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Stock Reports


Sugar's Reports module comes with a number of pre-built, stock reports. These reports display information from Sugar modules (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, etc.) that will help provide insights into your CRM data. This page lists each of the stock reports that come out-of-the-box with the current version of Sugar and helps explain the type of information provided in each report. 

Please note that Sugar ships with over 100 stock reports, which may vary by version. For descriptions of stock reports that shipped with previous versions of Sugar, please refer to the Understanding Legacy Stock Reports article. In addition to stock reports, users can create their own reports. For more information on creating reports, please refer to the Reports documentation.

Viewing Stock Reports

All of Sugar's stock reports can be accessed via the Reports module. From the Reports list view, stock reports can be identified using stock report tags and stock report filters. You may also preview a stock report from list view to read its description and other information from the report's fields. For more information on previewing reports, please refer to the User Interface documentation.

If you do not see the Reports module tab in the navigation bar, please check your user profile to see if the module may be marked as hidden. For more information on hiding and displaying modules, please refer to the Getting Started documentation. If the Reports module is not marked as hidden in your user profile, then check with your administrator to confirm that the module is enabled for your instance. Please note that team and role restrictions also apply to report results and affect what records users can see when they run the reports. For more information on teams and roles, please refer to the Team Management and Role Management documentation.

Stock Report Tags

Stock reports are automatically tagged in Sugar with the "Stock Report" tag. Each report also has a category tag such as "Administrative" or "Sales and Marketing". The reports listed on this page under Stock Reports by Category are organized by the reports' category tags in Sugar. Users can filter the Reports list view by tag as explained in the User Interface documentation.

Stock Report Filters

The Reports list view search provides a filter option that allows users to narrow the list of visible reports. In addition to the default module filters, the following filters are available for the Reports module:

  • Stock Reports: Filter the list view to show only stock reports.
  • Non-Stock Reports: Filter the list view to hide all stock reports.
  • With Charts: Filter the list view to show only reports designed with charts.

Users can further refine the results by typing a search query in the search bar and can create and save their own custom filters. For more information on searching and filtering the list view, please refer to the Search documentation.

Editing Stock Reports

Any user with the proper team and role permissions may edit a stock report as they would edit any other report, but it is not recommended. Instead, we recommend duplicating the report and saving the edited copy with a new name and description. This will preserve the stock report's state as it was made by Sugar. To copy a stock report, simply follow the steps in the Reports documentation to create a report via duplication. For more information on restoring deleted stock reports, please refer to the Restoring Deleted Stock Reports section of this page.

Stock Reports by Category

The reports on this page have been shipped with the current version. For more information on reports that shipped with previous versions but are no longer being shipped in current versions of Sugar, please refer to the Understanding Legacy Stock Reports article.

Administration Reports

The following reports were designed for administrators to gain insight into teams and users, usage patterns, and the performance of their Sugar instance. The reports in this section are tagged "Stock Report" and "Administrative" in the Reports module. 

Note: The tracker settings must be enabled via Admin > Trackers before tracker data becomes reportable in Sugar. Please refer to the Understanding Tracker Reports article for in-depth descriptions of each stock tracker report.

Name Module Type Chart Type Description
Active User Sessions (Last 7 Days) Tracker Sessions Rows and Columns   Lists the duration of all user sessions over the last 7 days
Licensed User List Users Rows and Columns   Administrators can refer to this report in order to periodically check the number of active users counting against their license and ensure that they are not close to exceeding their limit.
List of Teams and Licensed Users Teams Summation with details   Provides the list of teams and the number of users in the team. Group and portal users are excluded from this list.
Modules Used By My Direct Reports (Last 30 Days) Trackers Summation Horizontal Bar Displays a summary of module usage in the past 30 days for all users who report to the user who is running the report
My Module Usage (Last 30 Days) Trackers Summation Horizontal Bar Displays a summary of module usage in the last 30 days for the current user
My Module Usage (Last 7 Days) Trackers Summation Horizontal Bar Displays a summary of module usage in the last 7 days for the current user
My Module Usage (Today) Trackers Summation Horizontal Bar Displays a summary of module usage so far today for the current user
My Recently Modified Records (Last 30 Days) Trackers Rows and Columns   Lists records assigned to the current user that were saved in the last 30 days
My Records Modified (Last 7 Days) Trackers Rows and Columns   Lists records assigned to the current user that were saved in the last 7 days
My Usage Metrics (Last 30 Days) Tracker Performance Summation   Shows the total server response time in seconds, total number of database round trips, and total number of files accessed for the user who is running the report in the last 30 days
My Usage Metrics (Last 7 Days) Tracker Performance Summation   Shows the total server response time in seconds, total number of database round trips, and total number of files accessed for the user who is running the report in the last 7 days
My Usage Metrics (Today) Tracker Performance Summation   Shows the total server response time in seconds, total number of database round trips, and total number of files accessed for the user who is running the report so far today
Records Modified By My Direct Reports (Last 30 Days) Trackers Rows and Columns   Lists records saved in the last 30 days by users who report to the user who is running the report
Slow Queries Tracker Queries Rows and Columns   Lists the details for queries that took longer than the query threshold limit defined in Admin > Trackers
User Sessions Summary (Last 7 Days) Tracker Sessions Summation   Summarizes the number of session roundtrips and total active time for each user over the last 7 days
Users Usage Metrics (Last 30 Days) Tracker Performance Summation   Shows the total server response time in seconds, total number of database round trips, and total number of files accessed for each user in the last 30 days
Users Usage Metrics (Last 7 Days) Tracker Performance Summation   Shows the total server response time in seconds, total number of database round trips, and total number of files accessed for each user in the last 7 days

Customer Service Reports

The following reports will help customer service users and managers gather important information about cases and bugs in Sugar. The reports in this section are tagged "Stock Report" and "Customer Service" in the Reports module.

Name Module Type Chart Type Description
Bugs by Product Category by Status Bugs Matrix Horizontal Bar Number of bugs created by category and their current status. This report gives a sense of which area of the product generates bugs. The time period can be adjusted in the report using run-time filters.
Bugs Created by Month By Category Bugs Matrix Vertical Bar Number of bugs created each month summarized by the category. This report provides a trend on the number of bugs being generated across the category.
Bugs Created by Month By Priority Bugs Matrix Vertical Bar Number of bugs created each month summarized by their priority. This report provides a trend on the number of bugs.
Cases with No Calls, Meetings, Tasks, or Emails Cases Matrix   Summary count of cases where no activity has taken place or is scheduled. Those cases are counted that have no calls, meetings or tasks scheduled or completed.
My Open Bugs by Priority Bugs Summation Pie List of open bugs assigned to the user who is running the report summarized by priority.
My Open Cases by Priority Cases Summation Horizontal Bar List of open cases assigned to the user who is running the report summarized by priority.
New Cases By Month Cases Summation Vertical Bar List of new cases opened by month
Open Bugs by User by Priority Bugs Matrix   Number of bugs assigned to each user grouped by priority of the bug. This report gives a sense of which bugs need attention the most.
Open Bugs by User by Status Bugs Matrix   Number of bugs assigned to each user and the priority of the bug. This report gives a sense of the workload of users working on the bugs.
Open Cases By Month By User Cases Summation Vertical Bar List of open cases by created month and grouped by user.
Open Cases by User by Priority Cases Matrix Horizontal Bar Number of cases assigned to each user and the priority of the bug. This report gives a sense of the workload of users working on the cases.
Open Cases by User by Status Cases Matrix Horizontal Bar Number of cases assigned to each user and the current status of the bug. This report gives a sense of which cases need attention the most.
Summary of Bugs by Priority by Week Created Bugs Matrix Vertical Bar Number of bugs created each week by priority. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Bugs by Source by Week Created Bugs Matrix Vertical Bar Number of bugs created each week by source. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Bugs by Status by Week Created Bugs Matrix Vertical Bar Number of bugs created each week by status. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Cases by Priority by Week Created Cases Matrix Vertical Bar Number of cases created each week by priority. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Cases by Source by Week Created Cases Matrix Vertical Bar Number of cases created each week by source. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Cases by Status by Week Created Cases Matrix Vertical Bar Number of cases created each week by status. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.
Summary of Open Cases by Priority Cases Summation Horizontal Bar Number of cases that are still open summarized by priority of bug.
All Cases Due Today and Overdue* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar All cases with a follow-up date that has passed or is today. Defaults to all cases with a follow-up date in the past 30 days. 
All Open Cases by Followup Date* Cases Summation with details Vertical Bar Number of open cases grouped by the follow-up date.
Average Difference From Follow-Up Date by Week by Agent* Cases Matrix Vertical Bar The average difference from the targeted follow-up date in business hours by week for each agent. Includes cases created in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter. A run-time filter can also be used to filter by cases that either met or missed their first response SLA.
Average Time to First Response by Agent* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar The average time in business hours until the first response on a case, per agent. Includes cases created in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
Average Time to Resolution by Week by Agent* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar The average time in business hours it takes to resolve cases by week for each agent. Includes cases resolved in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
Average Time to Resolution by Week by Type* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar The average time in business hours it takes to resolve cases by week for each case type. Includes cases resolved in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
Cases That Missed the First Response SLA* Cases Matrix Vertical Bar The number of cases that missed their first response SLA in the last 7 days. The time period can be changed using the run-time filter.
Daily Average Time to First Response* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar The daily average time in business hours until the first response on a case. Includes cases created in the last 7 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
First Response SLA Success Rate* Cases Summation Pie All cases created in the last 30 days, separated by whether or not their first response SLA was met. The run-time filters can be used to change the time period or narrow the results to only cases assigned to a specific agent.
List of Changes to Case Status* Change Timers Rows and Columns   List of all changes to case status. Includes cases created in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
List of Recently Resolved Cases* Cases Rows and Columns   A list of recently closed cases across all business centers. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
My Average Difference From Follow-Up Date by Week* Cases Summation Vertical Bar The average difference from the targeted follow-up date in business hours by week for the current user. Includes cases created in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter. A run-time filter can also be used to filter by cases that either met or missed their first response SLA.
My Cases Due Today and Overdue* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar All cases assigned to the user who is running the report with a followup date that has passed or is today. Defaults to all cases with follow-up date in the past 30 days. 
My Cases in the Last Week by Status* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar Cases modified by the user who is running the report in the last 7 days, grouped by the status of the case. The time period can be adjusted in the report. This report makes it easy to identify recently worked on cases.
My Cases Resolved this Month by Week* Cases Summation Vertical Bar This report displays a chart for all cases that were closed in the selected time period and groups them by week
My Open Cases by Followup Date* Cases Summation with details Vertical Bar Number of open cases assigned to the user who is running the report grouped by the follow-up date.
My Open Cases by Status* Cases Summation Pie This pie chart shows the percent of cases that are open by status for the user who is running the report.
My SLA Success Rate* Cases Summation Vertical Bar The history of cases the current user responded to that either met or missed their first response SLA. Includes cases in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
New Cases by Business Center by Week* Cases Summation Vertical Bar Number of cases created for each business center by week. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
New Cases by Customer Tier by Week* Cases Summation Vertical Bar Number of cases created by the service level of the customer (customer tier) by week. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
New Portal Users Awaiting Activation* Contacts Rows and Columns   A list of portal users created but not yet activated. Includes contacts created in the last 7 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.
Open Cases Awaiting First Response That Missed SLA* Cases Rows and Columns   All open cases that missed the first response SLA and are still awaiting first response.
Open Cases Awaiting First Response Within SLA* Cases Rows and Columns   All open cases that are within their SLA and awaiting first response.
Open Cases by Customer Tier and Priority* Cases Matrix Horizontal Bar A summary of open cases grouped by the service level of the customer (customer tier) and priority.
Recently Created Cases* Cases Rows and Columns   A list of all recently created cases across all business centers. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
Status of Open Tasks Assigned by Me* Tasks Summation with details Vertical Bar Open tasks that the user who is running the report has assigned to others. This report helps users know who to follow up with. 
Total Cases Resolved this Month by Agent* Cases Summation Horizontal Bar Number of cases that were resolved during the month grouped by agent and priority. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
Total Cases Resolved this Month by Business Center* Cases Matrix Horizontal Bar Number of cases that were resolved during the month grouped by business center and priority. The time period can be adjusted in the report.
Total Time Spent on Cases by Week by Case Type* Change Timers Summation Vertical Bar The total time in business hours spent on cases for each week by case type. Includes cases created in the last 30 days, but this range can be changed using the run-time filter.

*This report is only available for Sugar Serve or Enterprise users.

Data Privacy Reports

The following reports will help data privacy managers and marketing users make privacy-related insights and identify leads, contacts, and targets who have opted in to or out of marketing communications. The reports in this section are tagged "Stock Report" and "Data Privacy" in the Reports module.

Name Module Type Chart Type Description
Count of Contacts by Country Contacts Summation   Total count of existing contacts grouped by country.
Count of Leads (unconverted) by Country Leads Summation   Total count of existing leads (unconverted) grouped by country.
Count of Targets by Country Targets Summation   Total count of existing targets grouped by country.
Data privacy activity completed and rejected each month Data Privacy Matrix Vertical Bar Number of data privacy activities completed or rejected each month. The month is based on date closed.
Data Privacy Activity Due Now Data Privacy Summation with details Horizontal Bar List of all Data Privacy Activity that is due shortly. Use the run-time filter to adjust the time period.
Data Privacy Activity Overdue Data Privacy Summation with details Horizontal Bar List of all Data Privacy Activity that are still open and the due date is in the past.
List of Contacts with No Consent Contacts Rows and Columns   List of all contacts who have not provided any consent for any business purpose.
List of Emails Opted In Email Address Rows and Columns   List of all emails currently opted in.
List of Emails Opted Out Email Address Rows and Columns   List of all emails currently opted out.
List of Leads with no Consent Leads Rows and Columns   List of all leads who have not provided any consent for any business purpose.
List of Open Data Privacy Activities Data Privacy Rows and Columns   A list of all data privacy activities that have a status of open.
List of Open Data Privacy Activities assigned to me Data Privacy Rows and Columns   List of open data privacy activity assigned to me
Number of Data Privacy Activity created each month by type Data Privacy Matrix Vertical Bar Number of data privacy activity created each month by activity type
Open Data Privacy Activities by Type Data Privacy Summation with details Horizontal Bar List of all open data privacy activity grouped by activity type
Recently Created Data Privacy Activity Data Privacy Rows and Columns   A list of all recently created data privacy activity. The time period can be adjusted in the report using the run-time filters.

Restoring Deleted Stock Reports

If a user deletes a stock report, it is marked with a deleted flag in the instance's database. Should you need to recover the deleted report, a person with access to your instance's file system can locate the report in the saved_reports table and change the Deleted field from "1" to "0" for this specific report record. Upon doing so, the report will be restored in your Sugar instance. If the stock report has been deleted from the database and cannot be recovered, you must manually recreate the report from scratch in the Reports module.

To hide one or more stock reports from your users, consider mass updating the team to the Administrator's private team because deleted reports cannot be restored via the user interface.

Note: Customers with instances hosted on Sugar's cloud service do not have direct access to the database and, therefore, cannot restore stock reports once they have been deleted. A support-authorized contact for your organization can file a case with the Sugar Support team for assistance in trying to restore the report that has been deleted from your Sugar instance.