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Sugar's Forecasts module incorporates opportunity records to build forecasting worksheets and predict sales. Users can work towards sales quotas at the individual, team, and sales organization levels.

Before users can access the Forecasts module to begin building forecasting worksheets, a user with administrator access must configure the Forecasts module with the organization's desired Time Periods, Ranges, and Scenarios. For more information on setting up the Forecasts module, please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

Sales representatives use the Forecasts module to work with their assigned opportunities or revenue line items as the current time period progresses. These users will commit total predictions for their personal sales based on the deals they expect to close. For instructions specific to a sales representative's use of the module, please refer to the Sales Representatives section of this documentation.

Sales managers work with their own records similarly to other sales representatives. In addition, they aggregate their reportees' committed forecast amounts to predict their total team's sales and work towards the team's quota for each time period. In order for a user to have a designated manager that aggregates their forecast amounts, they must have the manager selected in the Reports To field on their user record. For instructions specific to a sales manager's use of the module, please refer to the Sales Managers section of this documentation.

Additional insights are offered by the elements of the expandable Intelligence Pane including analysis for an individual's worksheet and analysis for a manager's team worksheets. For more information, please refer to the sales representative Intelligence Pane and the sales manager Intelligence Pane sections of this documentation.

This documentation will cover information and actions specific to the Forecasts module. Some sections may be noted as relevant to instances configured either with or without revenue line items as necessary. Otherwise, the remaining documentation will reference opportunities, which can be interchangeable with revenue line items if your instance is configured to use them. For more information about changing your opportunities model via Admin > Opportunities, please see the Opportunities Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

Sales Representatives

Sales representatives use the Forecasts module to work with their assigned opportunities as the current time period progresses. These users will commit total predictions for their personal sales based on the deals they expect to close.

When you access the Forecasts module as a sales representative, you will see your name at the top left of the screen. Sales representatives who do not have any reportees will only be able to see and work with their own records. Below your name, you will see a time period selection, summary and commit history, filter, and list view. On the right side of each page is an expandable Intelligence Pane which offers additional insight into your forecasting worksheet.

Seller Forecast Worksheet

The Forecasts module contains a worksheet with information in the worksheet header and list view that enables users to work with opportunity records to forecast sales for a given time period. The following table describes the information seen on an individual seller's forecast worksheet. Users with administrator or developer access have the ability to enable fields for use in the Forecasts module via Admin > Forecasts. Many opportunity fields are available to be added to the forecasting worksheet. For more information please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

Field Description
Account Name Worksheet column representing the account to which the opportunity belongs; cannot be in-line edited from the Forecasts module.

Worksheet columns representing the opportunity's Best/Likely/Worst fields. Best values represent the most optimistic total amount; automatically set to match Likely when Sales Stage is "Closed - Lost" or "Closed - Won". Likely values represent the most likely amount. Worst values represent the least optimistic total amount; automatically set to match Likely when Sales Stage is "Closed - Lost" or "Closed - Won".

Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) Located in the worksheet header, your own personal call, defaulting to the forecasted value but able to be modified by you. This value is what will be sent to your manager as the Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) upon clicking "Commit". 
Expected Close Date Worksheet column representing the opportunity's expected date of completion.
Forecast Worksheet column representing the opportunity's commit range (e.g., "Include", "Exclude", etc.) based on the opportunity's initial probability and the user's edits; controls whether the record is counted in the forecast's totals and allows for filtering; automatically set to "Included" when Sales Stage is "Closed - Won" and "Excluded" when Sales Stage is "Closed - Lost".
Forecasted (Best/Likely/Worst) In the worksheet header, the total amount of the opportunities best, likely, or worst values included in the forecast. 
Opportunity Name Worksheet column representing the opportunity's name; cannot be in-line edited from the Forecasts module.
Probability The opportunity's current probability of being won.
Note: This value is calculated based on the selected Sales Stage and cannot be edited.

The revenue line item's related product; cannot be in-line edited from the Forecasts module.
Note: You will only see this column if your instance is configured with revenue line items.


Located in the worksheet header, your individual quota for this sales time period as assigned by your manager.

Revenue Line Item Name Worksheet column representing the revenue line item's name; cannot be in-line edited from the Forecasts module.
Note: You will only see this column if your instance is configured with revenue line items.
Stage Worksheet column representing the opportunity's current sales stage.

Time Periods

Below your name, you will see the current time period for which you are forecasting opportunities to meet a quota. The length and the start date of this time period depend on the Time Periods configuration set up by your administrator. Clicking the arrow to the right of the current time period allows you to choose a future or past time period, the availability of which is also determined by the administrator's Time Periods configuration. Select a past or future time period to work with opportunities and forecast for those periods.

Summary and Commit History

To the right of the Time Period selection, you will see a summary of your current forecasting numbers for the time period currently in view. The large numbers are your current worksheet's Quota, Worst, Likely, and Best commitments. The smaller numbers show your most recent commit's Likely, Best, and Worst forecasted. Any red or green arrows next to the large numbers show whether your worksheet's current (uncommitted) numbers are higher or lower than your most recent commit.

Note: You may or may not see the Best and Worst options depending on how your administrator has configured the Forecasts module. By default, the Worst field is disabled and must be enabled by the administrator via Admin > Forecasts > Scenarios.

Below the Time Period selection, you will see the date of your most recent commit. There will be no date shown if you have not yet committed for this time period. By clicking the arrow to the right of the latest commit date, a dark grey panel will appear showing the timestamp of the last commit with a history of your commits for this time period along with the changes for each forecasting number from the previous commit.


Below the summary and commit history, you will see a filter bar that controls what kinds of opportunities are displayed. By default, the "Include" filter will be active, meaning that only the deals with a probability falling within the Include range specified during the administrator's Ranges configuration will be displayed. To add additional filters, click on the Filters bar and choose additional ranges. The filter(s) (e.g., Include, Exclude) added to the Filters bar will be preserved when you navigate away from the module. Returning to the Forecasts module will automatically display the records based on the filter(s) you last applied.

Please note the Upside and custom ranges may or may not be available depending on the administrator's Ranges configuration. To remove ranges from the filter, click the "x" for each filter name. Removing all filters will display all of your assigned opportunities.

Line Items and Totals

Based on the chosen filters, you will see all or some of your assigned opportunities for the currently selected time period listed below the Filters bar. On the far left of each row, a blue bar will appear to indicate whether or not the row's amounts are included in the totals for this time period. The presence of the blue bar indicates the row is being counted. In addition to the range called "Include", multiple forecast ranges may be counted towards your totals depending on how your administrator has configured forecast ranges for the instance. For more information about making more than one range included in totals, please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide. The range and thus the inclusion of each row can be changed manually via this view. You can work directly with your records by in-line editing their probabilities and amounts from the Forecasts module or by clicking the Name field to open a record in the Opportunities module where you can make additional edits. To the right of each row is a preview button that will allow you to view details about the record in your intelligence pane.

At the bottom of the list, the "Displayed Total" and "Overall Total" rows display sums of the Worst, Likely, and Best amount columns. The Displayed Total row shows the sum of the Worst, Likely, and Best amounts (both included and excluded) displayed on the worksheet based on the filters currently applied. The Overall Total row displays the totals (both included and excluded) of all opportunities' amounts in this time period regardless of any filters currently applied.

Editing Forecast Inclusion

The first time an opportunity is loaded to a worksheet, Sugar will assign it a category of either "Include", "Exclude", "Upside" (optional), or a custom range based on the Ranges configured by your administrator. The deals with a higher probability of being won are typically assigned to the Include range while those with a lower probability of being won are designated for the Exclude range. Your administrator may have chosen to use the Upside range or to create a number of other, custom ranges - each with its own non-overlapping range of probabilities. Custom ranges may also exist which have no association with probabilities.

Since one or more ranges may be considered as included depending on your administrators' configuration, the blue bars to the left of each row will update to reflect which items are included and which are excluded based on your updates to each's forecast range.

You may wish to alter the category automatically assigned to your opportunities by these administrator-configured ranges especially as each deal moves forward in the sales process and becomes more likely to be won. To do this, simply click on the record's current category in the Forecast column and choose the desired category from the dropdown menu.

Changing an opportunity's Forecast column to an included range such as "Include" will cause its Likely, Best, and Worst fields to be added to your totals while choosing an excluded range such as "Exclude" will remove the opportunity's numbers from your totals. Changing which records are included on your worksheet requires you to save a draft or commit in order for changes to be preserved.

Note: All records in a Closed Won stage will be included in the worksheet and cannot have their Forecast column altered. All records in a Closed Lost stage will be excluded from the worksheet and cannot have their Forecast column altered.

Editing Opportunity Fields

In addition to editing the inclusion, you can make in-line changes to each opportunity's fields including Sales Stage, Likely, Best, and Worst. To do so, simply click any field which shows a pencil icon when being hovered over, and enter the new amount. Keep in mind that your worksheet may or may not include "Best" and "Worst" depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

Clicking outside the text box or pressing Enter/Return will save your change to the line, shown with a highlighted value, and update the worksheet's totals, summary, and Intelligence Pane. Clicking the Save Opportunities or Commit button will also update the opportunity records themselves and make your changes visible when viewing the record in other places in Sugar. Saving a draft or committing is also required to preserve these changes to your worksheet and, in the case of committing, make the changes visible in your manager's Forecasts module.

Making Personal Commitments

Sales representatives have the ability to enter the commitment value to reflect what they feel are the most accurate commits for themselves. Users can commit to a revenue amount without it needing to correspond to specific deals. If a commitment has been made for the Time Period, it will default to the last committed value. If not, it will default to the Adjusted Total. To make changes, simply click the Commitment value, where a pencil icon is shown, and enter the new amount. Please note, changes made to these values will not be preserved if you navigate away from the page. In order to save the changes and make your personal commitment, you must click the Commit button.

Currency Support

If you use a currency different from your Sugar instance's default currency, your Likely, Best, and Worst amounts will be displayed in the system's default currency in the Forecasts module. Clicking to edit these amount values will, however, display and allow for editing in your chosen currency.

Intelligence Pane

To the right of the forecasting worksheet, you will find an expandable intelligence pane that provides additional insights for planning and forecasting. If the pane is hidden, click the double-arrow button to expand it. Clicking the button again will hide it when you wish to see your worksheet at full width. The out-of-the-box default dashboard, "Forecasts Dashboard", contains two default dashlets that help provide additional insight into your forecasting worksheet, the In Forecast and Forecast Bar Chart dashlets. You can click the floating actions button on the intelligence pane to access the available options (e.g., Create Dashboard) in the floating actions menu. For more information on using dashboards, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation.

In Forecast Dashlet

The In Forecast dashlet appears at the top of the Intelligence Pane and gives a breakdown of how your opportunities match up to your quota. Keep in mind that your In Forecast dashlet may or may not include "Best" and "Worst" depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

Note: The In Forecast dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each type, refer to the User Management documentation.

The In Forecast dashlet's values are calculated based on the most recent updates to your worksheet even if the changes have not yet been saved as a draft or committed. The values take all of your opportunities into account regardless of any filters currently being used in your worksheet. Their meanings are as follows:

Field Description
Quota Your personal quota for this sales time period as assigned by your manager.
Closed Won The total amount of your Closed Won opportunities.
Deficit The difference between your quota and the total amount of your Closed Won opportunities; the additional revenue needed to be won in order to meet your quota.
Likely The total of the Likely amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Likely Colored Box) When summing your Closed Won amounts and your Likely amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.
Best (Optional) The total of the Best amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Best Colored Box) (Optional) When summing your Closed Won amounts and your Best amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.
Worst (Optional) The total of the Worst amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Worst Colored Box) (Optional) When summing your Closed Won amounts and your Worst amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.

Forecast Bar Chart Dashlet

The Forecast Bar Chart appears on the bottom of the Intelligence Pane and provides a configurable chart showing different cuts of your forecasting data over the course of the selected time period. Each opportunity's Expected Close Date field determines in which sub-period it appears. Only the records currently appearing on your worksheet will appear in your chart meaning that the chart respects your current filters. The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet's values are calculated based on the most recent updates to your worksheet even if the changes have not yet been saved as a draft or committed. Throughout all chart configurations, the dotted black line represents your quota for the given time period and can be hovered over to view the quota amount.

Note: The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each, refer to the User Management documentation.

Use the two dropdown menus to control what is displayed in the chart.

When "Likely" is chosen, each green point represents the total Likely amounts for all opportunities currently appearing in your filtered worksheet for that sub-period and any previous sub-periods falling within the selected time period. Choosing "Best" or "Worst" shows the same points using the opportunities' Best or Worst amounts instead. A green line connects these points showing the change in your possible cumulative amounts.

Each sub-period also displays bars that represent the Likely, Best, or Worst amounts (depending on the chosen dropdown option) for the opportunities currently appearing in your filtered worksheet. Choosing "In Forecast" will color code segments of these bars according to each record's Forecast field (i.e., "Include", "Exclude", etc). Choosing "Sales Stage" will color code the bars according to the Stage field of each opportunity. Choosing "Probability" will color code the bars according to the Probability field of each opportunity.

Note: You may or may not see "Best" and "Worst" as options in the second dropdown depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

Sales Managers

Sales managers work with their own opportunity records similarly to other sales representatives. In addition, they aggregate their reportees' committed forecast amounts to predict their total team's sales and work towards the team's quota for each time period. The Reports To field on the user record specifies a user's manager; this relationship is what determines who a sales representative reports to and, conversely, who a sales manager's reportees are.

When you access the Forecasts module as a sales manager, you will see your name at the top left of the page along with an arrow that allows you to drill down into your personal worksheet, your team worksheet, and your reportees' worksheets hierarchically. While working with your personal worksheet works similarly to how a regular sales representative works with their records, you will also have options such as time period selection, summary and commit history, and filters when working with your team worksheet and your reportees' forecasting data. On the right side of each page is an expandable intelligence pane that offers additional insight into your forecasting worksheet.

Note: Only administrators can edit the Reports To field. For more information on the field and how it is used in Sugar, refer to the User Management documentation.

Team Forecast Worksheet

The Forecasts module contains a worksheet with information in the worksheet header and list view that enables users to work with opportunity records to forecast sales for a given time period. The following table describes the information seen on a team forecast worksheet. Users with administrator or developer access have the ability to enable fields for use in the Forecasts module via Admin > Forecasts. Many opportunity fields are available to be added to the forecasting worksheet. For more information please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

Field Description
Adjusted Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) Worksheet column representing the Best/Likely/Worst value with an optional, manual adjustment above or below your reportee's committed Best/Likely/Worst total and your own worksheet's Best/Likely/Worst total; reported to your manager as the Best/Likely/Worst value when committing your forecast.
Adjusted Total (Best/Likely/Worst) Located in the worksheet header, the sum of the Adjusted Commitment Best/Likely/Worst values.
Adjusted Quota For mid-level managers, your team's quota with an optional, manual increase above your team's assigned quota; when assigning quota to your reportees, this is the quota value they will receive.
Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) Worksheet columns representing your own and your reportee's Best/Likely/Worst Commitment, coming from your own and your reportee's Seller Forecast worksheet.
Name For managers, the name of your reportee. Clicking their name will open their individual Seller Forecast worksheet.

Located in the worksheet header, your quota for this sales time period as assigned by your manager.

Team Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst)

Located in the worksheet header, the forecasted number you are committing to for your team, defaulting to the Adjusted Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) value, but able to be modified by you. This value is what will be sent to your manager as the Commitment (Best/Likely/Worst) value upon clicking "Commit". 

Forecast Drilldown

Because sales managers are able to see and work with their reportees' opportunities in addition to their own, these users will see an arrow next to their name at the top left of the Forecasts module. This allows them to drill into team forecasting data and individual sales representatives' records. By default, Sarah will enter the Forecasts module viewing her team worksheet which includes the total committed amounts and quotas for each immediate reportee and herself.

Own Line Items

As a manager, Sarah can see and work with her own records by selecting "Sarah Smith (me)" from the menu next to her name or from the Name column in her team worksheet below.

While working with her own opportunities, she will have the same options on her worksheet as a regular sales representative has. For more information on working with a manager's forecasting worksheet, please refer to the Line Items and Totals section of this documentation. Sarah will need to commit her new opportunities or changes to her opportunities on her worksheet before the amounts will be reflected on her team worksheet.

Reportee's Line Items

Since Sarah is Max's manager, Sarah also has the ability to work with Max's committed forecast and opportunities. She can navigate to their committed worksheet by selecting "Max Jensen" from the menu next to their name or from the Name column in their team worksheet below.

While viewing her reportee's worksheet, Sarah will not be able to edit any of the records' amounts or probabilities. She is able to filter for various ranges, change the time period, and view Max's summary and commit history for each time period.

Team Worksheet

Sarah can return to her team worksheet by choosing her own name from the Drilldown menu.

While viewing her team worksheet, she has the ability to set each team member's quota as well as to set adjusted Likely, Best, and Worst amounts. Please note that your worksheets may or may not include "Best" and "Worst" depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration. To edit an adjusted amount or quota, click on the number, enter a new value, and click outside the text box or press Return/Enter. Clicking "Save Draft" will preserve these changes in the worksheet but will not push the changes to other Sugar users. Upon clicking "Commit", these adjusted amounts will be pushed to Sarah's manager thus appearing in Jim's worksheet as her committed amounts. Any changes to quotas will also be pushed to her reportees' worksheets.

From the team worksheet, managers will see an "!" icon on the far right of each row where there are newly committed changes. Clicking the "!" opens the most recent commit history for that team member.

Note: Although it is possible for Sarah to set or alter her own personal quota, it is recommended that intermediate managers not make changes to their personal quota. Rather, Sarah's manager, Jim, should set the quota for the entire team from his team worksheet.

Management Hierarchy

The ability to drill into a reportee's team worksheet and opportunities continues up the management chain. Jim is Sarah's manager and views his own team worksheet by default when first opening the Forecasts module. He is also able to drill into his own opportunities by clicking his own name, Sarah's team worksheet by clicking her name, or his other reportee's team worksheet.

When Jim navigates to his reportee Sarah's team worksheet, Sarah's name now appears and her team worksheet is displayed in read-only mode. Jim can further drill down to see the worksheets of Sarah's team's members in read-only mode. This drilling can continue recursively down through the management chain as needed. Clicking "Jim Brennan" will move up one level of the hierarchy, bringing Jim back to his own team worksheet.

Time Periods

Below the currently selected drilldown name, you will see the time period for which you are forecasting to meet the time period's quota for your team. The length and the start date of this time period depend on the Time Periods configuration set up by your administrator. At every level of drilldown, sales managers can click the arrow to the right of the current time period and choose a future or past time period, the availability of which is also determined by the administrator's Time Periods configuration. Select a past or future time period to work with opportunities and forecast for those periods.

Summary and Commit History

To the right below the Time Period selection, you will see a summary of the current forecasting numbers for the time period and drilldown level currently in view. The large numbers are your current worksheet's Quota, Likely, Best, and Worst predictions. The smaller numbers show your most recent commit's Likely, Best, and Worst predictions. Any red or green arrows next to the large numbers on a manager's personal worksheet or own team worksheet show whether your worksheet's current (uncommitted) numbers are higher or lower than the most recent commit. Please note that you may or may not see a Best and Worst depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

To the left of these summary numbers, you will see the date of the most recent commit. On a manager's personal worksheet and own team's worksheet, there will be no date shown if you have not yet committed for this time period. By clicking the arrow to the right of the latest commit date, a dark grey panel will appear showing the timestamp of the last commit with a history of the commits for the worksheet currently in view for this time period along with the changes for each forecasting number from the previous commit.


Below the summary and commit history of each worksheet, managers will see a filter bar that controls what kinds of opportunities are displayed. By default, the "Include" filter will be active, meaning that only the records with a probability falling within the Include range specified during the administrator's Ranges configuration will be displayed. To add additional filters, click on the Filters bar and choose additional ranges. The filter(s) (e.g., Include, Exclude) added to the Filter bar will be preserved when you navigate away from the module. Returning to the Forecasts module will automatically display the records based on the filter(s) you last applied.

Please note the Upside or custom ranges may or may not be available depending on the administrator's Ranges configuration. To remove ranges from the filter, click the "x" for each filter name. Removing all filters will display all of your assigned opportunities. Please note that when viewing your reportee's worksheets, only the deals they have committed as included will be visible.

Saving Forecast Drafts

Whenever new information is added or changes are made to your current forecasting worksheet, the Save Adjusted Values button will become activated. Click this button to save your changes to the current worksheet without submitting these changes to your manager. This provides an opportunity to work with your forecast data before pushing more finalized amounts up the management chain. Clicking "Save Adjusted Values" will also cause any changes to your personal opportunities' amounts and/or probability to alter the opportunity record itself, making these new numbers visible on the opportunity in other areas of Sugar.

Making Personal and Team Commitments

Both individual sales representatives and managers have the ability to enter the commitment value to reflect what they feel are the most accurate commits for themselves and their team. Sales agents can commit to a revenue amount without it needing to correspond to specific deals. Managers can commit to their team's revenue amount without it needing to correspond to specific sales agents. If a commitment has been made for the Time Period, it will default to the last committed value. If not, it will default to the Adjusted Total. For managers, simply click the Team Commitment value, where a pencil icon is shown, and enter the new amount. Please note, changes made to these values will not be preserved if you navigate away from the page. In order to save the changes and make your personal commitment, you must click the Commit button.


Committing Forecasts

Whenever new information is added or changes are made to your current forecasting worksheet, the Commit button will become activated. Click this button to save your changes to the current worksheet and to submit these changes to your manager or to the team worksheet if you are a manager working on your personal worksheet. Clicking "Commit" will also cause any changes to your personal opportunity amounts and/or probability to alter the opportunity record itself, making these new numbers visible on the opportunity in other areas of Sugar.

For sales managers, changes to your reportees' quotas will appear in their Forecasts module when you perform a commit or when using the Assign Quota option. Either action will also update your quota and your reportees' quotas in the In Forecasts dashlet.

Assigning Quotas

After a manager makes changes to the quotas for their reportees, the new quota will become visible in the reportee's Forecasts module when the manager clicks Assign Quota from the Actions menu in addition to when they commit their forecast. Either action will also cause changes to your quota and your reportees' quotas to be reflected in the In Forecasts dashlet.

Intelligence Pane

To the right of the forecasting worksheet, you will find an expandable Intelligence Pane which provides additional insights for planning and forecasting. If the pane is hidden, click the double-arrow button to expand it. Clicking the button again will hide it when you wish to see your worksheets at full width. The out-of-the-box default dashboard, Forecasts Dashboard, contains two default dashlets which help provide additional insight into your forecasting worksheet, the In Forecast and Forecast Bar Chart dashlets. You can click the floating actions button on the intelligence pane to access the available options (e.g., Create Dashboard) in the floating actions menu. For more information about using dashboards, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation.

In Forecast Dashlet

The In Forecast dashlet appears at the top of the Intelligence Pane and gives a breakdown of how your team's deals match up to your quota. Please keep in mind that the In Forecast dashlet may or may not include "Best" and "Worst" depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

Note: The In Forecast dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each, refer to the User Management documentation.

The In Forecast dashlet's values are calculated based on the most recent updates to the worksheet even if the changes have not yet been saved as a draft or committed. The values take all of your and your team's opportunities into account regardless of any filters currently being used in your worksheet. Their meanings are as follows:

Field Description
Quota Your team's quota for this sales time period as assigned by your manager.
Quota (Adjusted) For mid-level managers, your team's quota with an optional, manual increase above your team's assigned quota; when assigning quota to your reportees, this is the quota value they will receive.
Closed Won The total amount of your team's Closed Won opportunities.
Deficit The difference between your team's adjusted quota and the total amount of your team's Closed Won opportunities; the additional revenue needed to be won in order to meet your adjusted quota.
Likely The total of the Likely amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Likely Colored Box) When summing your team's Closed Won amounts and Likely amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.
Best (Optional) The total of the Best amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Best Colored Box) (Optional) When summing your team's Closed Won amounts and Best amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.
Worst (Optional) The total of the Worst amounts for the included opportunities which are not yet Closed Won.
(Worst Colored Box) (Optional) When summing your team's Closed Won amounts and Worst amounts for included opportunities, in red, the remaining quota shortage and percentage of quota still outstanding or, in green, the quota overage and percentage exceeded above quota.

When drilled into your own or a reportee's forecasting worksheet, the Quota (Adjusted) row will not be displayed and the dashlet will function as it does for sales representatives without reportees. For more information on the meanings and configuration of the table while viewing you or a reportee's worksheet, please refer to the In Forecast dashlet section within the Sales Representatives section of this documentation.

Forecast Bar Chart Dashlet

The Forecast Bar Chart appears on the bottom of the Intelligence Pane and provides a configurable chart showing different cuts of your team members' forecasting data. Throughout all chart configurations, the dotted black line represents your adjusted quota for the given time period and can be hovered over to view the quota amount.

Note: The Forecast Bar Chart dashlet is not available for Sugar Serve users. For more information on license types and the functionality available for each type, refer to the User Management documentation.

While viewing your or a reportee's worksheet, the charts will display the relevant opportunities over the course of the selected time period. In these views, the charts function in the same way as they do for support representatives without reportees. For more information on the meanings and configuration of the chart while viewing your or a reportee's worksheet, please refer to the Forecast Bar Chart section within the Sales Representative section of this documentation.

While viewing your or a reportee's team worksheet, the charts will display the current worksheet's totals in bars grouped by user. Throughout all chart configurations, the dotted black line represents the worksheet's adjusted quota for the given time period and can be hovered over to view the quota amount.

Use the dropdown menu to configure what is displayed in the chart.

When "Likely" is chosen, each dark blue bar represents the total committed Likely amount for each user within the current team worksheet. Each light blue bar represents the total adjusted Likely amounts for each user. The dark green dots show the cumulative Likely total of the team built user-by-user from left to right with the rightmost point representing the total Likely amount for the entire team. The light green dots and line do the same using the adjusted Likely team total.

Choosing "Best" shows similar chart elements except that the Best and adjusted Best amounts are used. Choosing "Worst" does the same with Worst and adjusted Worst amounts.

Note: You may or may not see "Best" and "Worst" as options in the second dropdown depending on your administrator's Scenarios configuration.

Working with Forecast Worksheets

Both sales agents and managers can access the forecast worksheets with some common actions available to each role. The sections below describe common actions and abilities across the Forecasts module. For actions specific to sales representatives and sales managers, please refer to the respective sections above.

Forecasts Module Tab

The Forecasts module tab is typically located under the More tab on the navigation bar at the top of any Sugar screen to the right of the home cube icon. Depending on your settings, you may have to click "Show More" in order to see the Forecasts module tab. Click the tab to access the Forecasts module. A user with administrator access must first configure the Forecasts module before it can be accessed and used. For more information on setting up the Forecasts module, please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

For more information on module tab menus including reasons a module may not be included in the menu, see the User Interface documentation.

Forecast Actions

Forecast actions are available at the top of the Forecasts module page and allow users to perform the following operations:

Menu Item Description
Export CSV Exports the rows of the current forecasts worksheet.

For users with administrator access, opens the Forecast Configurations wizard.

Column Resizing

Easily adjust the size of columns in the forecasting worksheet based on your viewing preference.

Column Sorting

Sort all of the current search results by a field column in either ascending or descending order.

Column Selection

Specify which fields you want to be displayed in the list view.

Exporting Forecasts

The Export option is available on every forecasting page and exports every line of the current worksheet. The resulting CSV file can be used in other programs such as Microsoft Excel to view and manipulate your forecasting data. To export your current worksheet, click "Export CSV" in the Actions menu.

Configuring Forecasts

Users with administrator access will have a Settings option available within the Forecasts module. Choosing "Settings" will open the Forecast Configuration wizard which is also available by navigating to Admin > Forecasts. For more information on configuring the Forecasts module, please refer to the Forecast Configuration documentation in the Administration Guide.

Column Resizing

You can easily adjust the size of columns in the forecasting worksheet based on your viewing preference. Simply place your cursor on the column divider, and when the left-and-right arrow appears, click and drag the column to the desired size. The set column width will be preserved when you navigate away from the page. Sugar will render the preferred column size across sessions until the user removes or resets the relevant browser cookies.

Note: Sugar enforces a minimum width for currency fields (e.g., Best, Likely, etc.) in list view columns which prevents the columns from being collapsed beyond this limit.

Column Sorting

List view provides the ability to sort all of the current search results by a field column in either ascending or descending order. To sort by a field or switch the sort direction, click the column header noting that the fields which allow sorting will have a pair of arrows. Please note that the list view may only be sorted by one column at a time.

Column Selection

Sugar gives users the ability to personalize the list view by specifying which fields they want to be displayed in the list view. You can click the three-dots menu to the far right of the list view column headers to see the list of available fields. Click a field name to toggle whether or not it is included as a column in your list view. Please note that administrators have the ability to configure what fields are available to display in the list view via Admin > Studio. For more information on configuring fields to display in the list view, please refer to the Studio documentation in the Administration guide.
Forecasts ColumnSelection