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Contract Types


The Contract Types module in Admin > Contract Types enables you to create and manage contract types for the Contracts module. When a contract type is created, it will display in the Type Name field in the Contracts module for users to select. Please note that when a contract record is created with a specific contract type, the related documents to the contract type will also appear in the Documents subpanel of the contract record. 

Only administrators or users with developer-level role access have the ability to modify the available contract types and the order in which they appear in the Type Name field. This documentation will cover the basics of the Contract Types module as well as the various options available in performing the actions related to the module.

Contract Type Fields

The Contract Types module contains two stock fields that come out-of-the-box with Sugar. For information on using and editing various field types, refer to the User Interface documentation. Please note that Contract Type fields are not editable via Admin > Studio as the module does not exist in Studio.

Field Description
Name The name of the contract type.
List Order A number to specify the order in which the contract type is displayed in the Type Name field in the Contracts module.

Ordering Contract Types

When creating contract types, you will define the order in which the contract type option is displayed in the Type Name field of the Contracts module. Enter the numeric value (e.g., 1, 2, 3) in the contract type record's List Order field to determine the order it will display in the contract's Type Name field. For example, a contract type with a list order of "1" will be displayed at the top of the list followed by the next value (e.g., 2), and so forth. Please note that you can change the list order by editing the contract type via the list view or record view. 

Working With Sugar Modules

While the Contract Types module has some features that only apply to contract type records, it also uses the Sidecar user interface that most Sugar modules are based on. The following sections detail menus, views, and actions common to Sidecar modules and contain links to additional information within the page or links to the User Interface documentation.

The Contract Types module contains various options and functionality which are available via menus in the module tab, list view, and record view. The following sections present each menu and its options with links to more information about each option in the User Interface documentation or, for Contract Types-specific functionality, within this page.

Module Tab Menus

The Contract Type module tab can be accessed by navigating to the Admin page and clicking the Contract Types link in the Contracts section. Once in the Contract Types list view, you can click the three-dots menu in the Contract Type module tab to display the Actions and Recently Viewed menus. The Actions menu allows you to perform important operations within the module. The Recently Viewed menu displays the list of contract type records you most recently viewed. 
ContractTypes ModuleTabMenu

The module tab's Actions menu allows you to perform the following operations:

Menu Item Description
Create Contract Type Opens the record view layout to create a new contract type.
View Contract Types Opens the list view layout to search and display contract types.

List View Menus

The Contract Types list view displays all contract type records and allows for searching and filtering to locate specific contract types. You can view the basic details of each record within the field columns of the list view or click a contract type's name to open the record view. To access the module's list view, simply navigate to the Admin page and select "Contract Types" under the Contracts panel. You can also click the module's tab in the navigation bar once the Contract Types module opens.

List View Mass Actions Menu

The Mass Actions menu to the right of the checkbox option in the list header allows you to perform mass actions on all currently selected records. You can use the checkbox on each record's row to select individual contract type records or click the checkbox in the list header to select all records displayed in the current set of list view results.
ContractTypes LVMassActionsMenu 

The Mass Actions menu allows you to perform the following operations:

Menu Item Description
Merge Merge two or more duplicate contract types.
Delete Delete one or more contract types at a time.
Export Export one or more contract types to a CSV file.
Doc Merge Select or create a DOCX template to merge record data into documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.
Doc Merge to PDF Select or create a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX template to merge record data into PDF documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.
List View Record Actions Menu

The Record Actions menu to the far right of each record's row allows you to perform actions on the individual contract type directly from the list view. 
ContractTypes LV RecordActionsMenu

The list view's Record Actions menu allows you to perform the following operations:

Menu Item Description
Preview (Eye icon) Preview this contract type in the intelligence pane.
Edit Edit this contract type.
Delete Delete this contract type.
Doc Merge Select or create a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX template to merge record data into documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.
Doc Merge to PDF Select or create a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX template to merge record data into PDF documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.

Record View Actions Menu

The Contract Types record view displays a single contract type in full detail including its fields and subpanels of related records. To access a contract type's record view, simply click the hyperlinked contract type name in the Contract Types list view. The record view's Actions menu appears on the top right of the page and allows you to perform various operations on the current record. 
ContractTypes RV ActionsMenu

The Actions menu allows you to perform the following operations: 

Menu Item Description
Edit Edit this contract type.
Share Share a link to this contract type via email.
Find Duplicates Locate potential duplicates of this contract type.
Copy Duplicate this contract type to create a new contract type.
Delete Delete this contract type.
Doc Merge Select or create a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX template to merge record data into documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.
Doc Merge to PDF Select or create a DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX template to merge record data into PDF documents that will be accessible in the Doc Merge widget.

Common Views and Actions

In the table below, the left column contains links to the User Interface page covering topics that are applicable to all Sidecar modules. The right column has links to sections of the current page that cover topics specific to contract types.

General Instructions for Working With Sugar Modules Contract-Types-Specific Instructions
Use the links below to navigate to the User Interface page which covers topics generic to many Sugar modules. When Contract-Types-specific help exists for each topic, use the links below to navigate to sections of the current page.
Creating Records  
Viewing Records  
Searching for Records  
List View List View Mass Actions Menu
List View Record Actions Menu
Record View Record View Actions Menu
Intelligence Pane  
Editing Records Ordering Contract Types
Deleting Records  
Exporting Records  
Finding Duplicate Records  
Merging Records  
Sharing Records