an administrator or have developer-level role access to the template's target module.
  • You must have a Sugar Sell or Enterprise license type to access the SugarBPM Sales templates.

For more information on license types, refer to the User Management documentation.

Viewing Stock SugarBPM Templates

All of the available stock SugarBPM templates can be accessed via their respective modules: Process Definitions, Process Business Rules, and Process Email Templates. They can be identified by a tag that indicates they are a stock record:

SugarBPM Module Tag
Process Definitions Tag StockProcessDefinition
Process Business Rules Tag StockBusinessRule
Process Email Templates Tag StockEmailTemplate

Each stock record also has a category tag such as "Customer Service" or "Sales". Users can filter each list view by tag as explained in the User Interface documentation.

To see which tags a record has, you can view the Tags field on the record or preview it in list view using the eye icon. Refer to the Tags documentation for more details on how tags work and the User Interface documentation for more information on previewing records.

Stock Process Definitions

The sections below list all stock process definitions in Sugar and the stock business rules and email templates that they use.

Sales Templates

The SugarBPM templates in this section help to automate sales processes around leads, opportunities, and quotes. To access these templates, users must have a Sugar Sell or Enterprise license type. See the License Types documentation for more information on how licenses work.

Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities Only

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Quotes none none

When a quote closes, this process definition automatically updates the related opportunity's sales stage based on whether the quote was won or lost. In either case, it also sets the opportunity's likely value to the quote's grand total.

Configuration Notes

The process definition uses the stock Quote Stage field on quotes and the stock Likely and Sales Stage fields on opportunities. If you use different fields or have customized the fields or field values in your instance, you may need to update the following elements:

  • Start event
  • Gateway element
  • Change Fields events

If you update your instance to use revenue line items, disable this process definition and configure and enable the "Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities With RLIs" process definitions instead. Note that there are two parts.

Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities With RLIs Part 1

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Quotes none none

When a quote closes, this process definition automatically updates the sales stage on all of the related opportunity's revenue line items based on whether the quote was won or lost. If the quote was won, the process definition also sets the quoted line items' status to Ordered.

Configuration Notes

This process definition is part 1 of 2 in the "Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities With RLIs" flow. Please also configure and enable part 2 of 2 which completes the remainder of the steps.

The process definition uses the stock Quote Stage field on quotes, Status on quoted line items, and Sales Stage on revenue line items. If you use different fields or have customized the fields or field values in your instance, you may need to update the following elements:

  • Start event
  • Gateway element
  • Change Fields events

If you update your instance to use opportunities only, disable this process definition as well as part 2 and configure and enable the "Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities Only" process definition instead.

Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities With RLIs Part 2

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Quoted Line Items none none

When a quoted line item's status changes to Ordered, this process definition automatically updates the associated revenue line item's likely value, quantity, and sales stage.

Configuration Notes

This process definition is part 2 of 2 in the "Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities With RLIs" flow. Please also configure and enable part 1 of 2 which completes the first set of steps.

This process definition updates the revenue line item that is related to the target quoted line item. However, it is important to note that this relationship only exists if the quote containing the quoted line item was created via the Generate Quote option on an opportunity record's Revenue Line Items subpanel. If the quote was created manually, the relationship will not exist and therefore this process definition will not update anything.

The process definition uses the stock Status field on quoted line items, and Likely, Quantity, and Sales Stage on revenue line items. If you use different fields or have customized the fields or field values in your instance, you may need to update the following elements:

  • Start event
  • Change Fields event

If you update your instance to use opportunities only, disable this process definition as well as part 1 and configure and enable the "Automatically update your sales forecast - Opportunities Only" process definition instead.

Route Lead and Create Follow-Up Task

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
  • Global Territory Lead Routing
  • USA Regions
  • Lead Assignment Notification

All newly created leads are routed to their appropriate territory and assigned via round robin to sales representatives in that territory. If a lead cannot be automatically assigned, it is instead escalated to the sales manager for manual assignment.

Once a lead is assigned, the sales representative receives an email notification and the system creates a task for the assignee to follow up with the lead. The task's due date is set to 8 business hours after the lead is assigned, which is calculated based on the business center associated with the lead. If there is no business center associated with the lead, the task will not have a due date.

If a lead's status is updated to Recycled or Dead during routing, the process terminates immediately.

Configuration Notes

The Global Territory Lead Routing and USA Regions process business rules may need to be updated to align with your organization's territories. If so, the gateways in the process definition must also be updated to match the results returned by the business rules.

You must also select the appropriate team for the round robin events for each territory because the Global team is selected by default.

The Sales Manager to Route Lead activity is assigned to the administrator by default. You must update this to the manager in your organization who will manually assign leads that were not routed by the process.

Lastly, if you have customized the Status field in the Leads module, you may need to update the process definition to use the custom values in the Terminate Process criteria.

Stagnant Opportunity Reminder (Opportunities Only)

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Opportunities none
  • 15 Day or Less Opportunity Reminder
  • Opportunity Expected Close Date Passed

This process definition sends an email notification to the assigned sales representative when an open opportunity is 15 days away from its expected close date. If the opportunity does not close by this date, the process then sends a follow-up email to the sales representative.

Configuration Notes

The process definition uses the stock Expected Close Date and Sales Stage fields. If you use different fields or have customized the fields or field values in your instance, you may need to update the following:

  • Start event for updated records
  • Receive Message event
  • Terminate Process criteria

If you update your instance to use revenue line items, disable this process definition and configure and enable the Stagnant Opportunity Reminder (Opportunities with Revenue Line Items) process definition instead.

Stagnant Opportunity Reminder (Opportunities with RLIs)

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Opportunities none
  • 15 Day or Less Opportunity Reminder
  • Opportunity Expected Close Date Passed

This process definition sends an email notification to the assigned sales representative when an open opportunity is 15 days away from its expected close date. If the opportunity does not close by this date, the process then sends a follow-up email to the sales representative.

Configuration Notes

The process definition uses the stock Expected Close Date and Status fields. If you use different fields or have customized the fields or field values in your instance, you may need to update the following:

  • Start event for updated records
  • Receive Message event
  • Terminate Process criteria

If you update your instance to use opportunities only, disable this process definition and configure and enable the Stagnant Opportunity Reminder (Opportunities Only) process definition instead.

Quote Approval When Discount Exceeds 20%

Target Module Associated Process Business Rules Associated Process Email Templates
Quotes none
  • Discount Approval Notification

If a quote is being negotiated and its total discount exceeds 20%, an approval request is sent to the sales representative's supervisor. If the discount is approved, the process sends an email notification to the sales representative to let them know. If not, a task is assigned to the sales representative to review the discount options instead.

While awaiting approval from the supervisor, the Discount and Quote Stage fields are locked and cannot be edited until the supervisor reviews the quote.

Configuration Notes

The list of users from which the supervisor can choose a new assignee for the process and quote is set to the Global team by default. If you want this to be more restrictive, you can update the approval activity to list different teams based on your Sugar instance's teams configuration.

If you have customized fields in the Quotes or Tasks modules, you may need to update the process definition to use the custom fields or their values. Fields used that are more likely to be customized include Quote Stage in the Quotes module and Status in the Tasks module.

Restoring Stock SugarBPM Templates

To undo all changes to a stock Sugar BPM record and restore it to its original state, file a case with the Sugar Support team.