Let the platform do the work

Cloud Drive


Users who store documents in Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive can access those documents in Sugar via the Cloud Drive dashlet. You can download, upload, and copy links to files from the Cloud Drive dashlet. This guide covers how to set up the necessary connectors for using the Cloud Drive dashlet and how to use the Cloud Drive dashlet.


The following must be completed before using the Cloud Drive dashlet:

Configuring Cloud Drive Paths

Root Path

The path defined in Google Drive/Microsoft OneDrive Root Path determines the default path for all Cloud Drive dashlets on list view and record view dashboards throughout your instance. If this field is left blank, the default path will be the root My Drive (Google) or My Files (Microsoft) folder for each user.

To change this default path, the admin must first connect their Google or Microsoft account (see the Prerequisites section for more information). Next, go to Admin > Cloud Drive and select either "Google Drive" or "Microsoft OneDrive". Click "Select Root Path" and then navigate to the folder that you want to choose. Click "Shared With Me" to view folders and files that have been shared with you. Click "Set Path" next to the folder to set that folder as the path, or click "Set Path" in the top right to set the current folder as the path. Your changes are saved after you click "Set Path". You can click "Remove Root Path" from the Drive Path Config screen if you would like to remove the selected root path.

Note: While you are able to type in the path to a file, we highly recommend using the "Select Root Path" button to ensure that you are choosing the correct file. If you type the file path, the dashlet may not be able to find the correct folder.

Paths for Record View

The Paths for Record View section allows the admin to select a specific path for the dashlet on a specific module's record view. Note that this path will not apply to the list view dashlet for that module, and the Root Path (if configured) will be used instead.

Once you select a module from the dropdown, you can configure the Default Starting Path field. Click the Select Path button and then navigate to your desired folder. Click "Shared With Me" to view folders and files that have been shared with you. Click "Set Path" next to the folder to set that folder as the path, or click "Set Path" in the top right to set the current folder as the path. Once you click "Set Path" and the drawer closes, your changes have been saved and you can safely navigate away from the Drive Path Config screen. 

You can configure the record view dashlet to show a specific folder based on a field in the module so that the dashlet dynamically sets the folder based on which record you are viewing. For example, you may want to have a folder for Accounts, but then have sub-folders named for each account to keep your files organized. This method allows you to set the file based on the Account name on the record. If the folder does not exist, a Create Folder button will appear on the dashlet so that you can create the needed sub-folder. To configure this, add a forward slash (/) at the end of the path in the Default Starting Path field and then select a variable from the Fields Variable dropdown. Once you have selected the variable, click the Add button (plus icon) to add the field to the path, then click the checkmark button to save.

Click the Delete button (x icon) to remove the file path. 

Note: While you are able to type in the path to a file, we highly recommend using the "Select Path" button to ensure that you are choosing the correct file. If you type the file path, the dashlet may not be able to find the correct folder.

Note: Only click the checkmark button after typing a file path into the Default Starting Path field or after adding a field variable to the file path. 

Cloud Drive Dashlet

The Cloud Drive dashlet can be configured to display either Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Click the Add Dashlet button from the floating actions button on the dashboard and select "Cloud Drive". Choose your Cloud Provider from the dropdown menu and click "Save".

Working With the Cloud Drive Dashlet

The folder that you see by default in the Cloud Drive dashlet is determined by whether or not your admin has configured Cloud Drive paths

Interacting with the Cloud Drive dashlet is similar to most file browsers. You can sort the contents alphabetically by clicking "Name" at the top of the name column. You can click on a folder name to open it and view its contents within the dashlet, and you can click on a file name to open the filein a new tab in either Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. The file hierarchy can be navigated by using the hyperlinked file path at the top of the dashlet. 

Action Description
Refresh Refresh the current folder in the dashlet. You can refresh the root directory by going to the gear icon in the top right of the dashlet and selecting "Refresh".
Add Folder Add a new folder in the current folder.
Upload Upload a file to the current folder. Once you have chosen the file, click the up arrow to proceed with the upload.
My Files/Shared With Me Toggle whether the dashlet shows files that are owned by you or files that are shared with you. Since files that are shared via Sharepoint are also visible in your OneDrive, "Shared With Me" shows files that have been shared with you via OneDrive and Sharepoint.
Download Download the file.
Copy link Copy the link to the file to your computer's clipboard.
Create Sugar Document Convert the file to a Sugar document. The Sugar document record name will match the file name and the Publish Date will match the date the Sugar document was created. If this action is selected on a record view dashlet, the resulting document will be linked to the current record and be added to the Documents subpanel.
Delete Delete the file or folder. Click "Confirm" on the confirmation message to delete the file or folder.
Note: Items deleted via the Cloud Drive dashlet are immediately deleted from Google Drive. Items deleted via the Cloud Drive dashlet are moved to the recycle bin in Microsoft OneDrive.

Sync to Cloud Drive

You can sync documents in the Documents subpanel to your cloud drive via the Actions menu on the Documents subpanel. This is a one-time sync from Sugar to your Cloud Drive. Refer to the Documents documentation for more information.