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Sugar Enterprise 13.0 (Q2 2023) Release Notes


This document describes the changes and functionality available in Sugar® Enterprise 13.0.0 (Q2 2023). While version 13.0 is available for both SugarCloud and on-site deployments, Sugar Enterprise is supported as an on-site deployment only. 

For information about any changes to existing functionality in this release, you can also refer to the What to Expect When Upgrading to 13.0 article.

Feature Enhancements When Upgrading From 12.0.x (Q2 2022)

The following feature enhancements are new in Sugar Enterprise On-Site 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) when upgrading from the 12.0.x (Q2 2022) release:

  • User interface redesign: Easily navigate your way through Sugar with the thoughtfully redesigned navigation bar and header.
    • Modern sidebar navigation: The navigation bar, including the quick create menu and home button, has moved to the left side of the screen.
    • Global Search more readily available: Sugar's new header features the search bar front and center.
    • Additional vertical screen space: The options in Sugar's footer (e.g., Doc Merge) have been moved into the user menu and the bottom of the navigation bar to allow for more vertical screen space.
    • Refreshed icon library: Sugar's icon library is updated, and modules can now be represented by icons displayed in the navigation bar and throughout Sugar.
    • Compact but flexible design: The navigation bar is compact, displaying your top 4 modules by default, to enhance focus, reduce visual noise, and lighten your mental load. It can be expanded to locate additional modules and see more details when needed.
    • Set the number of pinned modules: Users can set the number of pinned modules displayed in their navigation bar so they can choose how many modules are visible at all times.
  • Tabbed browsing within focus drawers: All record links in focus drawers are opened in focus tabs within the drawer, allowing users to work seamlessly in one place.
    • Record view added to focus drawers: Record links in focus drawers now open a tab displaying the newly added focus record view, which provides full record navigation, including subpanels, within your focus drawer.
    • Record View dashlet titles can be clicked: Record View dashlet titles have been made clickable links in focus drawers so more information is available to be viewed directly in focus tabs.
  • Focus drawer available from report drill-through results: The Focus icon, which can be clicked to reveal the focus drawer, has been added to the filtered list view results when drilling through report charts.
  • Improved readability of emails in the Emails focus drawer: The Email Record View dashlet has been expanded to allow users to see the full content of long emails in the Emails focus drawer.
  • List view filter enhancements
    • Filter operators: You can now use "is empty" and "is not empty" in the list view filter criteria for the following field types: AutoIncrement, Date, Datetime, Decimal, Email, Float, Integer, MultiSelect, Name, Phone, Radio, Relate, Relationship, and TextField.
    • Default available filters: The Accounts, Cases, and Opportunities list views now have more fields available by default for filtering.
      • Accounts module fields: Business Center Name, Company Location, Company Size, Created By, Date of Next Renewal, Email Address, FY End, Industry, Member Of, Modified By, Service Level, and Teams.
      • Cases module fields: Business Center Name, Created By, Modified By, Primary Contact, Resolved Date, Service Level, Source, Teams, and Type.
      • Opportunities module fields: Created By, Modified By, and Teams.
  • Clickable case number field: The case number field can now be clicked from the Cases list view, List View dashlet, and subpanel to access the case record.
  • Inline list editing in Record View dashlets: You can now edit the records in the list view tab of a Record View dashlet, such as the contacts related to an account, directly within the dashlet's list tab.
  • Updated Sugar Hint panel appearance: The Sugar Hint panel now uses standard Sugar icons and styling.
  • Consistent browser and user profile time zones: The user's time zone in Sugar will now be automatically updated to match the browser's time zone.
  • SugarOutfitters link added to Sugar: A link to SugarOutfitters, the SugarCRM marketplace with a vast selection of third-party solution add-ons, has been added to the Help pane and the Administration page.
  • Mark document records as available to external applications: The newly added Available Externally field in the Documents module allows you to indicate if a document should be made available outside of the CRM to external applications that integrate with Sugar.
  • Deferred status for calls and meetings: A new status, "Deferred", has been added out-of-the-box to the Calls and Meetings modules.
  • Report results view user experience redesign: The Reports module results view has been converted to a Sidecar interface to provide a cleaner and more intuitive user experience with a modern look and feel.
    • Filter, data table, and chart view buttons: Toggle the visibility of the filters, data table, and chart in order to focus on the information you need.
    • Two layout modes: When a chart and table are shown simultaneously, choose whether to arrange the chart and data table side by side or on top and bottom to optimize your view of the report.
    • Change the relative size of the split view: When a chart and data table are shown simultaneously, drag the divider line between the chart and data table to change the relative size of the two components to customize your report's display.
    • Visual representation of all filters: All filters on the report are displayed as a visual diagram instead of text to make understanding the applied filters more natural and intuitive.
  • Improved performance for large reports: Reports with large data tables that would otherwise take a long time to load now provide the option to either load a simplified table more quickly or download the CSV file, depending on the size of the report.
  • Improved messaging for modified report: If a report that you have previously viewed is edited by another user, you will see a pop-up message indicating that the report has been edited the next time you open the report.
  • New Report Dashlet (formerly "Saved Reports Chart Dashlet")
    • Revamped and renamed: The Saved Reports Chart Dashlet has been renamed "Report Dashlet" and updated to include several helpful features represented in a tabbed view.
    • Reports without charts available: The new Report Dashlet can display reports without charts in addition to those with charts. Previously only reports with charts were available.
    • Data table on dashlet: Data tables are now available on your dashlet so that you can toggle between viewing your data as a chart (if available for the report) and a table.
    • Run-time filters on dashlet: Use your report run-time filters to adjust the report results from the dashlet view while you work.
    • Customizable view: Decide whether to show the chart, data table, or filters by default so that the information you need is readily available.
    • Filter by current record: Filter the dashlet by the current record so that your dashlet is context-aware when used on a record view or focus drawer.
  • Charts in scheduled reports: Reports that contain charts in Sugar will have their chart included in the scheduled report email.
  • Report embedded in email body: You can now embed a report's data table and chart directly into the body of a scheduled report email.
  • Exported CSV reports named after the report: Like PDF report exports, CSV report files now use the report title as the file name instead of a generic name for all exports.
  • Renewals Console metric tabs: The results in the Renewals Console's list views can now be divided further into configurable, filtered tabs that allow your users to work through a subset of accounts and opportunities in a filtered and prioritized order.
  • More clickable links to open focus tabs in the Renewals Console: There are now many ways to view information within the console without navigating away or manually searching.
    • Column fields now clickable: More fields in the console list view (e.g., Parent Opportunity) are clickable links that open a focus tab.
    • Open all record links within the console: Record links anywhere in the Renewals Console now open focus tabs, allowing sales representatives to view a variety of information in one place without leaving the console.
  • Resizable columns for Renewals Console: Users can now resize the column widths in the Renewals Console's list views per their viewing preference.
  • Pipeline review in the forecasting worksheet
    • Review opportunities while forecasting: View, sort, and filter opportunities belonging to you or your team members in a new tab within the Forecasts module to help you understand your forecast and pipeline without opening the Opportunities module.
    • Forecasting at the opportunity level: Evaluate deals as a whole at the opportunity level instead of analyzing individual revenue line items.
    • Opportunity predictions and custom fields: In the new Opportunity Review tab, you can now choose which Opportunities fields to display, including the SugarPredict prediction value and any custom fields.
    • View all reportees' opportunities in a single view: Sales managers can view opportunities belonging to all members of their organization at once in a single view.
    • Forecast and pipeline metrics: Filtered tabs sort the opportunities into categories such as "Forecast" or "Included Pipeline" with their counts and sums displayed so you can easily review the state of the pipeline without building a report or a series of filters.
  • Opportunity forecast displayed in worksheet: The opportunity forecast is now displayed in addition to the revenue line item forecast in the forecasting worksheet when making personal commitments.
  • Forecasting worksheet usability improvements
    • Worksheet view preserved: The state of your view of the forecasting worksheet (e.g., selected user or team, time period, tab, filter, or dashboard) is preserved when you navigate away and then return to the Forecasts module.
    • Current time period indicator: The current time period (e.g., the quarter you are currently in) is now clearly marked with the label "Current" in front of it to make it easier to find your place in the dropdown list.
  • Calculate lost revenue in opportunities: A new read-only, calculated field called "Lost" is now available on the Opportunities module, representing the sum of all revenue line items that have been closed as "Closed Lost".
  • Stock sales SugarBPM templates: Seven process definition templates applicable to sales use cases (e.g., lead routing, quote discount approvals) are now available.

If you have purchased the Smart Guides capability, the following feature enhancements are included in this version of Sugar:

  • Sugar Automate built into Sugar: Customers who use Sugar Automate will no longer need to maintain a module loadable package because the functionality has been built into Sugar's code base and can be enabled via license key.
  • Refreshed colors and icons: Colors and icons in Sugar Automate are updated, bringing a modern and consistent look and feel throughout Sugar.
  • Complete all sub-activities: It is now possible to complete all sub-activities of a smart guide automatically by marking the parent activity as complete.
  • Reorder multiple smart guides: If a record has multiple smart guides at once, you can now reorder them by dragging and dropping them within the Smart Guides subpanel to display them in your desired order.
  • Canceled status: Canceled smart guides will now display a status of "Canceled" instead of "Completed" so you can easily understand if a smart guide was completed or not.
  • Dynamic progress bar color: The progress bar for smart guides will now dynamically change colors to reflect the status of the smart guide.
  • DocuSign integration enhancements
  • Doc Merge enhancements
    • Send merged documents using SugarBPM: You may send a merged document to selected email addresses via SugarBPM to eliminate manual sending.
    • Doc Merge from Cloud Drive dashlet: You can now initiate a doc merge from the Cloud Drive dashlet so that the merged document will be uploaded to the folder displayed in your Cloud Drive dashlet after completion.
    • Doc Merge performance improvements: Doc Merge now retrieves data from cached Sugar data, resulting in improved performance times during document merges.
  • Dropbox cloud-drive integration: You can now interact with your Dropbox files via the Cloud Drive dashlet from any dashboard in Sugar.
  • Customize module names and icons: Administrators can choose whether modules are represented by icons or abbreviations and can edit module colors, icons, or abbreviations to suit their business.
  • Configure navigation bar pinned modules: Administrators can choose to allow users to specify how many pinned modules to display in their navigation bar and can set the default number for all users.
  • Calculated dropdown fields: Dropdown fields can now be designated as calculated fields in Admin > Studio.
  • Diagnostic logging during package installation: The Package Install Log File option has been added in Admin > Diagnostic Tool to capture key information/messages (e.g., metadata rebuilds, SQL queries) logged during the package installation process in Sugar.
  • Allow multiple domains to be excluded from auto-reply emails: Administrators can now enter multiple domains separated by commas in the "No Auto-Reply to this Domain" field of the Inbound Email module to exclude from receiving auto-reply email.
  • Additional field columns added to the scheduler's job log: The "Result" and "Messages" field columns have been added to the scheduler's Job Log subpanel to provide additional information related to the outcome (e.g., success) of the job and any informative messages.
  • More columns available for sorting in Module Loader: The Type, Version, Date Installed, and Date Published field columns can now be sorted in Admin > Module Loader.
  • More modules enabled by default for the SugarCRM mobile app: The Document Templates, Documents, Escalations, Messages, Purchases, and Quotes modules are now enabled by default in Admin > Mobile.
  • Service Console: This Home page dashboard provides a powerful work environment for customer service agents by incorporating SLAs and region-specific business hours, queues and metrics, insightful dashlets, and a cohesive case research and action experience.
  • Stock customer service reports: 29 stock reports around case SLAs, case status, and portal users are now available.
  • Stock customer service SugarBPM templates: Five process definition templates applicable to customer service use cases (e.g., SLA management, customer notifications) are now available.
  • Change timers module: Change timers, which capture how long a field remains in each state, can be used in reports to identify trends in case processing.
  • Case SLA fields: 12 fields have been added to cases to track trends in first response SLAs and case resolution time, using both calendar hours and business hours.
  • Bug resolution time fields: Two fields have been added to bugs to track trends in issue resolution time, using both calendar and business hours.

Fixed Issues When Upgrading From 12.0.x (Q2 2022)

The following issues are newly resolved in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) when upgrading from the 12.0.x (Q2 2022) release. Case portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue:

  • 91558: Creating a case record may fail to save with an error if the Cases module contians a calculated field using the related() function.
  • 91488: Uploading packages via Admin > Module Loader may fail with an error.  
  • 91456: Line charts in reports incorrectly display the date values (e.g., start date in months) in alphabetical order instead of in chronological order. 
  • 91452: The subject of the calendar event may not display correctly when viewing the calendar in Sugar.
  • 91427: The Geocoder Resolver scheduler may timeout and fail to geocode the queued account records if there are customizations (e.g., calculated fields, process definitions, custom logic hooks) applied to the records. 
  • 91414: Empty addresses are not validated on records and improperly get geocoded.  
  • 91363: Not all Sugar Automate-related packages get uninstalled automatically on upgrade to 12.3, causing record views to fail to load in Sugar.
  • 91320: When configuring the Record View dashlet tabs in the Focus Drawer, the tab label may be translated incorrectly when logged into Sugar with the German language. 
  • 91307: Sugar login fails with an error for Admin users with an invalid license type.
  • 91297: Process email templates that insert values from a related record may fail to process all subsequent variables after encountering a variable that targets an empty relationship. 
  • 91223: In certain circumstances, performance issues may occur in the Revenue Line Items module resulting in a 500 error.
  • 91201: As you scroll in the Sugar Hint panel, the dashlets may disappear from view behind the Sugar Hint header on top.  
  • 91182: In certain circumstances, email alerts for legacy workflows may have formatting issues and render the email content incorrectly. 
  • 91071: The Export PDF option for reports is available to select for users who do not have permission to access the report.  
  • 91060: Attempting to import contacts from Google may not work as expected due to field mapping issues. 
  • 91052: When using Sugar version 12.0 and higher with PHP 8.0, a PHP fatal error may occur when a SugarBPM process is triggered.
  • 91045: In certain circumstances, customers running Sugar on-site may be required to manually revalidate their license every few days.
  • 9102890597: Calculated fields set as required behave incorrectly in Smart Guides.
  • 91008: Users assigned a role with Export permission set to "None" for a module (e.g., Contacts) are not prevented from exporting the module data from reports.
  • 90993: In certain circumstances, users may not see the standard layout as expected in a record (e.g., accounts), and the modules' customized dropdown-field-based record view layout may display instead.
  • 90912: In certain circumstances, the resolve conflict error may improperly appear when editing account, contact, or lead records.   
  • 90884: Clicking an external hyperlink in the Knowledge Base article may not open the link in a new tab as expected. 
  • 90869: In certain circumstances, reports with more than one filter group may fail to run and display a permission error.   
  • 90853: For Sugar instances using Sugar Maps, enabling the Distance field for search in Admin > Studio does not work as expected.
  • 90851: Certain dashboards may break after upgrading to 12.2 depending on how they are stored in the database. 
  • 90816: After upgrade, attempting to access the Admin > System Settings page fails to load with an error when logged into Sugar with the English US or English UK language.
  • 90769: Reassigning users' records in Sugar may not work as expected and result in an error when using Sugar with PHP 8.0. 
  • 90752: The primary admin user (ID = 1) is required to be assigned to the Sugar Maps license in order for the "Geocoder Resolver" and "Geocoder Maps" schedulers to work even though the organization has the Sugar Maps license.
  • 90727: Generating a summation-type report for a module with a large number of records may fail to render any data and result in an error.
  • 90710: Legacy modules (e.g., Users, Campaigns, Schedulers) fail to load with an error when runnning Sugar using MySQL 8.0.31
  • 90697: The axis label on bar charts may be incorrect for Summation With Details reports containing more than one display summaries (e.g., AVG: likely, MIN: likely).  
  • 90657: Invalid MIME Type errors may get logged in Sugar when creating Summation-type reports.  
  • 90640: If an instance has a large number of purchases or purchased line items, deleting an account with relationships to one or both of those modules can have performance issues.
  • 90602: When a report has multiple run-time filters for the same field (e.g., Accounts name), changing the filter value (e.g., ABC Company) in the report's Filters panel may not return the correct results.  
  • 90595: Changing the filter value for a run-time filter using the "Is Between" operator may not return the correct set of data in the results. 
  • 90572: Reports containing a "Is Between" run-time filter for a DateTime field may not properly respect the system date format setting and result in an error when running the filter.  
  • 9055590554: For instances using Cloud Drive, the Cloud Drive dashlet may not display folders in Microsoft OneDrive as expected. 
  • 90547: In certain circumstances, changing the list view filters may result in unexpected performance issues. 
  • 90538: When a field column is sorted on a generated report, it does not preserve the change as expected and the data is no longer sorted when acessing the report later.
  • 90495: In certain circumstances, a PHP fatal error may occur when using Sugar with PHP 8.0.  
  • 90474: After upgrade, certain modules may be missing in Sugar due to some unexpected issues in the database. 
  • 90463: If the report contains three or more group-by fields, the report result may show incorrect data. 
  • 90437: Chart sorting on the Report Dashlet does not work as expected for charts in reports with multiple group-by fields (e.g., matrix-type reports) or for charts sorted on a function value (e.g., SUM: Likely).
  • 90433: When a user is assigned a role restricting their ability to edit a report, any layout changes they make to the report's results view does not get preserved and reverts back to the previous layout when they leave the report or refresh the browser.
  • 90414: The bar graph in reports incorrectly display a total percentage value of 100% instead of the actual total percentage.
  • 90407: The Accessed On field for reports does not update as expected to reflect the date that the report record was last accessed.  
  • 90402: When logged in to Sugar with non-english languages (e.g., German, Spanish), the report chart labels may incorrectly display "undefined" in report results and dashlets.
  • 90396: Attempting to remove a previously unlinked user from a team may not work as expected and fail.
  • 90379: Changes made to the user's time zone in Sugar may not be respected properly in reports and display the time values incorrectly in the report results.
  • 90366: Long field values in reports do not wrap around or truncate in the field column, but instead overlaps to the next field on the right. 
  • 90360: The link to the Sugar record (e.g., opportunity name) does not display as a hyperlink in reports if there is a custom date field preceding the record name field in the display columns.  
  • 90357: Adding a relate field to a report incorrectly builds the link to the record using the wrong module causing the record link and focus drawer to break. 
  • 90351: Line charts in reports incorrectly display the date values (e.g., start date in months) in alphabetical order instead of in chronological order. 
  • 90349: Funnel charts may appear very large in reports and dashlets and require scrolling to view the full chart.
  • 90348, 90345: When using Sugar version 12.0 and higher with PHP 8.0, unexpected errors may occur when referencing specific records in the activity stream or opening a custom dropdown field in a module's record view.
  • 90347: Non-admin users that are not assigned to a report may be unable to modify certain runtime filters. 
  • 90337: When the display label (e.g., Test) on a dropdown list matches the name of a dropdown field (e.g., Test) added to the report filter, the corresponding dropdown option displays "Array" instead of the correct display label (e.g., Test).  
  • 90325: Reports containing multiple run-time filters for the same field (e.g., Date Created) may not preserve the run-time filter value as expected when the browser is refreshed or the user navigates away from the page. 
  • 90320: Special characters display incorrectly for record names on exported CSV files even though the import/export character set is set as "UTF-8".
  • 90318: Summations and Summation with Details reports containing no group-by fields display no results and show the "No data available" message. 
  • 90303: User names do not appear as clickable hyperlinks in reports for version 12.1.0.  
  • 90289: In certain circumstances, Doc Merge may fail to generate documents and result in an error.
  • 90257: The Filters panel in reports does not properly respect the user's preferred date format and shows the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • 90244, 9020989965: Performing certain actions (e.g., editing custom dropdown fields, importing) in Sugar may result in a PHP fatal error when running Sugar using PHP 8.0.  
  • 90235: Modifying a note record in the Notes list view via mass update, inline edit, etc. may improperly cause any attachments to be deleted. 
  • 90231: When certain SugarBPM processes run, it may cause unexpected performance issues in Sugar.
  • 90192: The report's Advanced Filters drawer does not correctly display all the filters applied to the report.
  • 90178: Exporting reports may not work as expected and display an error if the report is sorted by a display column field (e.g., Last Name). 
  • 90173: The display label for a dropdown list item containing a forward slash may not display correctly when editing the corresponding dropdown list and unexpected issues may occur when drilling through report charts with this dropdown value. 
  • 90165: Grouping a Summation-type report by week may not display the data as expected in the report results. 
  • 90128: Actions Buttons do not work as expected with any activity-type modules (e.g., Meetings) that have been renamed in Sugar.
  • 90093: Exporting reports does not respect changes made to run-time filters and incorrectly displays data with the original run-time filter.
  • 90074: Report charts may be sorted incorrectly in certain circumstances.  
  • 90000: Attempting to reduce the height of a resized dashlet may not work as expected and break the dashlet.  
  • 89985: In certain circumstances, uploading and installing a custom package in Module Loader may result in an error. 
  • 89979: Revalidating the license key does not work as expected and result in an error for Sugar instances configured to work with a proxy server.
  • 89944: SugarBPM Receive Message events that wait for a specific state in an activity-type module record (e.g., meeting, note) are not triggered as expected.
  • 89932: If a SugarBPM process creates multiple related records, any subsequent relationship change processes will only be triggered for the first related record.
  • 89923: Downloading merged record data as PDF documents using Doc Merge fails with an error if the record contains an ampersand character. 
  • 89915: Clicking the Dropbox file name in the Cloud Drive dashlet does not display the preview of the file and opens a blank page instead.  
  • 89894: Emails fail to send when the SMTP timelimit is set to 2 seconds.  
  • 89821: In certain circumstances, editing and saving a record containing a large number of fields in the layout may fail to save with an error.
  • 89660: Using the Action Button to automatically create a call related to the current record may fail with an error when the calculated Start Date uses the now() function. 
  • 89642: Attempting to schedule advanced reports for email delivery does not work as expected. 
  • 89623: The Pending Processing field is incorrectly set to "true" on cases when outbound emails related to the case record are sent. 
  • 89587: When performing a quick repair and rebuild, executing a mismatched query improperly returns you to the Admin page without executing the queries.
  • 89551: Attempting to download the Sugar Plug-in for Outlook from the Downloads tab in user preferences results in an error.
  • 89483: When a report is grouped by a multi-select field, drilling through the report chart results in a 500 error.  
  • 89465: During upgrades, the health check may not pass as expected for certain custom modules.   
  • 89445: Removing a user as a guest from a meeting does not remove the meeting from the user's calendar as expected. 
  • 89441: The option to delete an activity is incorrectly hidden in the Smart Guide template editor when disabled via the Disabled Activity Actions field.
  • 89368: Multiple SugarBPM processes triggered by a single action in Sugar (e.g., field update) may cause events to be executed more than once. 
  • 89328: Filtered subpanels in the modules' record view (e.g., Cases) cannot be reverted to show all related record subpanels as expected.
  • 89308: When logged in to Sugar with the Spanish language, certain labels in the Calendar module are not translated to the default language.  
  • 89300: When logged in to Sugar with the French or Spanish language, renaming a module improperly causes the accent marks to be removed from the module names. 
  • 89290: Users assigned a role with the "Admin & Developer" access cannot access the Administration page as expected. 
  • 89269: Scheduling Summation With Details reports to be delivered as both a PDF and CSV file causes the scheduled report to become disabled. 
  • 89259: The More option does not appear in the Case Timeline dashlet as expected to allow users to expand and see the full content.
  • 89243: Users may improperly receive assignment notification emails for the MobileDevices module when the mobile app's push notification is enabled.
  • 89241: Process Definitions with an action to start a Smart Guide fail to start additional Smart Guides after the first trigger.
  • 89227: When an instance is configured to use Opportunities with Revenue Line Items and a user is assigned a role restricting access to the Forecasts module, the user will be prevented from creating opportunities or converting leads in Sugar.
  • 89170: In certain circumstances, changes to user roles may not get applied until a Quick Repair & Rebuild is performed in Sugar. 
  • 89167: In certain circumstances, duplicate numbers may improperly appear in the X and Y-axis of the report chart.
  • 89121: Using dropdown-conditional record view layouts may cause calculated fields to break in the record.
  • 89114: Funnel charts may not display properly when viewed in reports and dashlets.  
  • 89084: In certain circumstances, scheduled reports may unexpectedly become deactivated.
  • 89048: The Calendar module does not properly respect the Date format and Time format in the user's locale settings.
  • 89045: In certain circumstances, cases may not be created from inbound emails as expected if the Cases module contains a custom logic hook.
  • 89024: In certain circumstances, adding custom text fields to the Users module's edit and detail view layouts incorrectly displays the user's last name in the field. 
  • 88989: Using a calculated field in a related or rollup function causes the calculation to be performed, and thus the record to be saved, even if no changes were made to the relevant field during the record save.
  • 88986: Merged documents created via Doc Merge do not appear in the record's related subpanels (e.g., Documents) for custom modules.   
  • 88911: Calendars added to the User and Team calendar may not appear as expected in the users' calendar view.   
  • 88869: Mass record creation causes SugarBPM processes to overload and return errors resulting in missing processes.
  • 88798: Creating reports using the "After" date range filter for Date fields may generate the report data incorrectly.   
  • 88770: Holidays related to business centers are not respected properly causing incorrect Follow Up Dates to be calculated. 
  • 88755: The role-based dropdown list improperly prevents a user from viewing a dropdown value that is restricted from their role even though the value was already selected for the record they are viewing. 
  • 88746: Dependent fields that are created with dependency and required formulas containing the not() function may not work as expected and improperly display as a required field.
  • 88736: Uploading a new language pack via Admin > Module Loader does not display the package in the Uploaded Packages panel to install.
  • 88725: The README text when installing a package Module Loder is difficult to read.
  • 88720: When two users modify the same quote record and save, the second record save overwrites the first change instead of displaying the conflict resolution screen.
  • 88714: When creating a process definition, trying to select the Assigned To user for the related module (e.g., Contacts) from the Module Field Evaluation panel incorrectly opens the Search and Select drawer displaying a list of process definitions instead of users to choose from.
  • 88706: Archiving emails via the Sugar Email Archiving service improperly creates a new blank case for emails that include the case macro (e.g., [CASE:1234]) in the subject line. 
  • 88699: The "Relate to current record" option may not be available and/or functional in the List View dashlet depending on where (e.g., List View > Focus Drawer, Record View > Focus Drawer) the dashlet gets added.  
  • 88695: The Advanced Search functionaity in the Users module is broken and does not work as expected.   
  • 88641: Attempting to filter reports using the Service End Date field for the Revenue Line Items or Purchase Line Items modules does not work due to missing filter options.
  • 88624: Creating notes with attachments in the Sugar Portal may fail and result in an error if the default value for the "Display in Portal?" field is set to "false" for the Notes Modules.
  • 88600: Using "email1" in a related() formula does not return the email address as expected in the calculated field. 
  • 88550: In certain circumstances, having calculated fields based on the Project Tasks module may cause 500 errors in Sugar.  
  • 88532: When sending emails using an email template containing an attachment, the attachment does not get included in the email as expected.
  • 88500: Attempting to copy a customized role-based record view layout in Admin > Studio may not work as expected and result in an error. 
  • 88450: Calculated date fields containing a maxRelatedDate() function may incorrectly show the current date even though the field should be blank.
  • 88370: When creating a Process Definition, adding a Gateway element for the Users module's "Reports to" field may not work as expected. 
  • 88358: Installing packages via Module Loader may fail with a PHP fatal error.  
  • 88241: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language, the meeting invitations sent to guests do not contain the meeting details and appear blank.   
  • 88229: Triggering a SugarBPM Relationship Change event when creating a new record and relating it to another record may cause a 500 error that prevents the process from advancing.
  • 88228: SugarBPM processes that have been deleted or disabled may still execute in certain circumstances. 
  • 88206: In certain circumstances, installing packages in Module Loader may not work as expected and the package may get uninstalled with errors. 
  • 88191: Active Subscriptions and Purchase History dashlets may behave differently in Record View dashboards and in the Renewals console.
  • 88188: Drilling through report charts may not work as expected for Summation-type reports filtered or grouped a certain way.
  • 88031: When importing leads to Sugar, the View Import Results step of the import wizard does not display the list of lead records that were created even though the import is complete. 
  • 87880: The default system currency incorrectly displays "US Dollars" as the currency name even though the system currency is changed to a non-USD currency (e.g., AU Dollars) in Admin > Locale.
  • 87870: AutoIncrement fields are not available to define as a search filter in Admin > Studio. 
  • 87854: When performing an import using a CSV file with duplicate "sync_key" entries, the import result provides misleading information.
  • 87739: When runnning Sugar using MySQL version 8.0.19 and higher, performing a quick repair and rebuild after creating a new Integer field with Max Size value greater than 11 may result in a database vardef mismatch.
  • 87539: Sugar fails to import inbound emails that only contain recipients in the BCC field and in turn fails to import all subsequent emails in the same batch. 
  • 87477: Removing the Discount Amount field then re-enabling the field in Admin > Quotes Configuration may cause the Discount Amount field to not display correctly when creating quoted line items on the quote worksheet. 
  • 87349: When adding an Add Related Record action to the process definition, if the target module has fields that are conditionally required, the setting may be prevented from saving due to incorrect field validation.
  • 87318: In certain circumstances, web logic hooks may not pass the same arguments as standard logic hooks.
  • 87306: The Date Installed column in Module Loader incorrectly displays the published date instead of the actual date the package was installed.
  • 87141: Hard deleting document records via Data Archiver does not remove the document revision records from the database. 
  • 87018: Hard deleting note records via the Data Archiver module does not delete the record's file attachments in the upload directory as expected. 
  • 86849: In certain circumstances, refreshing the browser may improperly change the order of dashlets on the dashboard. 
  • 86740: Dependent fields do not display the data as expected in certain views such as the modules' list view and Record View dashlet.  
  • 86663: Adding more than one Product Catalog dashlet on the dashboard may cause one of the dashlets to break and not work as expected.
  • 8618578851: In certain circumstances, the sequence connector lines connecting the elements of a process flow may be missing in the process definition's design view.
  • 85880: Users cannot authorize their default outgoing email account when the "Allow users to use this account for outgoing email" option is disabled in Admin > Email Settings.
  • 85751: The errors related to SugarBPM in the Sugar log file incorrectly reference "Process Management" in the error message instead of "SugarBPM".
  • 85673: Installing a custom module that was built and exported from Module Builder may fail to install with an error in Module Loader.
  • 85342: When the Assignment Notification Emails template is customized using new variables (e.g., $account_name), the email notification does not pull in the relevant information as expected and display the variables in plain text instead. 
  • 85320: In certain circumstances, the SugarBPM process approval form may not display values as expected for certain calculated fields.  
  • 85158: When a Datetime field is contained within a tab in the module's record view (e.g., Contacts) layout, the date picker may not display properly in the view making it hard to select the date value. 
  • 84692: Certain reports may not generate as expected if the last group-by field is a date (e.g., Opportunities > Week: Expected Close Date) and the report contains a chart (e.g., Horizontal Bar). 
  • 84691: Uninstalling a package containing relationships in Admin > Module Loader causes invalid modules to become available for Sugar Portal.
  • 84684: In certain circumstances, saving the Preview View layout for modules (e.g., Accounts) via Admin > Studio may not work as expected and result in an error. 
  • 84464: SugarBPM processes with a Parallel gateway are not triggered multiple times for the same record.
  • 83880: Changes made to role-based view layouts are not applied to users assigned to the role.  
  • 83716: In certain circumstances, attempting to deploy a package via Module Builder or Module Loader may fail with an error.  
  • 83652: Setting the "1000s separator" field with an empty separator does not get respected properly for Integer and Decimal type fields.    
  • 83574: Editing contact records containing a duplicate portal name may result in a number of unexpected errors when saving the record. 
  • 83236: In certain circumstances, ordering the quoted line items does not preserve the new order as expected.
  • 83097: Triggering a web logic hook generates different sets of data between the admin user and regular user who triggered it.  
  • 82757: Variables for relate fields in process email templates do not get populated with a value in SugarBPM emails.
  • 82657: Process definitions with an Add Related Record action to create a record in a two-away module related to the target module (e.g., Calls, Meetings) results in an error when validated. 
  • 82372: For inbound emails sent from certain email providers (e.g., Outlook), extra spaces may incorrectly display in the body of the email message when viewing or replying to the email in Sugar.
  • 82230: Exporting a Summation report may fail with an error if the computed derivative (e.g., Count, SUM) is missing in the Choose Display Summaries step.
  • 81235: Drilling through report charts may not work as expected for reports containing dropdown fields that have multiple dropdown options using the same display label.  
  • 81029: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language (e.g., Portuguese), configuring an Action element in a process definition using the Run Time option fails to save with an error.
  • 80759: In PDF templates that contain more than one href link, only the first link works.
  • 80681: Making changes to a report's relationship-based filters may result in an error when running the report.
  • 80629: Decimal fields with a NULL value in the database incorrectly display 0.00 instead of an empty value when included in reports.  
  • 80624: Report charts may not display correctly in chronological order when the report is grouped by date fields (e.g., Date: Start Date) using the Year, Month, and Day format in Sugar.
  • 80478: SugarBPM processes may fail to send email notifications as expected to group users.
  • 80448: Deleting a note with an attachment via the import process does not delete the file attachment in the Uploads directory. 
  • 80420: The Account Name field is not sortable in the Quotes list view.
  • 80379: SugarBPM processes may improperly send multiple assignment notifications to users when records are reassigned to them. 
  • 79930: The Forecast view breaks and does not load as expected when there are any users that have an @ symbol in their username. 
  • 78392: Filtering reports using two DateTime fields may cause unexpected issues for the second DateTime field run-time filter.
  • 7830277738: Merging records (e.g., Accounts) containing a large number of related records (e.g., Cases) may result in unexpected behaviors/errors.
  • 78121: When required calculated fields are left blank, the field does not get highlighted in red upon saving the record to indicate that the field has an error.  
  • 76484: The Recalculate Values option does not appear in the Meetings list view's Mass Actions menu even though the module contains calculated fields. 
  • 75461: The domain entered in the "No Auto-Reply to this Domain" field for group mail accounts improperly receive auto-replies even though it should be excluded from receiving automatic email responses.
  • 74635: A Summation report that displays the SUM of decimal fields incorrectly rounds the total on the chart to a whole number instead of displaying numbers with decimal places.

Known Issues

Click the link below to expand or collapse the 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) known issues list.  

The following known issues are present in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023). Case Portal users can use the following links for more details about each issue: 

  • 91146: Doc merging records using a template containing custom fields may fail to generate with an error. 
  • 91023: The Search and Select Users drawer may not display the correct count of user records if there is an inactive user in the instance. 
  • 91003: When a report fails to run due to a 500 error, the error message that appears should be more meaninful and informative.
  • 90866: In certain circumstances, replying to an email in Sugar may fail to send and result in a 500 error. As a workaround, click the To field in the email to display the To and From field values first before sending the email.   
  • 90847, 88858: Unexpected email issues may occur in Sugar when using the Microsoft Exchange mail account as the authorized system email account.  
  • 90615: When logged into Sugar using a non-English language (e.g., French), changing the classification value for the sales_stage_dom list in Admin > Dropdown Editor may improperly change the classification values for the other list items. As a workaround, log in to Sugar with the English (US) language and manually update the classification of the list items to the correct values. 
  • 90322: Certain languages (e.g., Chinese, Japanese) with special characters display incorrectly in reports exported as a PDF or CSV file. 
  • 90059: In certain circumstances, sorting a related-record subpanel (e.g., Leads) using the Account Name field column may result in an unexpected error. As a workaround, sort the subpanel using a different field column to stop the error and allow the subpanel to load. 
  • 89878: The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet in the Forecasts module does not display any data for individual sellers. 
  • 89831: Exported reports do not respect the locale settings in Sugar and incorrectly displays the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format. 
  • 89728: In certain circumstances, opening the list view Mass Actions menu does not display properly on the screen. 
  • 89641: Hint-related error messages are logged for some recently upgraded Sugar 12.0 instances that do not have Sugar Hint.
  • 89542: For instances wth a very large number of SugarBPM processes, trying to view the list of processes in the Process Management's list view may result in performance issues and fail to load. 
  • 89525: Selecting "All" from a record's related subpanel filter does not get preserved and reverts back to the last option chosen when logging out of Sugar.
  • 88957: In certain circumstances, performing a global search in Sugar may result in a 500 error.  
  • 88374: Attempting to reorder the columns in the Worksheet Columns Preview list view in Admin > Quotes Configuration does not work as expected. As a workaround, remove all the fields from the Worksheet Columns section then add the fields again to the section. 
  • 88366: When performing an advanced search in legacy modules (e.g., Users), the Status field may default to "NULL" causing search to not work as expected. 
  • 88261: Attempting to download a PDF file may fail if the PDF template contains an image that is hosted on a site using "HTTPS" in the URL. As a workaround, use an image that does not contain "HTTPS" in the URL. 
  • 87908: For instances that use SugarIdentity, the Reset Multi-Factor Auth option improperly appears during a user impersonation session.
  • 87701: Naming a custom field "processed" causes web logic hooks to fail to fire because it conflicts with Sugar's internal logic hook handling. As a workaround, use a different, un-reserved string as the field name.
  • 87602: In Sugar Enterprise, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, and the dashboard.
  • 87601: In Sugar Sell, portal customization settings for the following features in Admin > Sugar Portal > Theme Portal are available but not applicable to the portal: the search bar, the banner, the New Case button, and the dashboard.
  • 86285: In certain circumstances, users may experience unexpected behaviors when attempting to expland a subpanel or edit an empty Subpanel layout in Admin > Studio. For information on the workaround, refer to the issue's description in the case portal. 
  • 85589: Saving the SAML settings may fail with an error "Maximum Length should be positive value" when the maximum length is not set for Sugar password requirements. 
  • 85246: Errors may get logged in the system after upgrading or installing Sugar when certain license data is missing.   
  • 84426: The Meeting Type field in the Meetings module does not reflect new values added to the Meeting Type dropdown list in Admin > Dropdown Editor.
  • 83796: SugarBPM processes always run after module-level logic hooks and it is not possible to configure them to run before logic hooks.
  • 83425: Custom Date fields in the PDF template may not respect the user's preferred date format. 
  • 82810: Fields based on non-existent or improperly defined custom field types may cause upgrades to fail.
  • 82742: The Forecast Bar Chart Dashlet may not load as expected in shared dashboards.
  • 82361: Emails sent from SugarBPM's processes may not include the link to new lead records generated from a Web-to-Lead form even though the process email template contains a link variable.
  • 81722: Sorting the fields by the column header (e.g., Name) in Admin > Studio or Module Builder may result in CSRF errors being written to the log file.
  • 81382: Deleting a target list related to a large number of records may fail with an error. 
  • 81297: If a web-to-lead form gets submitted using an existing email address in Sugar, the email address may not be marked as "Primary" for the generated lead record. 
  • 80865: It is not possible to search by the Record Name column in Process Management.
  • 80001: Email messages sent via SugarBPM may display HTML formatting when records are created using SOAP/REST v4.1. It is recommended to use the latest version of the API.
  • 79009: When the targeted module contains a broken field, configuring an Action element in a process definition causes the Process Design canvas to time out.
  • 77719: If a process definition contains a Wait event that is relative to a date field, the process does not adjust for changes that may occur to the date field after the Wait event's initiation.
  • 77287: Performing certain actions (e.g., import, mass update) in Sugar may result in performance issues if there are numerous calculated fields to be updated in related records. As a workaround, add the following line to the config_override.php file to disable the related calculation field updates: $sugar_config['disable_related_calc_fields'] = true;. But keep in mind that the affected calculated values will not be updated and running Recalculate Values on related records. 
  • 77249: Guests may not get imported to call or meeting records as expected.
  • 77055: Attempting to mass update the user's outbound email client via Admin > User Management may not work as expected.
  • 73566: Calculated or dependent fields containing a related() function may not get calculated until after save for activity-type modules (e.g., Notes).  
  • 68112: Matrix-type reports display incorrectly when exported to PDF.


Please refer to the Developer Blog in the SugarClub community for a summary of the changes in version 13.0.0 (Q2 2023) that may affect developers.

Supported Platforms

For information on supported platform components, see Sugar 13.0.x Supported Platforms.

Upgrade Paths

Sugar Enterprise Upgrade Paths

The following upgrade paths apply to Sugar Enterprise: 

Package From Version(s) MySQL SQLServer DB2 Oracle
New Installs
12.0.3-to-13.0.0 12.0.3 ✓