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Amazon Web Services


Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows you to configure Amazon Connect, which Sugar requires to power SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat. Specifically, Amazon Connect receives data and routes calls to agents and facilitates customer chat sessions initiated in Sugar Portal. From there, the agent and the customer communicate using Amazon's Contact Control Panel (CCP) embedded in Sugar. SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat are available using the Sugar Serve 11.0 and higher or Sugar Sell 11.1 and higher license types.

To start using SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat, you must complete some or all of the following steps, depending on which features you wish to use:

  1. Set up Single Sign-On (optional)
  2. Set up SugarLive and optional additional features
  3. Set up Sugar Portal Chat and optional chatbot 
  4. Configure Amazon Connect in Sugar to enable the above features in Sugar


SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat are available in Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell once you have connected your Sugar instance to an Amazon Connect instance that may also rely on other Amazon services. Therefore, these features can only be used after an admin has completed certain configuration steps in the Deployment Guide. In addition, SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat can only be used with certain web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page.

The following table shows the Amazon services, most of which require payment to Amazon on a per-use basis, used by various Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell features. Each link opens the relevant product page on Amazon's website for that particular service:

Amazon Service Description Sugar Serve or Sugar Sell Features that use it
Amazon Connect Amazon Connect is used to provide SugarLive's omnichannel capabilities.
  • SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudFormation is used to create a stack to manage all the resources needed by the Amazon services that SugarLive depends on.
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat
Amazon S3 Amazon S3 is used for the storage of Amazon Connect files, including call recordings, call transcripts with sentiment analysis, and chat transcripts.
  • SugarLive
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
AWS Lambda AWS Lambda is used to run code that passes information between Amazon Connect and Sugar.
  • Call recordings in SugarLive
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
  • Sugar Portal Chat
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Contact Lens, a feature of Amazon Connect available at additional cost, is used to generate call transcripts and sentiment analysis for SugarLive calls.
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis in SugarLive
Amazon Lex Amazon Lex is used to build a conversational chatbot that customers can speak to in Sugar Portal Chat.
  • Chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat
Amazon API Gateway Amazon API Gateway is used to establish the communication via API between Sugar and Amazon Connect.
  •  Sugar Portal Chat

Setting up Single Sign-On

Before setting up SugarLive, you may want to consider setting up single sign-on (SSO). This will allow your agents to log in to SugarLive with the same credentials they use to sign in to Sugar. First, you would set up an identity provider (e.g., OneLogin) for Sugar and Amazon Connect. See the following articles for steps to set up some common identity providers for Sugar and AWS:

Next, Configure SAML in your Sugar instance. You must ensure you have an Amazon Connect instance that uses SAML 2.0-based authentication.

Note: An existing Amazon Connect instance that does not use SAML cannot be updated to start using it. You must create a new instance that uses SAML 2.0-based authentication. See the Plan your identity management in Amazon Connect article on Amazon's website for more details on identity management options in Amazon Connect.

Setting up SugarLive

To use SugarLive, an admin must do the following:

  • Set up your organization's Amazon Connect instance, including phone numbers, external chat apps, routing, contact flows, and users. Refer to the Get Started page of the Amazon Connect Administration Guide on Amazon's website for details on these steps, or see their Amazon Connect documentation for a full set of resources.
  • Add your Sugar instance URL to your Amazon Connect's approved origins list so that the two systems can communicate. See the Use an allow list for integrated applications article on Amazon's website for the steps to do this.
  • Refer to the Amazon Connect Settings page to complete the configuration within Sugar.

Also, there are optional SugarLive features that require external services and admin configuration:

  • Single sign-on: Before setting up SugarLive, you may want to consider setting up single sign-on (SSO). This will allow your agents to log in to SugarLive with the same credentials they use to sign in to Sugar. 
  • Call recordings: Download and configure the files necessary for call recording, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, configuring a Lambda function, and enabling call recording in your Amazon Connect contact flows. 
  • Call transcripts and sentiment analysis: Download and configure the files necessary for call transcripts and sentiment analysis, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, configuring a Lambda function, and enabling call recording and Contact Lens speech analytics in your Amazon Connect contact flows.

Note: SugarLive can only be used with certain web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page. 

Setting up Sugar Portal Chat

To use Sugar Portal Chat, an admin must do the following:

  • Set up a contact flow in your organization's Amazon Connect instance for use in the portal chat or use the sample contact flow included with your SugarLive assets, which uses a sample chatbot and requires additional configuration. Please note, the sample chatbot is an example of how customer service organizations may choose to leverage a contact flow.
  • Download and configure the files necessary for Sugar Portal Chat, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack.
  • Refer to the Amazon Connect Settings page to complete the configuration within Sugar. The style settings for the portal chat window can be left as their default values or optionally configured to match your organization's desired theme.

Also, to use a chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat using Amazon services, an admin must do the following:

  • Download and configure the files necessary for a chatbot in Sugar Portal Chat, including creating an AWS CloudFormation stack, importing and configuring a Lex bot, configuring your Amazon Connect instance, and importing and configuring a contact flow.
  • Update the Sugar Portal Chat tab in Admin > Amazon Connect Settings in Sugar to use the contact flow configured above. 

Note: SugarLive can only be used with certain web browsers. For more information, refer to the Supported Platforms page.

Configuring Amazon Services for use in Sugar Serve or Sell

To use certain SugarLive and Sugar Portal Chat features that rely on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must download and set up a collection of assets. These files are available as a zip file on your account's Downloads page. On the Downloads page, select "Serve" or "Sell" in the dropdown menu and then open your Sugar version to find the zip file. Once you have the files, follow the steps in the Amazon Connect Deployment Guide for SugarLive to set up various Amazon services for these features.

The following four Sugar Serve or Sell features require this AWS configuration:

You can choose to set up any or all of the above features. Following the Amazon Connect Deployment Guide for SugarLive, you will need to first set up a CloudFormation stack. From there, you can choose which of the four features to set up and then follow the relevant steps. In the case of the chatbot, you are also able to use your own Amazon Lex chatbot and Amazon Connect contact flow, if you prefer, but Sugar Serve and Sell come with a sample of each and the necessary Lambda functions to get you started.

If you need assistance with any of the Amazon services, you will need to contact Amazon's Customer Support department. See the Contact Us page on Amazon's website for details on their support offerings.