Let the platform do the work

Console Management


Sugar's Renewals Console and Sugar Serve's Service Console are Home page dashboards that provide a powerful work environment for sales and service agents. The Service Console can be managed and configured by system admin users with a Serve license type. The Renewals Console can be managed and configured by system admin users with a Sell or Enterprise license type. In addition, a regular user who is assigned to the dashboard has the ability to administer and configure the consoles. For more information on how to configure the various parts of the consoles, refer to the Configuring the Consoles section below.

For more information on license types and the module functionality available for each type, refer to the User Management documentation. Please note that Sugar's console dashboards cannot be duplicated or deleted. 


In order to configure the consoles, the following requirements must be met:

  • You must be a system administrator user.
    Note: The system admin can also assign the console dashboard to a regular user if they wish to designate a console administrator who will manage the dashboard for the organization. For more information, refer to the Designating a Console Administrator section below.
  • You must have a Sugar Serve license type to configure the Service Console.
  • You must have a Sugar Sell or Enterprise license type to configure the Renewals Console.

For more information on license types and the module functionality available for each type, refer to the User Management documentation.

Designating a Console Administrator

If you wish to designate a non-admin user as a console administrator to manage and configure the consoles for your organization, you will need to assign the applicable dashboards to the specific user. Use the following steps to designate a user as a console administrator:

  1. Navigate to the Home page, click the triangle next to the Home module tab (Sugar cube icon), and select "Manage Dashboards". 
    Console Home ManageDashboards
  2. In the Dashboards module list view, select the console (i.e., Service Console, Renewals Console) for which you want to designate a console administrator. 
    Console ManageDashboards DashboardsLV1
  3. Change the Assigned To field to the desired user.
     Console ManageDashboards ReassignDashboard
  4. Next, navigate back to "Manage Dashboards" and remove the filter in the Dashboards list view to display all available dashboards. If you are designating a console administrator for the Service Console, locate the Case Details dashboard and reassign it to the same user from Step 3. For the Renewals Console, locate and reassign the "Account Details" and "Opportunity Details" dashboards to the same user from Step 3. Please note that you must reassign this dashboard to the user in order to give them the ability to edit the dashlets contained in the Case Detail drawer (for Service Console), Account Detail drawer (for Renewals Console), and Opportunity Detail drawer (for Renewals Console). 
    Console ManageDashboards DashboardsLV DetailsDashboards

Once the applicable dashboards have been reassigned to the desired user, going forward the user assigned to the dashboards will be able to manage and configure the consoles just like the system admin user. 

Configuring the Consoles

The Console can be configured by system admin users or by a regular user who is assigned to the dashboard. Please note that the user must have a Sugar Serve license type to access and configure the Serve Console, and a Sugar Sell or Enterprise license type to access and configure the Renewals Console. Also, keep in mind that in order to access and configure the dashlets in the module tab drawers (e.g., Case Detail drawer), you will need to have at least one record assigned to you. Any changes made to the Consoles will update the dashboard for all users who access the console. The following sections cover the basics of configuring the Overview tab, the module tab lists, and the module tab drawers.

Configuring the Overview Tab

Admin users and the user assigned to the Console dashboard can rename the dashboard, add and remove dashlets, rearrange and resize dashlets, and edit dashlets on the dashboard. Any changes made to the Overview tab will be updated for all users who access the console. 

To add dashlets, click the floating actions button on the Console dashboard then select "Add Dashlet" in the floating actions menu to select and configure your desired dashlet. You can delete dashlets by clicking the Gear icon at the top right of the dashlet and selecting "Remove".  

To change the position of dashlets in the Overview tab, simply drag and drop the dashlet in the desired location to swap the position of two dashlets in the dashboard. To resize dashlets, click the double-ended arrow that appears in the bottom corners of the dashlet and drag to the desired size.

You can also configure dashlets in the dashboard by clicking the Gear icon at the top right of the dashlet and selecting "Edit" which will display configuration options specific to the dashlet.  

For more information on rearranging, resizing, and editing dashlets, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation.

Restoring Default Dashboard Layout

If you wish to restore the Renewals Console dashboard's layout back to the default out-of-the-box layout, simply click the floating actions button and select the Restore Default Dashboard option. The console dashboard layout will be updated to the out-of-the-box layout for all users who access the console.
RenewalsConsole RestoreDefaultDashboard

Configuring the Module Tab Lists

The Console's module tab contains a prioritized list view of the current user's open cases (for Service Console) as well as their assigned accounts and opportunities (for Renewals Console). The system admin and the user assigned to the dashboard have the option to configure the module tab lists by setting a default sort order, applying a filter to the list view, as well as designating which fields to display as columns in the list view. To configure the console settings, simply click the floating actions button on the Console dashboard then select "Edit Module Tabs" in the floating actions menu.
ConsoleMgmt EditModuleTabs

Defining List Settings

Please note that the Console Settings window may display multiple tabs (e.g., Accounts, Opportunities) to allow you to set the default sort order, enable or disable column freezing, and define a filter for each module tab list that is available within the console. To set a default sort order for a field column in the list view, simply select a primary and optional secondary-level sort order for the list's display in the Default Sort Order section. You can also designate the specific field column to be sorted in descending or ascending order by toggling between the Sort Descending or Sort Ascending button to the right of the dropdown list. Please note that the Sort Descending and Sort Ascending buttons will appear for the Secondary Sort Order once you select a field. The available fields to select in the Primary and Secondary Sort Order dropdown lists are determined by the Columns list on the right-hand side. As fields are added to or removed from the Columns list, the available fields in the sort order dropdown lists will update in real-time. For example, if the selected field (e.g., Expected Close Date) in the Primary Sort Order field is removed from the Columns list, then that field will also be removed from both sort order dropdown lists, and the secondary sort order value (e.g., Status), if selected, will automatically move up to the Primary Sort Order field. Please note that certain field types such as ID, relate (e.g., Assigned to), and widget-type fields (e.g., Sales Stage *, Expected Close Date *) will not appear as available options in the sort order dropdown lists as they are not sortable.

The Freeze First Column setting, if enabled, automatically freezes the first column of the module tab list view for users so that it is always visible even when scrolling horizontally. Note that an admin can disable this feature for the whole Sugar instance. See the User Interface page for details on column freezing and the System page for details on the system-wide admin setting.

The Filter section allows you to filter the list view based on pre-defined filters (e.g., My Items) as well as create custom filters. Simply use the plus and minus buttons to add or remove filter criteria like you would for a standard list view filter. For more information on creating filters, refer to the Search documentation. Please note that administrators can configure the Search layout in Admin > Studio to control which fields are available as filters for the tabbed module list views (e.g., Accounts). For more information on editing the Search layout, refer to the Studio documentation. 

Once you have made the necessary configurations, click "Save" to preserve the changes and update the module tab's view for all users who access the console. 

Configuring the Console's Tabbed List Views

In addition to setting a default sort order and defining a filter for the list view, you can also designate which fields to display as columns in the module tab's list view as well as the left-to-right order of the field columns. Simply use the "Columns" and "Available Fields" lists on the right-hand side to configure the list view layout per your business needs. Fields with an asterisk (e.g., Expected Close Date *) are widget-type fields that provide data based on one or more fields in a special format. See the Widgets section for a list of widget-type fields available in the Renewals Console.
ConsoleMgmt RC WidgetFields

The following steps cover configuring the Accounts tab's list view for the Renewals Console as an example:

  1. To add a field to the list view layout, drag and drop the desired stock/custom fields (e.g., Business Center Name) for Accounts from the Available Fields list to the Columns list. 
    Note: The Preview table below the Filter field will automatically update in real-time to reflect your current field selections and the designated order of the field columns configured in the Columns list.
  2. To display multiple field values in a single column, click the "Multi-Field Column" option below the Columns list. A multi-row box will then appear in the Columns list where you can drag and drop two fields from either the "Available Fields" or "Columns" lists that you wish to display in the same column.
    Note: The column will display the field values in two rows, and you can drag and drop the fields within the multi-field box to designate which field value will appear on top.
    Console Sell3
  3. To remove a field from the layout, simply hover your mouse over the particular field pill or multi-row box in the Columns list then click the "x" to the right of the name. The field(s) will then reappear in the Available Fields list.
    Console Sell4
  4. To change the left-to-right order of the fields displayed on the list view, drag and drop the fields up or down within the Columns list.
  5. Click "Save" to preserve and update the Accounts tab's list view for all users who access the console.

Several widgets are available in the Renewals Console to display data from existing fields in a different format. These fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Columns and Available Fields lists. The following widgets are available in the Renewals Console:

Accounts tab:

  • Date of Next Renewal *: Displays the value of the Date of Next Renewal field in terms of the amount of time until or since the next renewal date (e.g., in 2 years)

Opportunities tab:

  • Expected Close Date *: Displays the value of the Expected Close Date field in terms of the amount of time until or since the expected close date (e.g., in 5 months)
  • Sales Stage *: Displays the value of the Sales Stage field in a color-coded badge
  • Worst | Likely | Best *: Displays the values of the Worst, Likely, and Best fields plotted on a graph

Restoring Default Settings

Below the preview table, you will see two options that allow you to easily access the Console Management documentation from the Console Settings window or restore the console back to the default settings. If you wish to restore the console's configurations back to the default out-of-the-box settings, simply click the "Click here" link. After restoring the default settings, you will need to click "Save" in the Console Settings window to preserve the changes. 
ConsoleMgmt ConsoleSettings RestoreDefaults

Configuring the Module Tab Drawers

The module tab drawers can be accessed by clicking on a module tab (e.g., Accounts) in the console (e.g., Renewal Console) then clicking the desired record's row in the list view. This opens a drawer within the console which aggregates key information about the record, its related records, past/upcoming interactions (e.g., emails, calls, meetings), etc. The drawer contains four dashlets that can be rearranged and configured by system admin users as well as the regular user assigned to the dashboard. To access and configure the dashlets in the module tab drawers (e.g., Account Detail drawer), you will need to have at least one record assigned to you.
ConsoleMgmt RenewalsConsole Configuration2

To change the position of dashlets in the module tab drawer, simply drag and drop the dashlet in the desired location on the layout to swap the position of two dashlets. To resize dashlets, drag the double-ended arrow at the bottom right corner. You can also configure the dashlets in the dashboard by clicking the Gear icon at the top right of the dashlet and selecting "Edit", which will display configuration options specific to the dashlet. To retrieve updated information in the dashlet, you can select the Refresh option in the dashlet gear menu, which will manually refresh the dashlet. Select "Remove" in the dashlet gear menu to delete the dashlet from the module tab drawer. 

To add dashlets to the module tab drawer, click the floating actions button in the drawer then select "Add Dashlet". Click the title (e.g., List View) corresponding to the desired dashlet in the Add Dashlet page then configure the dashlet as desired. For more information on rearranging, editing, adding, and deleting dashlets, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets documentation. Please note that any changes made to the layout and dashlet settings will be updated for all users who access the console.

Note: Record view dashlets such as the Account Record DashletCase Record Dashlet, and Opportunity Record Dashlet can be edited via Studio > {Module Name} > Layouts > Record View Dashlet. For more information, refer to the Dashboards and Dashlets and Studio documentation.