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Sugar Sell 13.0 (Q2 2023) Release Notes


This document describes the changes and functionality available in Sugar® Sell 13.0.0 (Q2 2023). Sugar Sell is available in three Editions: Sugar Sell Premier, Sugar Sell Advanced, and Sugar Sell Essentials. While version 13.0 is available for both SugarCloud and on-site deployments, all Editions of Sugar Sell are supported exclusively on Sugar's cloud servers.

For information about any changes to existing functionality in this release, you can also refer to the What to Expect When Upgrading to 13.0 article.

Feature Enhancements When Upgrading From 12.3 (Q1 2023)

Features Common to All Sell Editions

The following features and enhancements are included in all editions of Sugar Sell 13.0.0 (Q2 2023):

User Interface
  • Set the number of pinned modules: Users can now set the number of pinned modules displayed in their navigation bar so they can choose how many modules are visible at all times.
  • List view filter enhancements
    • Filter operators: You can now use "is empty" and "is not empty" in the list view filter criteria for the following field types: AutoIncrement, Date, Datetime, Decimal, Email, Float, Integer, MultiSelect, Name, Phone, Radio, Relate, Relationship, and TextField.
    • Default available filters: The Accounts, Cases, and Opportunities list views now have more fields available by default for filtering.
      • Accounts module fields: Business Center Name, Company Location, Company Size, Created By, Date of Next Renewal, Email Address, FY End, Industry, Member Of, Modified By, Service Level, and Teams.
      • Cases module fields: Business Center Name, Created By, Modified By, Primary Contact, Resolved Date, Service Level, Source, Teams, and Type.
      • Opportunities module fields: Created By, Modified By, and Teams.
  • Inline list editing in Record View dashlets: You can now edit the records in the list view tab of a Record View dashlet, such as the contacts related to an account, directly within the dashlet's list tab.
  • Deferred status for calls and meetings: A new status, "Deferred", has been added out-of-the-box to the Calls and Meetings modules.
  • Report results view user experience improvements: The Reports module results view has been updated to provide a cleaner and more intuitive user experience.
  • Improved performance for large reports: Reports with large data tables that would otherwise take a long time to load now provide the option to either load a simplified table more quickly or download the CSV file, depending on the size of the report.
Integration Enhancements
  • Configure navigation bar pinned modules: Administrators can now choose to allow users to specify how many pinned modules to display in their navigation bar and can set the default number for all users.
  • Diagnostic logging during package installation: The Package Install Log File option has been added in Admin > Diagnostic Tool to capture key information/messages (e.g., metadata rebuilds, SQL queries) logged during the package installation process in Sugar.

Additional Capabilities in Sugar Sell Advanced

In addition to the shared Sell features listed above, customers upgrading to 13.0 Sell Advanced with the Smart Guides capability will have these additional features:

  • Smart Guides enhancements 
    • Complete all sub-activities: It is now possible to complete all sub-activities of a smart guide automatically by marking the parent activity as complete.
    • Reorder multiple smart guides: If a record has multiple smart guides at once, you can now reorder them by dragging and dropping them within the Smart Guides subpanel to display them in your desired order.
    • Canceled status: Canceled smart suides will now display a status of "Canceled" instead of "Completed" so you can easily understand if a smart guide was completed or not.
    • Dynamic progress bar color: The progress bar for Smart Guides will now dynamically change colors to reflect the status of the smart guide.

Additional Capabilities in Sugar Sell Premier

In addition to the shared Sell features and the Sell Advanced features listed above, customers upgrading to 13.0 Sell Premier will have these additional features:

Fixed Issues When Upgrading From 12.3 (Q1 2023)

The following issues are resolved in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) when upgrading from the 12.3 (Q1 2023) release. Case portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue:

  • 91558: Creating a case record may fail to save with an error if the Cases module contians a calculated field using the related() function.
  • 91488: Uploading packages via Admin > Module Loader may fail with an error.  
  • 91456: Line charts in reports incorrectly display the date values (e.g., start date in months) in alphabetical order instead of in chronological order. 
  • 91452: The subject of the calendar event may not display correctly when viewing the calendar in Sugar.
  • 91427: The Geocoder Resolver scheduler may timeout and fail to geocode the queued account records if there are customizations (e.g., calculated fields, process definitions, custom logic hooks) applied to the records. 
  • 91414: Empty addresses are not validated on records and improperly get geocoded.  
  • 91363: Not all Sugar Automate-related packages get uninstalled automatically on upgrade to 12.3, causing record views to fail to load in Sugar.
  • 91320: When configuring the Record View dashlet tabs in the Focus Drawer, the tab label may be translated incorrectly when logged into Sugar with the German language. 
  • 91307: Sugar login fails with an error for Admin users with an invalid license type.
  • 91297: Process email templates that insert values from a related record may fail to process all subsequent variables after encountering a variable that targets an empty relationship. 
  • 91223: In certain circumstances, performance issues may occur in the Revenue Line Items module resulting in a 500 error.
  • 91201: As you scroll in the Sugar Hint panel, the dashlets may disappear from view behind the Sugar Hint header on top.  
  • 91182: In certain circumstances, email alerts for legacy workflows may have formatting issues and render the email content incorrectly. 
  • 91054: Access to SugarCloud Insights may be unavailable for instances that do not use SugarIdentity. 
  • 9102890597: Calculated fields set as required behave incorrectly in Smart Guides.
  • 91008: Users assigned a role with Export permission set to "None" for a module (e.g., Contacts) are not prevented from exporting the module data from reports.
  • 90993: In certain circumstances, users may not see the standard layout as expected in a record (e.g., accounts), and the modules' customized dropdown-field-based record view layout may display instead.
  • 90884: Clicking an external hyperlink in the Knowledge Base article may not open the link in a new tab as expected. 
  • 90769: Reassigning users' records in Sugar may not work as expected and result in an error when using Sugar with PHP 8.0. 
  • 90752: The primary admin user (ID = 1) is required to be assigned to the Sugar Maps license in order for the "Geocoder Resolver" and "Geocoder Maps" schedulers to work even though the organization has the Sugar Maps license.
  • 90495: In certain circumstances, a PHP fatal error may occur when using Sugar with PHP 8.0.  
  • 90396: Attempting to remove a previously unlinked user from a team may not work as expected and fail.
  • 90173: The display label for a dropdown list item containing a forward slash may not display correctly when editing the corresponding dropdown list and unexpected issues may occur when drilling through report charts with this dropdown value. 
  • 90000: Attempting to reduce the height of a resized dashlet may not work as expected and break the dashlet.  
  • 89932: If a SugarBPM process creates multiple related records, any subsequent relationship change processes will only be triggered for the first related record.
  • 89813: There is no validation error when required fields are not completed on a new call record in SugarLive.  
  • 89623: The Pending Processing field is incorrectly set to "true" on cases when outbound emails related to the case record are sent. 
  • 89587: When performing a quick repair and rebuild, executing a mismatched query improperly returns you to the Admin page without executing the queries.
  • 89441: The option to delete an activity is incorrectly hidden in the Smart Guide template editor when disabled via the Disabled Activity Actions field.
  • 89368: Multiple SugarBPM processes triggered by a single action in Sugar (e.g., field update) may cause events to be executed more than once. 
  • 89241: Process Definitions with an action to start a Smart Guide fail to start additional Smart Guides after the first trigger.
  • 89227: When an instance is configured to use Opportunities with Revenue Line Items and a user is assigned a role restricting access to the Forecasts module, the user will be prevented from creating opportunities or converting leads in Sugar.
  • 89084: In certain circumstances, scheduled reports may unexpectedly become deactivated.
  • 89048: The Calendar module does not properly respect the Date format and Time format in the user's locale settings.
  • 88911: Calendars added to the User and Team calendar may not appear as expected in the users' calendar view.   
  • 88746: Dependent fields that are created with dependency and required formulas containing the not() function may not work as expected and improperly display as a required field.
  • 88714: When creating a process definition, trying to select the Assigned To user for the related module (e.g., Contacts) from the Module Field Evaluation panel incorrectly opens the Search and Select drawer displaying a list of process definitions instead of users to choose from.
  • 88699: The "Relate to current record" option may not be available and/or functional in the List View dashlet depending on where (e.g., List View > Focus Drawer, Record View > Focus Drawer) the dashlet gets added.  
  • 88228: SugarBPM processes that have been deleted or disabled may still execute in certain circumstances. 
  • 88206: In certain circumstances, installing packages in Module Loader may not work as expected and the package may get uninstalled with errors. 
  • 87880: The default system currency incorrectly displays "US Dollars" as the currency name even though the system currency is changed to a non-USD currency (e.g., AU Dollars) in Admin > Locale.
  • 87349: When adding an Add Related Record action to the process definition, if the target module has fields that are conditionally required, the setting may be prevented from saving due to incorrect field validation.
  • 87141: Hard deleting document records via Data Archiver does not remove the document revision records from the database. 
  • 8618578851: In certain circumstances, the sequence connector lines connecting the elements of a process flow may be missing in the process definition's design view.
  • 85751: The errors related to SugarBPM in the Sugar log file incorrectly reference "Process Management" in the error message instead of "SugarBPM".
  • 85158: When a Datetime field is contained within a tab in the module's record view (e.g., Contacts) layout, the date picker may not display properly in the view making it hard to select the date value. 
  • 84684: In certain circumstances, saving the Preview View layout for modules (e.g., Accounts) via Admin > Studio may not work as expected and result in an error. 
  • 84464: SugarBPM processes with a Parallel gateway are not triggered multiple times for the same record.
  • 83880: Changes made to role-based view layouts are not applied to users assigned to the role.  
  • 83574: Editing contact records containing a duplicate portal name may result in a number of unexpected errors when saving the record. 
  • 82372: For inbound emails sent from certain email providers (e.g., Outlook), extra spaces may incorrectly display in the body of the email message when viewing or replying to the email in Sugar.
  • 81029: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language (e.g., Portuguese), configuring an Action element in a process definition using the Run Time option fails to save with an error.
  • 80759: In PDF templates that contain more than one href link, only the first link works.

Known Issues

Click the link below to expand or collapse the 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) known issues list.  

The following known issues are present in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023). Case Portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue: 

  • 91146: Doc merging records using a template containing custom fields may fail to generate with an error. 
  • 91023: The Search and Select Users drawer may not display the correct count of user records if there is an inactive user in the instance. 
  • 91003: When a report fails to run due to a 500 error, the error message that appears should be more meaninful and informative.
  • 90866: In certain circumstances, replying to an email in Sugar may fail to send and result in a 500 error. As a workaround, click the To field in the email to display the To and From field values first before sending the email.   
  • 90847, 88858: Unexpected email issues may occur in Sugar when using the Microsoft Exchange mail account as the authorized system email account.  
  • 90615: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language (e.g., French), changing the classification value for the sales_stage_dom list in Admin > Dropdown Editor may improperly change the classification values for the other list items. As a workaround, log in to Sugar with the English (US) language and manually update the classification of the list items to the correct values. 
  • 90322: Certain languages (e.g., Chinese, Japanese) with special characters display incorrectly in reports exported as a PDF or CSV file. 
  • 90059: In certain circumstances, sorting a related-record subpanel (e.g., Leads) using the Account Name field column may result in an unexpected error. As a workaround, sort the subpanel using a different field column to stop the error and allow the subpanel to load. 
  • 89878: The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet in the Forecasts module does not display any data for individual sellers. 
  • 89831: Exported reports do not respect the locale settings in Sugar and incorrectly displays the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format. 
  • 89728: In certain circumstances, opening the list view Mass Actions menu does not display properly on the screen. 
  • 89641: Hint-related error messages are logged for some recently upgraded Sugar 12.0 instances that do not have Sugar Hint.
  • 89542: For instances wth a very large number of SugarBPM processes, trying to view the list of processes in the Process Management's list view may result in performance issues and fail to load. 
  • 89525: Selecting "All" from a record's related subpanel filter does not get preserved and reverts back to the last option chosen when logging out of Sugar.
  • 88957: In certain circumstances, performing a global search in Sugar may result in a 500 error.  
  • 88374: Attempting to reorder the columns in the Worksheet Columns Preview list view in Admin > Quotes Configuration does not work as expected. As a workaround, remove all the fields from the Worksheet Columns section then add the fields again to the section. 
  • 88366: When performing an advanced search in legacy modules (e.g., Users), the Status field may default to "NULL" causing search to not work as expected. 
  • 88261: Attempting to download a PDF file may fail if the PDF template contains an image that is hosted on a site using "HTTPS" in the URL. As a workaround, use an image that does not contain "HTTPS" in the URL. 
  • 87908: For instances that use SugarIdentity, the Reset Multi-Factor Auth option improperly appears during a user impersonation session.
  • 87701: Naming a custom field "processed" causes web logic hooks to fail to fire because it conflicts with Sugar's internal logic hook handling. As a workaround, use a different, un-reserved string as the field name.
  • 87602: In Sugar Enterprise, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, and the dashboard.
  • 87601: In Sugar Sell, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, the New Case button, and the dashboard.
  • 86285: In certain circumstances, users may experience unexpected behaviors when attempting to expland a subpanel or edit an empty Subpanel layout in Admin > Studio. For information on the workaround, refer to the issue's description in the case portal. 
  • 85589: Saving the SAML settings may fail with an error "Maximum Length should be positive value" when the maximum length is not set for Sugar password requirements. 
  • 85246: Errors may get logged in the system after upgrading or installing Sugar when certain license data is missing.   
  • 84426: The Meeting Type field in the Meetings module does not reflect new values added to the Meeting Type dropdown list in Admin > Dropdown Editor.
  • 83796: SugarBPM processes always run after module-level logic hooks and it is not possible to configure them to run before logic hooks.
  • 83425: Custom Date fields in the PDF template may not respect the user's preferred date format. 
  • 82810: Fields based on non-existent or improperly defined custom field types may cause upgrades to fail.
  • 82742: The Forecast Bar Chart Dashlet may not load as expected in shared dashboards.
  • 82361: Emails sent from SugarBPM's processes may not include the link to new lead records generated from a Web-to-Lead form even though the process email template contains a link variable.
  • 81722: Sorting the fields by the column header (e.g., Name) in Admin > Studio or Module Builder may result in CSRF errors being written to the log file.
  • 81382: Deleting a target list related to a large number of records may fail with an error. 
  • 81297: If a web-to-lead form gets submitted using an existing email address in Sugar, the email address may not be marked as "Primary" for the generated lead record. 
  • 80865: It is not possible to search by the Record Name column in Process Management.
  • 80001: Email messages sent via SugarBPM may display HTML formatting when records are created using SOAP/REST v4.1. It is recommended to use the latest version of the API.
  • 79009: When the targeted module contains a broken field, configuring an Action element in a process definition causes the Process Design canvas to time out.
  • 77719: If a process definition contains a Wait event that is relative to a date field, the process does not adjust for changes that may occur to the date field after the Wait event's initiation.
  • 77287: Performing certain actions (e.g., import, mass update) in Sugar may result in performance issues if there are numerous calculated fields to be updated in related records. As a workaround, add the following line to the config_override.php file to disable the related calculation field updates: $sugar_config['disable_related_calc_fields'] = true;. But keep in mind that the affected calculated values will not be updated and running Recalculate Values on related records. 
  • 77249: Guests may not get imported to call or meeting records as expected.
  • 77055: Attempting to mass update the user's outbound email client via Admin > User Management may not work as expected.
  • 73566: Calculated or dependent fields containing a related() function may not get calculated until after save for activity-type modules (e.g., Notes).  
  • 68112: Matrix-type reports display incorrectly when exported to PDF.


Please refer to the Developer Blog in the SugarClub community for a summary of the changes in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) that may affect developers.

Supported Platforms

For information on supported platform components, see Sugar 13.0.x Supported Platforms.

Upgrade Paths

Sugar Serve and Sugar Sell Upgrade Paths

The following upgrade paths apply to Sugar Serve and Sugar Sell Premier, Advanced, and Essentials: 

Package From Version(s) MySQL
New Installs
12.3.0-to-13.0.0 12.3.0