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Dashboard Templates


Sugar comes with pre-built Home dashboard templates. These dashboards display information from Sugar modules (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, etc.) that will help provide insights into your CRM data. This page lists the dashboard templates that come with the current version of Sugar and helps explain the type of information provided in each dashboard.

Viewing Dashboard Templates

All of Sugar's Home dashboard templates can be viewed in the Dashboards module. From the Dashboards list view, template dashboards can be identified using the template tag, dashboard template filters, or viewing an enabled checkbox in the Template column. For instructions on adding a dashboard template to your Home tab, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation. Administrators who want to edit which dashboard templates are pushed to their teams can refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation.

Please note that you only see dashboards as allowed by your team membership, user access type, and assigned roles. For more information on teams and roles, please refer to the Team Management and Role Management documentation in the Administration Guide. In addition, dashboard templates are not available in Sugar Sell Essentials.

Template Tag

Dashboard templates are automatically tagged in Sugar with the "Template" tag. Users can filter the Dashboards module list view by tag as explained in the User Interface documentation.

Dashboard Template Filters

The Dashboards list view search provides a filter option that allows users to narrow the list of visible dashboards. In addition to the default module filters, the following filters are available for the Dashboards module list view:

  • Templates: Filter the list view to show only template dashboards.
  • Non Templates: Filter the list view to hide all template dashboards.

Users can further refine the results by typing a search query in the search bar and can create and save custom filters. For more information on searching and filtering the list view, please refer to the Search documentation.

Using Dashboard Templates

Any user may view a dashboard template according to the role and team permissions. These templates are crafted with stock Sugar fields, dashlets, and report templates so that you can start visualizing your data immediately. Dashboard templates cannot be added, edited, mass-updated, or deleted. If you want to edit the contents of a dashboard, you must duplicate the dashboard template and save the edited copy with a new name.

For information on the different dashlet types used in the dashboard templates, refer to the Sugar Dashlets documentation. Many dashboard templates are designed with dashboard filters so you can simultaneously control several Report dashlets. These filters can be used without duplicating the report. For information on how to navigate a dashboard, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation.

Note: The only fields you can edit on a dashboard template are "Assigned to", "Teams", and "Default Dashboard". You can edit these in the dashboard record view. You can also edit the Assigned to field in the list view.

Dashboard Templates

Executive Dashboard

The Executive Dashboard is designed to give executives a glimpse of how their entire business is functioning, from sales and win/loss ratio to the trends in time-to-resolution for cases. For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
Total Sales by Quarter 1, 2 Report Displays the Total Sales by Quarter report template.
Rep Win/Loss Ratio 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Opps Closed Won v Lost by Rep report template.
Sales Leaderboard 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Sales Leaderboard report template.
Revenue Year Over Year 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Revenue Year Over Year report template.
Sales Pipeline 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Sales Pipeline report template.
Deals this Quarter 1 List View Lists the opportunities with an expected close date of this quarter.
Pipeline by Month: Forecast Include/Exclude 1, 2,3 Report Displays the Pipeline by Month: Forecast Include/Exclude report template.
New Leads This Quarter by Lead Source 1 Report Displays the New Leads This Quarter by Lead Source report template.
Marketing Campaign ROI 1 Report Displays the Marketing Campaign ROI report template.
New Cases Opened by Month Report Displays the New Cases Opened by Month report template.
Cases That Missed the First Response SLA Report Displays the Cases That Missed the First Response SLA report template.
Closed Cases by Time to Resolution Report Displays the Closed Cases by Time to Resolution report template.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users. 
2 The Expected Close Date run-time filter on this report is controlled with the Close Date dashboard filter. 
The Assigned To run-time filter on this report is controlled with the Sales Rep Name dashboard filter. 

Customer Success Dashboard

The Customer Success Dashboard provides insight into customers from sales to an account's open cases. For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
My Open Existing Business Opportunities 1 List View Lists open opportunities assigned to you with the Type field set to "Existing Business".
Tier 1-3 Customers Report Displays the Customers By Tier report template.
My Tasks Active Tasks Displays active tasks assigned to you.
Open Cases for My Customers Report Displays the Open Cases for My Customers report template.
My Pipeline 1 Report Displays the My Pipeline Funnel (Revenue Line Items) report template.
New Sales by Month 1 Report Displays the New Sales by Month report template.
Sales Leaderboard YTD 1 Report Displays the Sales Leaderboard report template.
Tasks Created by Me List View Lists tasks created by you.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users. 

BDR Dashboard

The BDR Dashboard is for business development representatives who want to track marketing and sales qualified leads, lead sources, and lead conversion rates. For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
My Marketing Qualified Leads 1 List View Lists leads assigned to you that are in a new or assigned status.
My Sales Qualified Leads 1 List View Lists leads assigned to you that are in the In Progress status.
Active Tasks Active Tasks Displays active tasks assigned to you.
My Open Tasks by Priority and Status Report Displays the My Open Tasks by Priority and Status report template.
BDR Revenue By Period 1 Report Displays the BDR Revenue By Period report template.
Lead Conversion Rate 1 Report Displays the Lead Conversion Rate report template.
Call Activity by User 2 Report Displays the Call Activity by User report template.
Leads By Lead Source 1 Report Displays the Leads By Lead Source report template.
Progress to Goal 1 Forecast Bar Chart Chart showing different slices of your forecasting data over the selected time period. Refer to the Forecasts documentation for more information.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users. 
2 The Assigned To run-time filter on this report is controlled with the BDR Name dashboard filter. 

Sales Manager Dashboard

The Sales Manager Dashboard gives a sales manager a big-picture view of newly created leads and pipeline, as well as quotes needing approval and escalated cases.  For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
Today's New Leads 1 List View Lists the leads with a New status that were created today.
Sales Pipeline 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Sales Pipeline report template.
Pipeline by Month: Forecast Include/Exclude 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Pipeline by Month: Forecast Include/Exclude report template.
Sales Leaderboard 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Sales Leaderboard report template.
Quotes In Need of Approval Processes

Displays current and overdue SugarBPM processes that need your attention (e.g., a quote that exceeds a 20% discount and requires manager approval, a stock SugarBPM template).

My Open Opportunities 1 List View Lists open opportunities assigned to you.
Pipeline by Rep and Stage 1, 2, 3 Report Displays the Pipeline by Rep and Stage report template.
Active Tasks Active Tasks Displays active tasks assigned to you and your team.
Escalated Cases List View Lists the cases that have been escalated.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users. 
2 The Assigned To run-time filter on this report is controlled with the Rep Name dashboard filter. 
3 The Expected Close Date run-time filter on this report is controlled with the Expected Close Date dashboard filter. 

Sales Rep Dashboard

The Sales Rep Dashboard presents leads, open opportunities, and pipeline to sales representatives so they can quickly understand the state of their work and how to focus their efforts each day. For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
My Open Opportunities 1 List View Lists open opportunities assigned to you.
My Leads 1 List View Lists leads assigned to you.
My Pipeline 1, 2 Report  Displays the My Pipeline Funnel (Revenue Line Items) report template.
Sales Leaderboard YTD 1, 2 Report Displays the Sales Leaderboard report template.
Pipeline by Rep and Stage 1, 2 Report Displays the Pipeline by Rep and Stage report template.
Active Tasks Active Tasks Displays active tasks assigned to you and your team.
Planned Activities Planned Activities Displays the planned activities for today or the future for you and your team.
Sugar Hint Insights 3 Sugar Hint Insights Display all news for your favorite accounts.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users.
The Expected Close Date run-time filter on this report is controlled with the Expected Close Date dashboard filter. 
3 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell Premier users or users with a Sugar Hint license.

Marketing Dashboard

The Marketing Dashboard gives users a sense of new leads coming into the CRM, where they are coming from, and how marketing campaigns are working. For more information on each of the report templates displayed, refer to the Report Templates documentation. 

Dashlet Name Dashlet Type Description
New Leads This Quarter by Lead Source 1 Report Displays the New Leads This Quarter by Lead Source report template.
Marketing Campaign ROI 1 Report Displays the Marketing Campaign ROI report template.
MQL Leads by Period by Status 1 Report Displays the MQL Leads by Period by Status report template.
SQL Leads This Month by Rep 1 Report Displays the SQL Leads by Rep report template with the date created run-time filter set to "This Month" by default.
New Marketing Qualified Leads 1 List View Lists leads that were created in the last 30 days and are in the New status.
Oktopost Web Page View your organization's Oktopost board so that you can share approved posts to your social media channels right from your dashboard.

1 This dashlet is available only for Sugar Sell and Enterprise users.