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Dashboards and Dashlets


Sugar dashlets allow users to build specific data, insights, and useful visualizations into their Sugar views. Dashlets live within dashboards that are available on the Home page as well as on list view and record view intelligence panes. 

Most modules and views include out-of-the-box default dashboards which include some commonly-used dashlets. Sugar admin users may modify these stock, default dashboards or create additional dashboards to push to teams of users. Users can also create additional dashboards or pull shared dashboards onto their view from the Dashboards module and even create duplicates of existing dashboards to customize for their own use. If more than one dashboard is available for a particular view, users may switch between them using the view's dashboard selection list.

Users with a Sugar Sell or Enterprise license type have access to a specialized dashboard called Renewals Console. It is a Home page dashboard that provides a powerful work environment for your organization's Sales agents and Customer Success Managers to automate and streamline renewal management. The Renewals Console makes it easy to manage accounts, quickly see the status of your current quarter's renewal pipeline, and manage individual renewal opportunities. For more information, refer to the Renewals Console documentation.

Understanding Dashboards

The following sections explain the various methods of accessing and working with dashboards as well as provide an overview of the factors involved in sharing common dashboards between users.

Dashboards in Views vs the Dashboards Module

Users can access dashboards in the two following ways, with each way offering different functionality.

  • Dashboards in Views: Every-day use of dashboards occurs in the Home page as well as list view and record view intelligence panes on Sidecar modules. Accessing dashboards in these locations will be referred to as "dashboards in views". The Dashboards in Views section of this page details the actions you can take when using dashboards in views. 
  • Dashboards Module: Certain actions are not available with accessing dashboards in views, particularly actions associated with sharing dashboards with other teams and making dashboards visible in views. These tasks are accomplished in the Dashboards module which includes a Dashboards list view and record view. The Dashboards list view can be accessed when viewing any dashboard in a view by selecting "Manage Dashboards" from the dashboard selection list. Viewing a dashboard in the Dashboards module does not display its dashlets or provide many of the actions available when using them in views. The Managing Dashboards section of this page details the actions you can take when accessing the Dashboards module.

Shared Dashboards

Several dashboard fields control whether a dashboard is available in a user's Dashboards module and whether it appears on the user's views.

Note: When a shared dashboard is modified, other users will see the effects of the changes after refreshing their view or switching to the affected dashboard.

Teams Access

The Teams field controls whether or not a dashboard is available in a user's Dashboards module. Dashboards follow the same team permissions rules as any other Sugar module. When a user first creates a dashboard, the Teams field is automatically set to only his or her private team, which typically makes it visible to that user and the user's management chain. This is because private teams, by default, only include the individual user, and Sugar recommends not adding other users to any private team. Each user's management chain inherently belongs to each of the user's teams. For more information, please refer to the Private Teams and Team Membership Types sections of the Team Management documentation.

The Teams field can be modified to allow other users to see it in their Dashboards module as described in the Sharing Dashboards With Teams section below. Once other users have teams access, the Favorite and Default Dashboard fields determine whether the dashboard appears for use in their views, as described in the next section.

Note: Admin users have access to all Sugar records, regardless of team membership. No dashboards will be hidden from admin users in their Dashboards module.  

Favorites and Default Dashboards

Two dashboard fields factor into whether a dashboard to which a user has team access actually appears in that user's view: the Favorites designation and the Default Dashboards field.

The Default Dashboards field can only be edited by admin users. When it is checked, the dashboard will appear on the views of every user that has teams access. This effectively pushes the dashboard to users without their involvement. For more information, refer to the Pushing Dashboards to Teams section below.

When the Default Dashboards field is unchecked, a dashboard will only appear on a user's views when the user has marked it as a favorite. Dashboards can be favorited via the Dashboards list view or record view. To remove a dashboard from the view, users can simply unmark the Favorites designation, either from the dashboard itself or from the Dashboards module. For more information, refer to the Pulling Dashboards to Your Views section below.

Personalizing Shared Dashboards

As an alternative to using a shared dashboard as-is, users can duplicate any dashboard which appears in their views. One of the main benefits of this is that it allows them to use the shared dashboard as a starting point for personalizing the dashlets to suit their particular needs. For more information, refer to the Duplicating Dashboards section.

Out-of-the-Box Default Dashboards

Many modules include prebuilt dashboards that come out-of-the-box with Sugar. Admin users have the ability to modify or remove these dashboards. By default, most of these dashboards have the following attributes:

  • Name: Following the format <Module> <View> (e.g., "Accounts List")
  • Assigned To: Assigned to the primary admin user (ID = 1)
  • Teams: Global
  • Default Dashboard: Checked 

It is important that admin users not treat these default dashboards like personal dashboards. So long as the Default Dashboard field remains checked, any changes made to the dashboards will be pushed to all users belonging to the associated team(s). Since the Global team is automatically selected, changes would affect all users. If an admin user wishes to modify the default dashboards for personal use, they should duplicate the dashboards, then make changes to the new copy which will be assigned to their private team and not have the Default Dashboard box checked. For more information, refer to the Personalizing Shared Dashboards section. Alternatively, admins can always create new dashboards from scratch for their personal use. 

Using Dashboards and Dashlets

Dashboards with their dashlets are available on the list view and record view of Sidecar modules. For example, to access the Accounts record view dashboards, click the Accounts module tab in Sugar's header. Then, click one of the account names that appear on the list view to open its record view. Ensure the intelligence pane is expanded by clicking the arrow icon at the top right of the list view. For more information about intelligence panes, refer to the User Interface page. Please note that the out-of-the-box Record View dashboards display a pre-defined set of dashlets which vary between each Sidecar module. The dashlets available in the dashboard will also vary depending on the user's assigned license type(s).    

The floating actions button appears on the bottom-right corner of the intelligence pane, and it allows you to perform various actions (e.g., Create Dashboard) on the current dashboard. For more information, refer to the Dashboard Floating Actions Button section below. 
D&D RecordViewDashboard3

Dashboards are also available on the Home page which can be accessed by clicking the Cube icon at the top left of any Sugar page. For more information about the Home module, refer to the Home documentation. Please note that the floating actions button appears on the bottom-right corner of the screen by default, and it allows you to perform various actions (e.g., Create Dashboard) on the current dashboard.
D&D HomeDashboard Sell

Both locations will remember which dashboard you last accessed in each view and open it automatically when you return.

Dashboard records are also visible in the Dashboards module which can be accessed by selecting "Manage Dashboards" from any view's dashboard selection list. The Dashboards list view and record view offers fields and functionality not available when viewing dashboards in intelligence panes and the Home page. However, the dashboard's layout and dashlets are not visible via the Dashboards module. For more information, refer to the Managing Dashboards section.

Dashboard Floating Actions Button

The floating actions button on the dashboard allows you to perform various actions such as creating dashboards, duplicate dashboards, etc. By default, the floating actions button appears on the bottom-right corner of the dashboard, but you can pin the floating actions button to the top corner by clicking the Pin to Top button in the floating actions menu. You can pin the floating actions button to the bottom corner again by clicking "Pin to Bottom".

D&D FloatingActionsButton

Click the floating actions button to view the available options (e.g., Create Dashboard, Add Dashlet) in the floating actions menu as shown below for the Accounts list view's intelligence pane as an example. Click the X button to collapse the floating actions menu and display the floating actions button again. Please note that the floating actions button also appears on the Console dashboard (e.g., Service Console) and allows you to perform actions such as creating dashboards and editing module tabs

D&D FloatingActionsMenu Buttons

The options in the floating actions menu allow you to perform the following operations which are explained in more detail in the sections below:

Option Description
Create Dashboard Create a new dashboard.
Duplicate Dashboard Create and make changes to your own, private copy of the original dashboard without affecting what other users see.
Delete Dashboard Delete the dashboard.
Collapse All Dashlets Collapse all dashlets on the dashboard at once. Note that Sugar will remember the closed or open state of your dashlets the next time you return to the view.
Note: This option appears for dashboards (e.g., Accounts List Dashboard) on intelligence panes.
Expand All Dashlets Expand all dashlets on the dashboard at once. Note that Sugar will remember the closed or open state of your dashlets the next time you return to the view.
Note: This option appears for dashboards (e.g., Accounts List Dashboard) on intelligence panes. 
Add Dashlet Add a dashlet to the dashboard.

Note: A dashboard and its dashlets may only be edited by the dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Creating Dashboards

Create a new dashboard and build out its dashlets. New dashboards are automatically assigned to the creating user and their private team. Users can create dashboards in list view and record view intelligence panes and on the Home page. By default, new dashboards will be assigned to the creating user with the Teams field set to the creating user's private team. The dashboard will also be automatically designated as a favorite so that it appears on the user's view after being created.

To make the dashboard available for other users, additional teams can be added to the Teams field via the dashboard's record view. Click "Manage Dashboards" from any dashboard selection list to access the Dashboards list view, then click a dashboard's name to open it in record view. Admin users also have the ability to check the Default Dashboards field to push the dashboard onto the views for all members of the associated teams.

The following steps cover creating a new dashboard called "My Favorites Dashboard" in the Accounts list view intelligence pane as an example:

  1. Click the floating actions button in the intelligence pane then select "Create Dashboard".
    D&D AccountsIP CreateDashboard
  2. Enter in the name for the new dashboard (e.g., My Favorites Dashboard) then click "Save". 
  3. Click the Add Dashlet button to add any desired dashlets. For more information on adding dashlets, refer to the Adding Dashlets section.
    D&D CreatingDashboards AddDashlet
  4. Click "Save" to finalize the new dashboard.

Duplicating Dashboards

Duplicating a dashboard will create a copy of the original with the following attributes:

  • Name: Copy of <Original Name> (e.g., "Copy of Accounts List")
  • Assigned To: The user who performed the duplication 
  • Teams: The private team of the user who performed the duplication
  • Default Dashboard: Unchecked

Duplication is recommended when you wish to personalize a shared dashboard. By making your changes to your own, private copy, the original dashboard will not be affected for other users. Additionally, dashboards can only be edited by their Assigned To user and admin users. Creating a copy of a shared dashboard owned by another user allows you to optimize the dashboard for your purposes. For more information, refer to the Personalizing Shared Dashboards section.

Duplicating a dashboard containing a List View dashlet with custom filters applied will duplicate the dashlet as well including the custom filter. Please note that you can edit the dashlet but will not be able to edit the shared filter in the Configuration Options page. If you remove the shared filter from the dashlet, you will not be able to apply the same filter again as you do not own it.

To create a copy of a dashboard, simply click the Duplicate Dashboard button from the floating actions menu.
D&D DuplicateDashboard

Editing Dashboards

The edit options available for dashboards include renaming dashboards, adding dashlets, resizing dashlets, and rearranging dashlets. Refer to the respective sections for more information.

Renaming Dashboards

Rename dashboards from an intelligence pane, the Home page, or the focus drawer. Click the pencil icon that appears when you hover over the dashboard name, and then type a new name. Shifting focus outside of the field automatically saves the new name. 
D&D RenamingDashboards1

Dashboards can also be renamed via the Dashboards module by modifying the Name field. 

Note: A dashboard may only be edited by its Assigned To user and system admin users. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Switching Between Dashboards

Select a dashboard from the dashboard selection list to switch which dashboard is displayed.

Between default dashboards, shared dashboards, and personal dashboards, users may have multiple dashboards active for a single Sugar view (e.g., Accounts list view). The dashboards selection list contains all of the user's active and default dashboards for the particular view and allows for switching between the dashboards. In order for a dashboard to appear in a view's dashboard selection list, the following criteria must be true:

  • The dashboard's Module and View fields match the user's current module and view (e.g., Accounts list view). Each dashboard is only visible in the module and view where it was originally created.
  • The user belongs to one or more of the teams selected in the dashboard's Teams field.
  • The user has selected the dashboard as a favorite OR the dashboard's Default Dashboard field is checked. Dashboards an admin has marked as default will appear in your views regardless of being a favorite or not.

On a record view or list view intelligence pane, click the arrow next to the current dashboard's name to view and select from the list of available dashboards.
D&D SwitchingBtwnDashboards RVLV IP

On the Home page, click the arrow next to the Cube icon to view and select from the list of available dashboards.
D&D SwitchingBetweenDashboards Sell

On the focus drawer, click the triangle next to the current dashboard's name (e.g., Contacts Focus Drawer) in the Focus Drawer header and select from the list of available dashboards.
D&D SwitchingDAshboards FocusDrawer

Deleting Dashboards

When a dashboard is no longer useful, it can be deleted by the Assigned To user or an admin user. Deleting a dashboard will make it unavailable for any other users with whom it is shared.

Note: If a shared dashboard is no longer needed by its owner or the dashboard owner will no longer be using Sugar, the dashboard can be reassigned, either by editing the Assigned To field via the Dashboards module or using the Reassign Records function in Admin > User Management.

Use the following steps to delete a dashboard from a list view or record view intelligence pane or from the Home page:

  1. Click the floating actions button on the intelligence pane then select "Delete Dashboard".
    D&D DeleteDashboard
  2. Click the Confirm button in the confirmation dialog to finalize the deletion.
    DD Dashboard Delete

Dashboards can also be deleted via the Dashboards module from both list view and record view.

Removing Dashboards From Views

If a user no longer wishes to use a dashboard, they can unmark the Favorites designation by clicking the Star icon. For more information on how the Favorites designation factors into which dashboards are available in your views, please refer to the Pulling Dashboards to Your Views section. Please note that dashboards an admin user has designated as defaults by checking the Default Dashboard box will remain available for use in your dashboard selection list regardless of whether or not you have favorited the dashboard.
D&D Dashboard StarIcon

The Favorite designation is also available to edit via the Dashboards module

Adding Dashlets

Users can add an unlimited number of dashlet rows to suit their business needs. Adding dashlets can be done when the dashboard is in edit mode either during dashboard creation or when editing an existing dashboard

Note: A dashboard and its dashlets may only be edited by the dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Use the following steps to add a new dashlet in the Accounts list view intelligence pane as an example:

  1. Click the floating actions button in the intelligence pane then select "Add Dashlet". 
    D&D AccountsLV IP AddDashletOption
  2. Click the title (e.g., List View) corresponding to the desired dashlet in the Add Dashlet page.
    D&D AddDashlet Page
  3. Configure the dashlet as desired then click "Save".
    DashboardsDashlets AddASugarDashlet Edit AccountsListView
  4. The dashlet will now appear on your dashboard. 

Rearranging Dashlets

Users have the option to arrange the dashlets within a dashboard to match their viewing preferences. You can easily swap two dashlets by dragging and dropping the dashlets in their desired locations. Simply click and drag a dashlet's menu bar to relocate it
D&D RearrangingDashlets1

Note: A dashboard and its dashlets may only be edited by the dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Editing Dashlets

Dashlets can easily be configured to display specific information users want to view. Simply click the Gear icon at the top of the dashlet menu bar then select "Edit", which will display configuration options specific to the dashlet. Make the necessary changes using the available edit options then click "Save" to preserve the change. For more information about specific dashlets and how to configure them, refer to the Commonly Used Dashlets section.
D&D AccountsLV IP EditingDashlets

Note: You may not see the dashlet Gear menus, including the Edit option, if you are not the containing dashboard's Assigned To user or system admin user. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Deleting Dashlets

Users can delete dashlets they no longer wish to view on their dashboards by clicking the Gear icon at the top left of the dashlet then selecting "Remove". Prior to deleting a dashboard, consider if other users have access to it and consider instead reassigning the dashboard then un-favoriting it to remove it from your own views. For more information, refer to the Reassigning Dashboards and Removing Dashboards From Views sections.
D&D AccountsLV IP DeletingDashlets

Note: You may not see the dashlet Gear menus, including the Delete option, if you are not the containing dashboard's Assigned To user or system admin user. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Collapsing and Expanding Dashlets

Users can collapse or expand individual dashlets by clicking the Up or Down arrow on the upper right of the dashlet. Sugar will remember the state of your dashlets the next time you return to the view. For dashboards on intelligence panes, users can also collapse or expand all dashlets on the dashboard by clicking the floating actions button then selecting "Collapse All Dashlets" or "Expand All Dashlets".
D&D Collapse Expand AllDashlets

Resizing Dashlets

Users can easily resize the dashlets to fit the available screen real estate and accommodate their desired layout by clicking the double-ended arrow that appears in the bottom corners of the dashlet and dragging to the desired size. Please note that Sugar will remember the new size of the dashlet when you return to the view. 
D&D ResizingDashlets3

Note: Dashlets can only be resized by the containing dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

Refreshing Dashlets

When users first navigate to a page in Sugar or refresh the browser window, the page's dashlets all retrieve fresh information. To update dashlet data between page loads, the dashlets themselves must be refreshed. Dashlet refreshes can be performed manually or automatically.

Users can manually refresh a dashlet by clicking the Gear icon at the top of the dashlet menu bar and then selecting "Refresh". 
D&D RefreshingDashlets

Users can schedule the dashlet to automatically refresh using the Auto-Refresh option. Click the Gear icon at the top of the dashlet menu bar then select "Edit". This will display the Configuration Options page where you can select how often the dashlet should automatically retrieve fresh information.
Accounts AutoRefreshDashlet

Note: You may not see the dashlet Gear menus, including the Refresh option, if you are not the containing dashboard's Assigned To user or system admin user.

Managing Dashboards

The Dashboards module consists of dashboard records visible in the Dashboards list view and Dashboards record view. Please note that when viewing a dashboard in list view and record view, its dashlets are not visible. Rather, the Dashboards module allows users to share their dashboards with teams of users, pull dashboards to their own viewsreassign dashboards, and update select fields on the dashboard record. Admin users are also able to push dashboards to the views of teams of users.

Note: To add dashlets, create/duplicate dashboards, etc., click the floating actions button on the Home page dashboard or list view/record view intelligence pane.

The Dashboards module can be accessed from any record view or list view intelligence pane or from the Home module. Simply select "Manage Dashboards" from the view's dashboard selection list.

From record view and list view intelligence panes, click the triangle next to the dashboard's name and select "Manage Dashboards".
D&D AccountsLVDashboard ManageDashboards

From the Home page, click the triangle next to the Home module tab (Sugar cube icon) and select "Manage Dashboards".
D&D HomePage ManageDashboards

From the focus drawer, click the triangle next to the current dashboard's name (e.g., Contacts Focus Drawer) in the Focus Drawer header and select "Manage Dashboards".
D&D ManagingDashboards FocusDrawer

Doing so will open the Dashboards module in list view. The list view will automatically be filtered by the module and view you navigated from so that you can quickly locate dashboards available in that view. To locate other dashboards, simply modify or remove the filters. For more information about filtering list views, refer to the User Interface documentation.

Note: If you do not see the desired dashboard in your Dashboards list view or receive a permissions error when attempting to navigate directly to its record view, you may not belong to one of its designated teams. The dashboard's owner or an admin user will need to update the dashboard's Teams field to grant you access. For more information, refer to the Team Management documentation in the Administration Guide. If the Teams field includes a team to which you belong, confirm that the dashboard's Module and View field match the module and view (e.g., Accounts record view) where you would like it to appear. Each dashboard can only be applied to the module and view where it was originally created. For more information, refer to the Shared Dashboards section above.

Dashboard Module Fields

The Dashboards module includes the following fields. For information on using and editing various field types, refer to the User Interface documentation. 

Field Description
Assigned To The Sugar user assigned to the dashboard.
Date Created The date the dashboard record was created.
Date Modified The date the dashboard record was last modified.
Default Dashboard Specifies that the dashboard will appear in the specified module and view for all users belonging to the teams selected in the Teams field.
Note: Only admin users can check or modify the Default Dashboard checkbox.
Module The module (e.g., Accounts, Opportunities, Home) where the dashboard appears.
Note: This field is read-only for all users.  Dashboards cannot be moved from one module to another.
Name The name of the dashboard which is displayed in the dashboard selection list.
Teams The teams whose members have access to the dashboard in the Dashboards module.
View The view (e.g., "List" for list view and "Record" for record view) where the dashboard appears.
Note: This field is read-only for all users. Dashboards cannot be moved from one view to another.

Working With the Dashboards Module

The following links will open specific sections of the User Interface documentation where you can read about views and actions that are common across most Sidecar modules. The sections following this Working With Dashboards section describe Dashboards-specific behaviors and functionality.

Content Link Description
Viewing Dashboards
    Viewing via List View
    Viewing via Record View
The Viewing Records section describes the various methods of viewing dashboard records, including via the Dashboards list view and record view.
Note: The Dashboards list view and record view include information about the dashboard but do not display the dashboard's dashlets. Dashboards including their dashlets are visible in intelligence panes and the Home page as described in the Dashboards in Views section.
Searching for Dashboards
    List View Search
      Creating a Filter
The Searching for Records section provides an introduction to list view search, which searches and filters within the Dashboards module.
Dashboards List View
    Total Record Count
    List View Search
    Checkbox Selection
    Mass Actions Menu
    Favorite Designation
    Column Reordering
    Column Resizing
    Column Sorting
    Column Selection
    Record Actions Menu
The List View section walks through the many elements of the Dashboards list view layout which contains a filterable list of all dashboard records in Sugar.
Note: A user can only access a dashboard's record actions menu in list view when they are the assigned user or an admin user.
Dashboards Record View
    Favorite Designation
    Next or Previous Record
    Show More
The Record View section walks through the many elements of the Dashboards Record View layout which contains detailed information about a single dashboard record.
Note: The Dashboards list view and record view include information about the dashboard but do not display the dashboard's dashlets. Dashboards including their dashlets are visible in intelligence panes and the Home page as described in the Dashboards in Views section.
Editing Dashboards
    Editing Inline via Record View
    Editing via Record View
    Editing Inline via List View
    Mass Editing via List View
The Editing Records section describes the various methods of editing existing dashboard records, including inline via the Dashboards record view, in full edit mode on the record view, inline via the Dashboards list view, and via the Mass Update option on the list view.
Deleting Dashboards
    Deleting via Record View
    Deleting via List View
    Mass Deleting via List View

The Deleting Records section describes the various methods of deleting unwanted dashboards, including via the Dashboards record view, an individual record's Actions menu on the Dashboards list view, and the Mass Actions menu on the list view.

Dashboards can also be deleted when viewing them in your intelligence pane or Home page as described in the Deleting Dashboards section.

Favoriting Dashboards
    Favoriting via List View
    Favoriting via Record View

The Favoriting Records section describes the various methods of marking dashboards as favorites, including via the Dashboards list view and record view.

Marking a non-default dashboard as a favorite makes it available for the user in the specified module and view. For more information, refer to the Pulling Dashboards to Your Views section. Once on a view, dashboards can be de-favorited as described in the Removing Dashboards From Views section.

Sharing Dashboards With Teams

When a dashboard is first created, it is automatically assigned to the creating user and his or her private team. In order to make the dashboard available for others to use, the Teams field must first be updated to grant those users access. Refer to the Teams Access section for more information.

From the Dashboards list view, click a dashboard's name to open it in record view where additional teams can be added to the Teams field. Only the assigned to user and admin users can edit dashboard records, including the Teams field.
Add Team

Once a dashboard has been shared with multiple users via the Teams field, those users can then favorite the dashboard to make it visible in their own views. Alternatively, an admin user can check the Default Dashboard field to push the dashboard to the user's views automatically. Refer to the Pulling Dashboards to Your Views and Pushing Dashboards to Teams sections for more information.

When a dashboard contains List View dashlets with custom filters applied, the filters will be shared with all members of the associated team(s). So, when the user views the shared dashboard, the List View dashlet will display a filtered list of records using the shared filter. Please note that users will only be able to see records as allowed by their team membership, user access type, and assigned roles. For more information on teams and roles, please refer to the Team Management and Role Management documentation in the Administration Guide. Please note that custom filters in the List View dashlet can only be edited by the original dashboard owner and any changes made to the shared filter will be pushed to all users belonging to the associated team(s). If the owner later deletes the filter, the shared filter will be removed from the List View dashlet for all users belonging to the associated team(s), and the dashlet will no longer return results when viewed from the dashboard.

Pulling Dashboards to Your Views

When a user wishes to use a dashboard that is available in their Dashboards module but does not appear in the relevant view's dashboard selection list, they can designate the dashboard as a favorite in order to pull it onto the view. Dashboards a user has marked as favorites will appear for use in the relevant view as prescribed by the dashboard's Module and View fields (e.g., Accounts list view).

  1. Navigate to the module and view where you would like to see the shared dashboard.
  2. Select the Manage Dashboards option.
  3. Locate the dashboard you wish to use.
  4. Mark the dashboard as a favorite by clicking the star icon in the list view or record view.
    Favorite ListView
  5. Return to the module and view to confirm that the dashboard is now available for selection.

Once a dashboard is a favorite and is available for use, it can be un-marked as a favorite from the Dashboards module or directly from the relevant view in order to remove it from that view's dashboard selection list. Dashboards an admin has marked as default will appear in your views regardless of being a favorite or not, as described in the Pushing Dashboards to Teams section.
D&D Dashboard StarIcon

Pushing Dashboards to Teams

Sugar admin users have the ability to push dashboards to the views for teams of users. This is a two-step process that involves first sharing the dashboard with the desired user's teams, then checking the Default Dashboard field. For more information on how the Teams field plays a role, refer to the Sharing Dashboards With Teams section. When the Default Dashboard field is checked, the dashboard will appear on the named module and view's dashboard selection list for every user that has teams access. This effectively pushes the dashboard to users without their involvement. Default dashboards have a checkmark on the standard dashboard icon when viewing them in the selection list on views.
Default Designation

A dashboard can be pushed to its associated teams by updating the Default Dashboard checkbox when editing the record. Only admin users can edit the Default Dashboard field.
Default Checked

Sugar includes out-of-the-box default dashboards that automatically have "Default Dashboard" checked. Refer to the Out-of-the-Box Default Dashboards section for more information.

Reassigning Dashboards

There are several situations in which you may need to reassign a dashboard record to a different user. Only the Assigned To user and system admin users are able to edit dashboards. Therefore, reassigning the dashboard record will allow a different user to make changes to it. Additionally, because dashboards may be shared amongst multiple users, care needs to be taken before deleting a dashboard or removing a user account's record to Sugar. In both cases, the dashboard should be reassigned to prevent other users from losing access unintentionally.

A dashboard can be reassigned by updating the Assigned To field when editing the record. Only the assigned to user and admin users can edit dashboard records, including the Assigned To field.

When the dashboard is reassigned, the following changes will automatically be made:

  • The previous Assigned to user loses the ability to edit the dashboard.
  • If the new Assigned To user is not a member of any team in the Teams field, their private team is automatically appended to the Teams field. 
  • If the previous Assigned to user's private team is selected in the Teams field, it will remain selected so that they continue to have access to the dashboard.

Please note that a custom filter applied to a List View dashlet will not be transferred to the new Assigned To user, but rather shared. So, the new owner can edit the dashlet but will not be able to edit the shared filter in the Configuration Options page. If the applied custom filter is removed from the dashlet, they will not be able to apply the same filter again as they do not own it.  

All of a user's assigned dashboards can be reassigned at once using the Reassign Records tool available in the User Management section of the Admin panel. This is especially useful to preserve others' access to a dashboard when a user account is being deactivated. For more information, refer to the User Management documentation in the Administration Guide.

Commonly Used Dashlets

The following sections cover many commonly used dashlets that may appear on your default dashboards (e.g., Home page, Focus Drawer, or List View dashboards) or can be added to your custom dashboards. Please note that the dashlets available to view and add will vary between the modules in Sugar.

Note: You may not see dashlet Gear menus, including the Edit, Remove, and Refresh options, if you are not the containing dashboard's Assigned To user or system admin user. Any change to a shared dashboard will update the dashboard for all users.

List View Dashlet

The List View dashlet enables users to view a filtered list of records belonging to a specific module (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Leads). When configuring the dashlet, simply select the primary module (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Leads) you wish to view a list of records for along with the filters (e.g., columns, display rows) you wish to apply. Please note that the dashlet title (e.g., My Accounts, My Contacts) will vary based on the primary module selected when adding the dashlet. Certain modules (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, Leads) in Sugar display the List View dashlet by default in their list view's intelligence pane. For example, if you navigate to the Contacts list view, the My Accounts dashlet will appear in the intelligence pane dashboard.

Once added, you can configure the dashlet as necessary by clicking the Gear icon on the upper right if you wish to change the designated module for the dashlet, apply predefined or custom filters, etc. Please note that any changes made by the administrator to the List View layout in Studio affect the list of available fields in the module's list view dashlet layout. The deployed changes will not display automatically in the corresponding module dashlet and users will need to edit the dashlet in order to view the changes in the Columns field, add new fields to the layout, etc. For more information on editing the List View layout in Studio, please refer to the Studio documentation in the Administration Guide.

The following are the most common options available when filtering and configuring the list view dashlet:

  • Title: Change the displayed name of the dashlet.
  • Module: Change the module that the dashlet is displaying records from by selecting a different module from the list.
  • Columns: Choose the field columns you wish to display on the dashlet. To remove a field column, simply click the "x" to the right of the field name.
    Note: The field columns available to add to the dashlet are based on the specified fields in the List View layout in Studio. Any changes made to the List View layout in Studio will be reflected in the Columns field. For more information on configuring the List View layout, please refer to the Studio documentation in the Administration Guide.
  • Freeze First Column: Specify whether or not the first column of the list should remain visible when scrolling horizontally within the dashlet. Note that an admin can disable this feature for the whole Sugar instance. See the User Interface page for details on column freezing and the System page for details on the system-wide admin setting.
  • Display Rows: Specify how many rows or results this dashlet will display at once. Please note that the maximum is twenty rows.
  • Auto Refresh: Choose a time frame to have the dashlet query automatically refresh.
  • Filter: Click the Filter option to select a pre-defined filter or create a new filter to be applied to the List View dashlet.
    Note: The My filter (e.g., My Accounts) is selected by default.


The following are options that are only available when configuring a list view dashlet on a record view:

  • Relate to current record: Specify if the dashlet will be filtered to only list records related to the record you are viewing.
  • Linked field: This field is shown only when "Relate to current record" is enabled; the dropdown will display all of the fields in the selected module that link back to the current record. In most cases, there will only be one field listed, but there are a few exceptions. For example, a Quotes list view dashlet on the Accounts record view can link to quotes where the account is either the billing account or the shipping account. Specify which of these account fields should link to the current record.


Creating a Filter

The Filters section of the Configuration Options page allows you to filter your dashlet based on pre-defined filters (e.g., My Favorites, Recently Created) as well as create custom filters. For example, if you select "My Contacts" in the Filter options, the List View dashlet will only display contact records that are assigned to you. To see all records to which you have access, simply select the All option in the filter.

The following Filter options are available to filter the List View dashlet:

  • Create: Create a new custom filter which you can use to filter the List View dashlet
  • All "Module": Select this filter to display all records in the module to which you have access
  • My Favorites: Select this filter to only display records you have marked as favorites
  • My "Module": Select this filter to only display records assigned to you
  • Recently Created: Select this filter to only display records you created in the module within the last 7 days
  • Recently Viewed: Select this filter to only display records you have viewed in the module within the last 7 day

Accounts ListViewDashlet FilterOptions

Users can also create new filters via the Create option in the Filter list. This allows users to add custom, complex filter options when filtering the List View dashlet. You have the option to add multiple fields to your new filter by clicking the Plus button to the right of the filter selection dropdown lists. Please note that each one of the filter's criteria needs to be true for a record in order for it to appear in the List View dashlet. The fields available to filter the dashlet are based on specified fields in the Search layout in Studio. Any changes made to the Search layout in Studio will be reflected in the filter's field dropdown list. For more information on configuring the Search layout, please refer to the Studio documentation in the Administration Guide.

The following steps cover creating a new filter for contacts assigned to Will Westin as an example:

  1. Click the Filter option on the Configuration Options page then select "Build Filter".
  2. Select the field (e.g., Assigned to) you wish to add to your filter as well as the condition (e.g., is) and matching criteria (e.g., Will Westin).
    Note: Only fields you have view access for will be available to add in the Filter list.
  3. To add additional fields to the new filter, click the Plus button to the right of the filter.
    • To remove fields from the new filter, click the Minus button to the right of the filter.
    • To clear any filter values (e.g., Will Westin), simply click the "x" to the right of the value.
    Accounts ListViewDashlet Create FilterOptions
  4. Enter in a name for the new filter (e.g., "Contacts assigned to Will Westin").

  5. Click "Save" to add this filter to the dashlet list view's Filter options.

The custom filter will automatically be applied to the dashlet upon save and all records meeting the filter criteria will display. Please note that you can edit the custom filters at any time by selecting the filter (e.g., Contacts assigned to Will Westin) from the Configuration Options page, then clicking the name that appears to the right of the Filter option. Simply make the necessary changes to the custom filter then click "Save" to preserve and apply the changes to the dashlet.
Accounts ListViewDashlet EditSavedFilter

When viewing the List View dashlet, the first set of records meeting the filter criteria will be displayed, and you can use the pagination controls at the bottom of the dashlet to navigate to different pages of results. The number of records per page depends on the display row number (5, 10, 15, 20) selected in the Configuration Options page. See the User Interface documentation for details on the pagination controls in different list views.

Steps to Edit a Dashlet

Every user can configure their dashlet(s) to only display the information they wish to view via the display options and filters available in the Configuration Options page.

The following steps cover updating the title, display rows, columns, and only my favorites filter for the My Accounts dashlet as an example:

  1. Click the Gear icon at the top of the My Accounts dashlet menu bar then select "Edit".
    MyAccountsDashlet Edit
  2. Change the "Title" (e.g., My Favorite Accounts) and the display rows from 5 to 10.
  3. Click the "x" next to "Billing Country" to remove the field from the display column.
    • To add columns, simply click your mouse in the Columns field then select from the list of available fields that appear below the dropdown list.
  4. Click the Filter option then select  "My Favorites".
  5. Once the update is complete, click "Save" and the dashlet will reflect the changes made.
    • Click "Save" on the dashboards edit layout to apply the changes to your final dashlet view.
    MyAccountsDashlet Changes Saved

Multiple List View dashlets can be added to the intelligence pane as well if you wish to view the list of records for various modules. For more information on adding dashlets, please refer to the Adding Dashlets section. You can also refresh and remove the dashlet by clicking the Gear icon. To collapse the dashlet, simply click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon.
MyFavoriteAccountsDashlet Collapse GearIcon

Active Tasks Dashlet

The Active Tasks dashlet allows users to view open tasks that require attention and need to be completed on a future or current date. Open tasks have a status of "Not Started", "In Progress", or "Pending Input". The dashlet is broken up into three tabs: "Due Now", "Upcoming", and "To Do", and displays a number on each tab to indicate the count of open tasks falling into each due-date range.

  • Due Now: Open tasks that are due today and open tasks where the due date is in the past
  • Upcoming: Open tasks that have a due date in the future
  • To Do: Open tasks that have no due date specified

When placed on a user's Home page dashboard, the Active Tasks dashlet will show all active tasks assigned to the logged-in user or all active tasks that the logged-in user has team permission to view, depending on how the user has configured the dashlet's settings.

When the Active Tasks dashlet is placed on the record view for a related module (e.g., Accounts, Contacts), it will only show the active tasks that have a relationship with the current record. For example, if the Active Tasks dashlet is placed on the Account module's record view, when a user views ABC Account, the Active Tasks dashlet will only show the active tasks that are related to ABC Account.

You can close tasks as completed directly from the dashlet by clicking the Completed button to the right of the task's row. In addition, you can delete the task's relationship with the record by clicking the Unlink button to the right of the Completed button.
DD ActiveTasksDashlet 

To access a task's record view, simply click the task's subject in the dashlet. You can also hover over the linked task subject and click the Focus icon to open the focus drawer, which displays a 360-degree view of the linked record through a set of dashlets containing pertinent information. There are two buttons on the upper right of the Active Tasks dashlet which allow you to toggle between viewing tasks assigned to you and all tasks to which you have access. You can click the one person button to quickly view task records for which you are the assigned user. To remove this filter and view tasks assigned to others as well as yourself, simply click the group button to the right of the one person button. You can also relate new tasks to the record by clicking the Plus icon on the upper right of the dashlet and selecting "Create Task". Complete the Tasks record view layout and save to create the new task. The Gear icon to the right of the Plus icon allows you to edit, refresh, close, and remove the dashlet. To collapse the dashlet, click the Gear icon then select the Close option. To expand the dashlet, simply click the Gear icon again and select "Open". 

Inactive Tasks Dashlet

The Inactive Tasks dashlet allows users to view tasks that are on-hold or have already been completed. The dashlet is broken up into two tabs, "Deferred", "Completed", and displays a number on each tab to indicate the count of tasks falling into each status.

When placed on a user's Home page dashboard, the Inactive Tasks dashlet will show all inactive tasks assigned to the logged-in user or all inactive tasks that the logged-in user has team permission to view, depending on how the user has configured the dashlet's settings.

When the Inactive Tasks dashlet is placed on the record view for a related module (e.g., Accounts, Contacts), it will only show the inactive tasks that have a relationship with the current record. For example, if the Inactive Tasks dashlet is placed on the Account module's record view, when a user views ABC Account, the Inactive Tasks dashlet will only show the inactive tasks that are related to ABC Account.

You can delete the task's relationship with the record by clicking the Unlink button on the task's row. 

To access a task's record view, simply click the task's subject in the dashlet. You can also hover over the linked task subject and click the Focus icon to open the focus drawer, which displays a 360-degree view of the linked record through a set of dashlets containing pertinent information. There are two buttons on the upper right of the Inactive Tasks dashlet which allow you to toggle between viewing tasks assigned to you and all tasks to which you have access. You can click the one person button to quickly view task records for which you are the assigned user. To remove this filter and view tasks assigned to others as well as yourself, simply click the group button to the right of the one person button. You can also relate new tasks to the record by clicking the Plus icon on the upper right of the dashlet and selecting "Create Task". Complete the Tasks record view layout and save to create the new task. The Gear icon to the right of the Plus icon allows you to edit, refresh, close, and remove the dashlet. To collapse the dashlet, click the Gear icon then select the Close option. To expand the dashlet, simply click the Gear icon again and select "Open". 

History Dashlet

The History dashlet allows users to view a history of the record's related activities (e.g., calls, meetings, emails) that have already taken place. The activity types are broken up into three tabs (Meetings, Emails, Calls) and a number on each tab indicates the relevant count of historical activity records. You can also filter (Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last Quarter) the History dashlet to only display a specific subset of the activities meeting the set time frame.

Clicking the Plus icon on the upper right of the dashlet displays the Archive Email option which allows users to manually enter received emails for historical purposes. An explicit relationship is formed between an archived email and the current record while implicit relationships are also created to other records based on any email addresses entered in the email. Simply enter the required information (e.g., Date Sent, From, Subject) along with the email body in the Compose Email window, then click "Archive" to save the email record. Please note that the archived email will display in the record's Emails subpanel as well as in the History dashlet. The Gear icon to the right of the Plus icon allows you to edit, refresh, close, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Gear icon then select the Close option. To expand the dashlet, you can simply click the Gear icon again and select "Open".
DD HistoryDashlet

Hovering over the linked call, meeting, or email subject will display a Focus icon which can be clicked to open the focus drawer. In addition, there are two buttons on the upper right of the History dashlet which allow you to toggle between viewing the record's activities assigned to you and activities assigned to users in other teams. You can click the one person button to quickly view the record's calls, meetings, and emails for which you are the owner. To view the record's activities for all users on your team, simply click the multi-group button to the right of the one person button.

Planned Activities Dashlet

The Planned Activities dashlet provides users with a list of open or upcoming calls and meetings that are related to the current record you are viewing. The activity types are broken up into two tabs (Meeting, Call) and a number on each tab indicates the relevant count of planned activity records. You can filter the dashlet to view either the current day's scheduled activities or upcoming activities in the future by toggling between the Today or Future button. Please note that any open activities where the start date is prior to the current date will display an Overdue status for the specific activity in the dashlet. Once the activities have taken place or are completed, they will appear within the History dashlet.

NoteHovering over the linked call or meeting subject in the dashlet will display a Focus icon which can be clicked to open the focus drawer.

In addition, there are two buttons to the right which allow you to toggle between viewing the record's scheduled activities assigned to you and activities assigned to users in other teams. Please note that you can use both sets of buttons (Today, Future, one person, multi-group) concurrently to further filter and view the information you need. For example, you can click the one person button plus the Future button if you wish to view all upcoming activities specifically assigned to you for the current record.

To create a new meeting or call, simply click the Plus icon on the upper right of the dashlet and select either "Schedule Meeting" or "Log Call". Once the Meeting or Call record view layout opens, enter the necessary information and click "Save" to create the activity. For more information on creating calls and meetings in Sugar, please refer to the Creating Records section of the User Interface documentation.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, close, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Gear icon then select the Close option. To open up the dashlet, you can simply click the Gear icon again then select "Open".

To the right of the meeting and call record's row is a set of buttons that allow you to mark the activity as held, delete the call or meeting's relationship with the current record, as well as accept, tentatively accept, or decline the call or meeting. 

Calendar Scheduler Dashlet

The Calendar Scheduler dashlet provides users with a way to show event calendars throughout Sugar. You can choose which calendars to show on each dashlet and which view to display (e.g., day or week view). For more information on using the Calendar Scheduler dashlet, refer to the Calendar documentation.

Notes & Attachments Dashlet

The Notes & Attachments dashlet allows users to relate an existing note as well as a new note record to the module record. To create a new note, click the Plus icon on the upper right of the Notes & Attachments dashlet then select "Create Related Record". Once the Notes record view layout opens, enter the necessary information then click "Save". For more information on creating notes, please refer to the Creating Records section of the User Interface documentation. To relate an existing note, click the Plus icon then select "Link Existing Record". The Search and Select Notes page will open allowing you to select the note record you wish to relate to the module record.

To delete the record's relationship to a note record, click the Unlink button to the right of the attached note post. Please note that this removes the relationship, but does not delete the record itself.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, close, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Gear icon then select the Close option. To open up the dashlet, you can simply click the Gear icon again then select "Open".

Cloud Drive Dashlet

The Cloud Drive dashlet provides users with a way to upload, download, and view documents in their connected Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive files. Admins must set up the Google and/or Microsoft connector before end users can connect to their Google or Microsoft accounts. For more information, please refer to the Cloud Drive documentation.

DocuSign Dashlet

The DocuSign dashlet provides users with a way to manage DocuSign envelopes and drafts and send new documents to DocuSign for electronic signature. For more information, please refer to the DocuSign Integration documentation.

Maps Dashlet

The Maps dashlet is available for list view and record view intelligence panes. When it is used on a list view intelligence pane, the dashlet displays pins for the geocoded records in the current list.

On a record view when the record is geocoded, the dashlet displays the location of the geocoded record.

When adding a dashlet to your dashboard, you can set the default map type and zoom level. The Map Type can be “Road” (display roads and some topographical shading), “Aerial” (satellite imagery), or “Dark Road” (dark mode of the Road style). 

For information on how to interact with the options in the map interface, as well as general information on using maps in Sugar, refer to the Sugar Maps documentation.

My Activity Stream Dashlet

The My Activity Stream dashlet displays the user's main Activity Stream within a dashboard, eliminating the need to navigate to the Activity Streams view to monitor the most recent stream activities. Like other Activity Stream views, the dashlet supports inline commenting on specific stream activities, but it does not allow record previews. For more information on Activity Streams, please refer to the Activity Streams documentation.

Note: Activity Streams are disabled by default. If you cannot access activity streams, the feature may be enabled via Admin > System Settings. For more information, refer to the System documentation in the Administration Guide.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon. To open up the dashlet, you can simply click the arrow again.

When added to an Intelligence Pane, the My Activity Stream dashlet will display stream items in context to the data within the main container of the page. For example, if you add the dashlet to a dashboard on the main Accounts module page, the main container of the page contains the Accounts list view. Therefore, the My Activity Stream dashlet will restrict activity stream items to only those activities related to the Accounts module. Similarly, if the dashlet is added to the Opportunity module's Intelligence Pane, the My Activity Stream dashlet will restrict activity stream items to only those activities related to the Opportunities module. If the My Activity Stream dashlet is added to any record view's Intelligence Pane dashboard, the dashlet will restrict activity stream items to only those activities related to the record displayed in the main container on the page.

To filter the My Activity Stream dashlet, edit the dashlet and click once on the Filter button. Choose any of the pre-defined Activity Stream filters, such as "Messages for Post", which will restrict the stream to only items that were posted by users, and then click "Save". For more information on Activity Stream filters, please refer to the Activity Streams documentation.
MyActivityStreamDashlet Filter ChangeTitle

It is good practice to also rename an edited dashlet accordingly so that it is clear that this dashlet is displaying a filtered view. To change the dashlet's title, edit the dashlet, type a new name into the text box that contains the words "My Activity Stream", and then click "Save". 

To add a comment or reply to the Activity Stream via the My Activity Stream dashlet, click on the Comment button next to the relevant stream entry, type your reply, and then press the Reply button. For more information about interacting with Activity Streams, please refer to the Activity Streams documentation.

Opportunity Metrics Dashlet

The Opportunity Metrics dashlet appears in the intelligence pane of the Accounts record view. It provides information regarding opportunities related to the account that are won, lost, and active along with the relevant dollar amounts. The donut chart within the dashlet shows the breakdown of the opportunities by status and displays the total count of opportunities related to the current record you are viewing. The chart is color-coded based on the chart key to represent the won, lost, and active opportunity status.

Note: The Opportunity Metrics dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each, refer to the User Management documentation.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon. To open up the dashlet, you can simply click the arrow again.

Note: Dashlet Gear menus, including the Edit, Refresh, and Remove options in the Opportunity Metrics dashlet, are only available to the containing dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users.

Cases Summary Dashlet

The Cases Summary dashlet also appears in the intelligence pane of the Accounts record view. It allows users to view status information for cases related to the specific account record. The case summary is broken up into multiple tabs (Summary, New, Pending Input, Assigned) and displays a number on each tab to indicate the relevant count of the open, closed, new, and pending cases. Please note that the record must have at least one related case in order for data to appear within the dashlet and the status tabs (Pending Input, New, Assigned) will appear if there is a related case meeting that particular status.

The dashlet is not available for Sugar Sell users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each, refer to the User Management documentation.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon. To open up the dashlet, simply click the arrow again.

Note: Dashlet Gear menus, including the Edit, Refresh, and Remove options in the Case Summary dashlet, are only available to the containing dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users.
DD CaseSummaryDashlet

The Summary tab displays a donut chart that shows the breakdown of open cases versus closed cases. If you hover over the breakdown it will display the number of open and closed cases for the record. The Pending Input tab displays a list of all pending cases related to the current record. The New tab displays a list of all new cases related to the current record. The Assigned tab displays a list of all open cases related to the current record. Users can easily view the case details by clicking the record's subject link under each tab. Please note that you can also mark a case as a favorite by clicking the star icon to the left of the case subject under each tab (Pending Input, New, Assigned).
DD CaseSummaryDashlet Favorite

Comment Log Dashlet

The Comment Log dashlet is available to add to Sidecar record views and displays the contents of the Comment Log field for the current record. It lists the entries in descending order with the newest at the top. You can also quickly create new entries by typing in the open text box then clicking the "Add" button. The dashlet shows the three most recent entries but you can open the rest of the entries by clicking "View All". If another user adds an entry while you are viewing the dashlet, you must refresh the dashlet to see the new entry. The Comment Log dashlet is also included automatically in the Renewals Console. For more information about comment logs including mentioning records and users, refer to the User Interface documentation.

Timeline Dashlet

Note: The Timeline dashlet was known as the Interactions dashlet in Sugar versions 11.0.x and lower.

The Timeline dashlet appears in the Accounts, Cases, Contacts, Escalations, Leads, Opportunities, and Quotes record view dashboards, as well as in the Renewals Console. It displays the current record's related activities and select field updates (e.g., a change to the Assigned To field) in the form of record cards. Each card in the dashlet is sorted in chronological order based on the date they occur or are due (for tasks), with the most recent at the top. By default, the Timeline dashlet will display the first set of twenty record cards and you can click "Show more..." to load the next set of cards. If the Timeline dashlet displays "No Activity", then there are no activity records related to the current record and no tracked field changes have been made.

You can also filter the Timeline dashlet to show only certain card types by clicking on "Related" below the dashlet header and selecting the desired card type. To see all of the current record's related activities and select field updates, select "All" in the Related options. 
D&D AccountTimelineDashlet

When you hover over a card, an Actions menu, represented by three vertical dots, appears and contains additional options for each type of record card.

The different record cards and their available actions are described below:

Record Card Type Content Options Actions Menu Options
Call card
  • Click the guest's name to open the employee, contact, or lead record
  • Click the subject to open the call record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the description text
  • View Customer Sentiment 1
  • Open the focus drawer for the call
  • Unlink the call from the current record
Email card
  • Click the sender or recipient to open the employee, contact, or lead record
  • Click the subject to open the email record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the email body text
  • Click the attachment pill to download
  • Reply, reply-all, or forward
  • Open the focus drawer for the email
  • Unlink the email from the current record (not available for Archived emails)
Message card 2
  • Click the guest's name to open the employee, contact, or lead record
  • Click the subject to open the message record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the description text
  • Open the focus drawer for the message
  • Unlink the meeting from the current record
Meeting card
  • Click the guest's name to open the employee, contact, or lead record
  • Click the subject to open the meeting record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the description text
  • Open the focus drawer for the meeting
  • Unlink the meeting from the current record
Note card
  • Click the username to open the employee record
  • Click the subject to open the note record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the description text
  • Click the attachment pill to download the individual file
  • Click the Download/Download All link to compress files into a .zip file
  • Open the focus drawer for the note
  • Unlink the note from the current record
Task card
  • Click the username to open the employee record
  • Click the subject to open the task record
  • Click "More" or "Less" to expand or collapse the description text
  • Open the focus drawer for the task
  • Unlink the task from the current record
Update card 3
  • Click the username to open the employee record

1 For Sugar Sell or Serve instances with call transcripts set up, add the Customer Sentiment field to preview view for the Calls module in order to display the information on the Call card.
2 Message cards are only shown in the Timeline dashlet if the Start Date field is populated on the message.
3 The tracked fields are Assigned To and Status on lead records and Sales Stage on opportunity records. The tracked fields for case records are Assigned To, Status, and Priority. Note that the field must be enabled for audit at the time the update occurs for it to appear in the Timeline dashlet.

Creating Activities via Timeline

You can create new activities directly from the Timeline Dashlet by clicking the Plus (+) icon in the dashlet header and selecting the type of record you wish to create. A quick-create drawer will open where you can enter the activity's details; the new activity will be automatically related to the record open in the adjacent record view.
D&D ContactTimelineDashlet Create

Refer to the Calls, EmailsMessages, MeetingsTasks, and Notes documentation for more information on creating these records.

Editing Timeline Card Layouts

The Preview layout in Studio can be used to make certain changes to the Timeline card layout. Specifically, an administrator can remove a field from a Timeline dashlet card by removing the field from the Preview layout for the card's module via Admin > Studio > {Module} > Layouts > Preview. Please be aware that you cannot add any fields to the Timeline dashlet, with the sole exception being the Customer Sentiment field in the Calls module. For more information on editing the Preview layout, please refer the Layouts documentation in the Administration Guide.

Timeline Dashlet with Sugar Market

If your Sugar instance is integrated with Sugar Market, you can configure the Sugar Market sync settings to show the full customer journey in the Timeline Dashlet on Account, Lead, and Contact record view dashboards. The Sugar Market activities will be chronologically juxtaposed with the record's CRM activities, offering an uninterrupted view of the entire customer journey. Please refer to the Sugar Market Integration Guide for more information.

Record View Dashlet

The Record View dashlet is available to add to all Sidecar modules except Emails and Forecasts. Admin users can configure the Record View dashlet's layout for all supported Sidecar modules as well as any custom modules via Admin > Studio. The Record View dashlet is also included automatically in the Renewals Console.

The Record View dashlet uses a tabbed view to allow users to see records related to the one they are viewing. Depending on the nature of the relationship, you will see related record(s) as either a detailed record view or a list view layout:

  • If the current record can only be related to one record in the dashlet's selected module (i.e., one-to-one and many-to-one relationships), the dashlet will display the detailed record view for the one related record.
  • If the current record may be related to many records in the dashlet's selected module (i.e., one-to-many and many-to-many relationships), a list view is displayed even if there is only one related record to show.

Users can configure up to six related modules in the dashlet's tabs. To open a different tab, click the name of the tab across the top. When viewing a single record tab, the record can be edited directly in the dashlet by clicking an individual field or clicking the Edit button. Once you are done editing, click the Save button to preserve your changes. Additionally, an Actions menu is available in the Record View dashlet for modules that can be escalated (i.e., Accounts, Bugs, Cases, and Opportunites). For more information, refer to the Escalations documentation.  If you wish to access the record's (e.g., accounts) full-page record view, simply hover over the record's name in the single-record Record View dashlet tab, and click the arrow icon that appears to navigate to the record.

NoteHovering over links to Sidecar module records (e.g., contacts, emails, calls) in the dashlet will display a Focus icon, which can be clicked, to reveal a focus drawer.  
D&D RecordViewDashlet ArrowIcon

To configure the tabs on the dashlet, click the Gear icon in the top right corner and select "Edit". On the screen that opens, you can specify which tabs you would like displayed in the dashlet by selecting the desired modules in the Tabs field on top. The first option will start with the word "This" and represents a record view tab of the record currently in focus. When applying the dashlet to a record view, it is recommended to remove the "This..." tab so that information is not duplicated on the screen and a related records tab can be shown first. Click the Tabs field to select more tabs or click a tab's X icon to remove it. Beneath the Tabs field, a preview of the dashlet is available. Clicking each tab allows you to view how the tab will be displayed and, for list view tabs, allows you to configure the tab. You can specify which columns to display, how many rows to display, and how often the list view data should be automatically refreshed. Tabs showing a single record cannot be configured in the dashlet as they are controlled by the module's Record View Dashlet layout which can be configured by admin users via Studio.

Knowledge Base Search Dashlet

The Knowledge Base Search dashlet gives you quick access to published knowledge base articles in the Knowledge Base module via a search bar and a tree-based view and is available to add to any dashboard in Sugar. The search bar lets you find articles with matching titles or contents; to search, simply enter a keyword and a dropdown will appear containing matching articles. Below the search bar, you can see a tree-based view showing the structure of the knowledge base. Here, you can navigate through the folders to browse published articles in specific categories and click articles to open them. Clicking an article in the search results or the tree-based view opens it in a new browser tab.
Dashboards KnowledgeBaseSearch2

Product Catalog Dashlet

The Product Catalog dashlet allows users to easily access the Product Catalog and instantly add products from the catalog as line items on opportunities and quotes. The dashlet appears to the right of the page when creating a new opportunity or quote, and also in the Opportunities and Quotes record view intelligence pane. For more information on utilizing the Product Catalog dashlet in these modules, refer to the Opportunities and Quotes documentation.

Note: Only products with a status of "Active" are displayed in the Product Catalog dashlet.

You can also access the Product Catalog from other Sidecar modules (e.g., Home, Accounts) simply by adding the Product Catalog dashlet to the intelligence pane dashboard. Please note that unlike the Opportunities and Quotes modules, the Product Catalog dashlet will be read-only when added to other modules (excluding Accounts). You can search for products using the Search field on the dashlet as well as view details of the Product Catalog record by clicking the blue Preview icon to the right of a product's name. When viewing the details of the record, you can mark the product as a favorite by clicking the star icon on the upper left of the product catalog's record view. Once the product is marked as a favorite, it will appear in the Product Catalog Quick Picks dashlet on opportunities and quotes. When accessing the Product Catalog dashlet in the Accounts module, you can select a product from the dashlet to add as a revenue line item to the account's related opportunity. Simply click the card icon or product name in the dashlet then enter appropriate values in the Revenue Line Items record view form. Once the necessary information is entered, click "Save", and the revenue line item will appear in the Revenue Line Items subpanel in the account's record view. 

Active Subscriptions Dashlet

The Active Subscriptions dashlet is available by default in the Renewals Console and can be added to the record view dashboard of any module, custom or stock, that has one of the following:

  • A one-to-one or many-to-one relationship to the Accounts module
  • A relate field targeting the Accounts module

The dashlet shows a list of all of the current account's purchases that are marked "Service", have a start date in the past, and an end date in the future. The dashlet shows each purchase's name, quantity of units, and purchased line item calculated revenue amount next to "Total". A simple bar chart visualizes the time elapsed and time remaining for the subscription, which you can explicitly view by hovering your mouse over the bar. To learn more, review the Purchases and Purchased Line Items documentation.

Purchase History Dashlet

The Purchase History dashlet is available to add to the Renewals Console and can be added to the record view dashboard of any module, custom or stock, that has one of the following:

  • A one-to-one or many-to-one relationship to the Accounts module
  • A relate field targeting the Accounts module

The dashlet shows all of the current account's purchases regardless of the start or end date of the purchase record. The dashlet shows each purchase's name, date range, quantity, and total. Clicking the purchase name takes you to the purchase record view. The number of purchased line item records related to the purchase is shown above the total and can be expanded or collapsed to display or hide the purchased line item records. When expanded, the purchased line item records are displayed with their respective date ranges, quantities, and line item totals. Clicking the date ranges takes you to the purchased line item record view.

Note: You can hover over the linked purchase name or date (for purchased line items) and click the Focus icon to reveal the Focus Drawer dashboard, which displays a 360-degree view of the linked record through a set of dashlets containing pertinent information.   

Searching and Sorting Purchase Records

The purchase records displayed in the Purchase History dashlet can be searched and sorted to make records easier to find. Search and sort can be used separately or together and will be applied to all of the related account's purchases, not only those visible in the dashlet's default view.

The dashlet search bar uses a partial string match, meaning it will return records that contain the letters you type anywhere in the name, and displays matching results as you type. For example, searching for the string "widget" would return both "Camping Widget" and "Fishing Widget". To clear the search results, click the "x" in the right side of the search bar.

When sorting the records, you have the option to sort by the following:

  • Date (Last Purchase): The default sort order that displays purchases in descending order based on the value in the purchase's End Date field.
  • Date (First Purchase): Displays purchases in ascending order based on the value in the purchase's End Date field.
  • Price (Highest Total): Displays purchases in descending order based on the value in the purchase's Total Revenue field.
  • Price (Lowest Total): Displays purchases in ascending order based on the value in the purchase's Total Revenue field.


RSS Feed Dashlet

The RSS Feed dashlet allows you to view external RSS or Blog feeds via the dashboard on the intelligence pane. When adding the dashlet, you will need to enter in the desired feed URL (e.g., "https://news.google.com/news/headlines/section/topic/TECHNOLOGY?ned=us&hl=en&gl=US") in the Feed URL field. You can also select a value in the "Number of entries to show" field to display the most recent 5, 10, 15, or 20 entries from the feed and specify an auto-refresh interval (e.g., Every Hour) if desired. Once the dashlet is added to the intelligence pane, the applicable feeds will display and you can click the title of each feed to access the full story on the parent site. If you wish to access the full site where the RSS feeds originate from, simply click the title (e.g., Technology - Google News) below the dashlet header.

The Gear icon on the upper right of the dashlet allows you to edit, refresh, and remove the dashlet accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon. To open up the dashlet, you can simply click the arrow again.

Web Page Dashlet

The Web Page dashlet allows users to load content from an external website in Sugar's dashboard. When adding this dashlet, you will need to enter the desired URL (e.g., https://example.com) in the URL field then select the display rows value to define the size of the dashlet. Please note that Sugar will only load content from trusted domains that the system administrator has approved in Admin > Content Security Policy Settings. If you get an error indicating that the content has not been approved, please reach out to your administrator as they will need to update your system's Content Security Policy settings. If the CSP settings get updated while you are logged in to Sugar, you will need to refresh your browser for the changes to take effect in your session.
D&D WebPageDashlet 

Sales Pipeline Chart Dashlet

The Sales Pipeline Chart dashlet illustrates the flow of open sales opportunities through the various sales stages by displaying the total dollar amounts for open records grouped by sales stage. The top of the sales funnel is the widest point and represents sales deals that are still in the earliest stage of "Qualification". The funnel narrows as unqualified prospects fall away and opportunities with higher win potential approach final sale. 

Note: The Sales Pipeline Chart dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each, refer to the User Management documentation.

Note: The Sales Pipeline chart assumes that the sales stages are being used as defined in the out-of-the-box Sales Stage dropdown list. While the dashlet will display custom Sales Stage field values, the out-of-the-box Closed Won and Closed Lost field values must be preserved in order for Sugar's Sales Pipeline Chart to properly identify open vs. closed business. Any custom stages added to the Sales Stage dropdown by your organization will be displayed at the top of the funnel, regardless of how the stages are sorted within the dropdown.

You can customize the Sales Pipeline Chart to monitor the overall health of your personal funnel or the aggregate funnel for you and all of the users that report to you. After adding this dashlet to the homepage, toggle between "My Pipeline" and "My Team's Pipeline" using the individual and group icons on the upper right of the dashlet. "My Pipeline" displays a summary of opportunities or revenue line items for the current user and "My Team's Pipeline" displays a summary of opportunities or revenue line items for the current user plus his direct reports as configured in the "Reports to" field of their user profile.
DD SalesPipelineChartDashlet IndividualGrpIcons
The pipeline can also be filtered by time periods that have been configured by the administrator in the Forecasts module by clicking on the time period dropdown. The chart will display only records with an expected close date within the specified date range. Hover over the time periods to see the dates that the time periods begin and end.
DD SalesPipelineChartDashlet TimePeriod

To further customize the dashlet, users can click on individual sales stage labels to add and remove those stages from the funnel view. In the example pictured below, only the Proposal/Price Quote and Negotiation/Review sales stages are enabled and therefore appear in the legend with solid dots. Sales stages that have been disabled will appear in the legend as empty circles.

For more detailed information on forecasting, please refer to the Forecasts documentation.

Saved Reports Chart Dashlet

The Saved Reports Chart dashlet allows you to view pre-defined report charts as well as charts of your saved reports. When adding a Saved Reports Chart dashlet, you can select from the pre-defined report charts as well as any custom report charts to which you have access. Summation-type, summation with details-type, and matrix-type reports have the chart option available to view as dashlets.

When adding the reports chart dashlet, you will first select your desired report via the Select a Report option. You can either type the first few characters of the report's name and select from the type-ahead results or click "Search and Select..." below the search box to select your desired report from the Search and Select Reports drawer. Please note that only reports with charts will be available to add to the dashlet. The Auto Refresh option allows you to choose a time frame (e.g., Every 30 Minutes) that you wish to have the dashlet query automatically refreshed.
DashboardsDashlets SavedReportsChartDashlet SelectReport AutoRefresh

In addition, the following configuration options allow you to define how the chart will display:

Note: The configuration options available may vary slightly between the report chart types.

  • Chart type: Select the type of chart (e.g., Pie Chart, Funnel Chart) to display.
    • The chart type initially defaults to the chart type defined in the originating report. 
    • The available chart types will vary between reports.
    • For more information on chart types, please refer to the Reports documentation.
  • Show total: Enable the checkbox to display the report's total value on the dashlet.
    • The total value in the report chart dashlet dynamically updates to display the total as reflected in the originating report.
  • Show legend: Enable the checkbox to display the full chart's legend on the dashlet.
  • Show x-axis label: Mark the checkbox to display the chart's x-axis title on the dashlet.
    • A title from the originating report will populate automatically, but you can specify a different title for display in the dashlet by entering a new value in the open text box.
    • This option only applies to bar charts and line charts.
  • Tick display methods: Enable the appropriate options based on how you wish to display x-axis labels with long texts on the chart dashlet. When all three options are enabled, Sugar will apply the display methods in order ("Wrap ticks", "Stagger ticks", "Rotate ticks") and display the x-axis labels based on the best option. 
    • Wrap ticks: Wraps x-axis labels to the next line. 
    • Stagger ticks: Staggers x-axis labels in alternating positions.
    • Rotate ticks: Rotates x-axis labels diagonally instead of across.
    • This option only applies to vertical bar charts and line charts.
  • Show y-axis label: Enable the checkbox to display the chart's y-axis title on the dashlet.
    • A title from the originating report will populate automatically, but you can specify a different title for display in the dashlet by entering a new value in the open text box.
    • This option only applies to bar charts and line charts.
  • Bar chart value placement: Select where the chart values (e.g., End, Middle) will be positioned for bar-type charts.
    • The Top option applies to bar grouped-type charts (e.g., Horizontal Bar Grouped Chart) with an un-stacked data series.
  • Bar chart display options: Enable the appropriate options based on how you wish to view data on the chart.
    • Allow scrolling: Scroll the chart up-and-down or left-to-right on the dashlet, if applicable. Disabling this option re-sizes the chart to fit the full dashlet width.
      • Scrolling will work for charts where the data exceeds the size of the dashlet width.
      • This option only applies to bar charts.
    • Stack data series: Displays a stacked bar for each grouping in the report chart broken into sub-sections of data. Disabling this option displays separate bars for each sub-section in the same grouping.
      • This option only applies to grouped bar charts (e.g., Vertical Bar Grouped Chart).
    • Hide empty groups: Hides any empty data groups from the chart, if applicable.
      • This option only applies to bar charts.

DD SavedReportsChartDashlet Options

Once the dashlet is added, click the Gear icon on the upper right to editrefresh, or remove the dashlet as necessary. In addition, you can select the View Report option to access the originating report's detail view which will open in a new browser tab. The report may also be edited to update or add information as necessary as long as your ability to edit reports in Sugar is not restricted by a role. For more information on teams and roles, please refer to the Team Management and Role Management documentation in the Administration Guide. If any changes are made to the report, the reports chart dashlet on your Home page will reflect the changes after saving the report and refreshing the dashlet.

To collapse the dashlet, simply click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon. You can click the colored circles in the chart legend to toggle whether or not that segment appears in the chart. Users can also drill through to view a list of records associated with a particular chart section by clicking on the section. For more information about drilling through report charts, please refer to the Reports documentation.
DD SavedReportsChartDashlet GearIcon

Note: Dashlet Gear menus, with the exception of the View Report and Refresh options in the Saved Reports Chart dashlet, are only available to the containing dashboard's Assigned To user and system admin users.

Organization Chart

The Organization Chart dashlet illustrates the reporting structure of your organization as determined by the Reports To field in the employee records. You will only see the users who report to you and the users who report to them (i.e., two levels of employees). Click on the tile of an employee to be taken to the employee record or the minus icon on the tile to collapse their reportees' tiles.
Organization chart dashlet

The icons along the top of the dashlet allow you to perform the following actions:

Option Description
Name selector Choose a user to focus the chart on. Names with a folder icon next to them have employees reporting to them; you can click their names to reveal the reportees' names.
Magnification slider Zoom in and out on the chart.
Change orientation button Change the orientation of the organization chart from top to bottom to left to right.
Show all nodes button Display all name tiles.
Fit chart button Fit the organization chart to the dashlet size.

Organization chart dashlet controls

Module-Specific Dashlets

Certain modules (e.g., Forecasts) in Sugar contain dashlets that are built specifically for that module. For the Forecasts module, the intelligence pane displays dashlets that allow users to view key information regarding the various forecast stages, likely amounts, best amounts, etc. For more information regarding these forecast-specific dashlets, please refer to the Forecasts documentation.

The Gear icon also appears on the upper right of these dashlets to allow users to edit, refresh, and remove the dashlet's accordingly. To collapse the dashlet, click the Up arrow to the left of the Gear icon and to open up the dashlet, simply click the arrow again.