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Sugar Sell 13.0.3 Release Notes


This document describes the changes and functionality available in Sugar® 13.0.3. Sugar 13.0.3 is only available for customers on the annual upgrade path. 

Note: This release is not available for SugarCloud customers.

Administrator and End User

Fixed Issues

Sugar 13.0.3 is a security update released to address certain security vulnerabilities identified during our routine QA checks.

For customers on the annual upgrade path, we strongly recommend that you install this update at the earliest opportunity. While we have not experienced any reported incidents relating to these vulnerabilities to date, failure to install this update could leave you exposed to malicious third-party attacks. For more information, please refer to the following Security Advisory announcements:

These vulnerabilities have been addressed in release 13.0.3, which is available for download from the Download Manager.

Administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their on-site Sugar instances running 13.0.2 or lower to version 13.0.3 to prevent potential exploitation of these weaknesses

The following issues have been resolved in this release. Case portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue:

  • 93960: When quote records are downloaded as PDFs, the generated quote PDF may be formatted incorrectly. 
  • 93894: In certain circumstances, fatal errors may get logged in the sugarcrm.log file when accessing legacy modules (e.g., Users, Teams, Schedulers) in Sugar.
  • 93444: In certain circumstances, customers may encounter PHP fatal errors in Sugar when using PHP 8.2.
  • 93315: Users may encounter unexpected issues when trying to use dashboard filters in Sugar.
  • 93237: In certain circumstances, filtering the report using a date field (e.g., Date Created) that is using the YYYY-MM-DD format may return no results in the report.
  • 92846: Editing and saving a PDF template containing table width values greater than 100% (e.g., 210%) in HTML may revert the width back to 100% resulting in unexpected issues on the template.
  • 92181: When calculated Text fields are created using the countConditional function, if non-array values are used in the formula, PHP warning messages may get logged improperly. 

Known Issues

Click the link below to expand or collapse the 13.0.3 known issues list.  

13.0.3 Known Issues

The following known issues are present in this release. Case Portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue: 

  • 94951: Sugar Actions that are configured to trigger a smart guide may not successfully be triggered if the action takes place in the mobile application.
  • 93631: When new panels are added to the record view layout while configuring the dropdown-field-based views in Studio, changing the panel label may improperly update the label of the other new panels.  
  • 93157: When a quote record contains multiple quoted line items, saving one of the quoted line items improperly removes the other quoted line item records.
  • 92765: When creating a Data Archiver job, filtering by the date field (e.g., Date Created) using the "More than _ days ago", "Last_days", "Next_days" or "More than_days in the future" incorrectly shows a date field to populate instead of an integer field.
  • 92759: When a dashlet (e.g., Opportunity dashlet) in the Focus Drawer is filtered to only display records related to the current record, the applied setting is not preserved when the page is refreshed. 
  • 92477: DateTime fields may be calculated incorrectly in reports when accounting for daylight savings time (DST).
  • 92331: Required dependent dropdown fields are not marked as required in the record view layout when creating or editing records.
  • 92326: When a report contains multiple name fields, having the report result sorted by default by one of the name columns may cause the report generation to fail with an error. As a workaround, remove the default display column sort from the name field.
  • 92217: The texts in the Product Catalog dashlet may not display properly making it hard to read. 
  • 92126: The Rows and Columns reports do not display the total count information as expected.
  • 92063: When campaign test emails are sent, users may notice unexpected issues with certain subpanels in the module (e.g., Accounts) that the campaign emails are related to.
  • 91977, 91975: Unexpected issues may occur when designing a new process definition or Process Business Rules for modules (e.g., Leads, Opportunities) that are disabled for Sugar Automate in Admin > Sugar Automate Settings.
  • 91146: Doc merging records using a template containing custom fields may fail to generate with an error. 
  • 91023: The Search and Select Users drawer may not display the correct count of user records if there is an inactive user in the instance. 
  • 91003: When a report fails to run due to a 500 error, the error message that appears should be more meaninful and informative.
  • 90931: When role permissions are modified for a user, the changes do not get applied until the browser cache is cleared and the user logs out and back in to their account.   
  • 90615: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language (e.g., French), changing the classification value for the sales_stage_dom list in Admin > Dropdown Editor may improperly change the classification values for the other list items. As a workaround, log in to Sugar with the English (US) language and manually update the classification of the list items to the correct values. 
  • 90322: Certain languages (e.g., Chinese, Japanese) with special characters display incorrectly in reports exported as a PDF or CSV file. 
  • 90059: In certain circumstances, sorting a related-record subpanel (e.g., Leads) using the Account Name field column may result in an unexpected error. As a workaround, sort the subpanel using a different field column to stop the error and allow the subpanel to load. 
  • 89878: The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet in the Forecasts module does not display any data for individual sellers. 
  • 89831: Exported reports do not respect the locale settings in Sugar and incorrectly displays the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format. 
  • 89728: In certain circumstances, opening the list view Mass Actions menu does not display properly on the screen. 
  • 89641: Hint-related error messages are logged for some recently upgraded Sugar 12.0 instances that do not have Sugar Hint.
  • 89542: For instances wth a very large number of SugarBPM processes, trying to view the list of processes in the Process Management's list view may result in performance issues and fail to load. 
  • 88957: In certain circumstances, performing a global search in Sugar may result in a 500 error.  
  • 88858: Unexpected email issues may occur in Sugar when using the Microsoft Exchange mail account as the authorized system email account.  
  • 88374: Attempting to reorder the columns in the Worksheet Columns Preview list view in Admin > Quotes Configuration does not work as expected. As a workaround, remove all the fields from the Worksheet Columns section then add the fields again to the section. 
  • 87602: In Sugar Enterprise, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, and the dashboard.
  • 87601: In Sugar Sell, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, the New Case button, and the dashboard.
  • 86285: In certain circumstances, users may experience unexpected behaviors when attempting to expland a subpanel or edit an empty Subpanel layout in Admin > Studio. For information on the workaround, refer to the issue's description in the case portal. 
  • 85246: Errors may get logged in the system after upgrading or installing Sugar when certain license data is missing.   
  • 84426: The Meeting Type field in the Meetings module does not reflect new values added to the Meeting Type dropdown list in Admin > Dropdown Editor.
  • 83796: SugarBPM processes always run after module-level logic hooks and it is not possible to configure them to run before logic hooks.
  • 83425: Custom Date fields in the PDF template may not respect the user's preferred date format. 
  • 82810: Fields based on non-existent or improperly defined custom field types may cause upgrades to fail.
  • 82361: Emails sent from SugarBPM's processes may not include the link to new lead records generated from a Web-to-Lead form even though the process email template contains a link variable.
  • 81382: Deleting a target list related to a large number of records may fail with an error. 
  • 81297: If a web-to-lead form gets submitted using an existing email address in Sugar, the email address may not be marked as "Primary" for the generated lead record. 
  • 80865: It is not possible to search by the Record Name column in Process Management.
  • 80001: Email messages sent via SugarBPM may display HTML formatting when records are created using SOAP/REST v4.1. It is recommended to use the latest version of the API.
  • 79009: When the targeted module contains a broken field, configuring an Action element in a process definition causes the Process Design canvas to time out.
  • 77719: If a process definition contains a Wait event that is relative to a date field, the process does not adjust for changes that may occur to the date field after the Wait event's initiation.
  • 77287: Performing certain actions (e.g., import, mass update) in Sugar may result in performance issues if there are numerous calculated fields to be updated in related records. As a workaround, add the following line to the config_override.php file to disable the related calculation field updates: $sugar_config['disable_related_calc_fields'] = true;. But keep in mind that the affected calculated values will not be updated and running Recalculate Values on related records. 
  • 77249: Guests may not get imported to call or meeting records as expected.
  • 73566: Calculated or dependent fields containing a related() function may not get calculated until after save for activity-type modules (e.g., Notes).  
  • 68112: Matrix-type reports display incorrectly when exported to PDF.

Supported Platforms

For information on supported platform components, see Sugar 13.0.x Supported Platforms.