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Sugar Self-Service Center Archived Release Notes


This page describes the feature enhancements and fixed issues for the Sugar Self-Service Center  from past releases. Case portal users can use the links in the Fixed Issues sections below for more details on fixed issues. Please refer to the Sugar Self-Service Center Release Notes  page fo r the latest release.

Sugar Self-Service Center 5.1.0 (May 30, 2024)

Features Enhancements
  • Support for SugarLive chat: End users may now use live chat in the Self-Service Center to communicate with agents, allowing more ways for end users to get the help they need. 
  • Improved admin navigation: The admin bar and the navigation bar have been consolidated to the navigation bar for a clearer, unified experience. Additionally, Feature settings have been added to the bar as well.
  • Contact creation: If no contact is found when inviting users to the Self-Service Center, a new one can be created and invited, instead of creating the contact in the CRM first.
  • Improved accessibility: Users who require screen readers have improved navigation and accessibility. 
  • Improved session management: Caching and session management have been enhanced to improve the login and logout experience for users.

Sugar Self-Service Center 5.0.0 (April 29, 2024)

Features Enhancements
  • Click to download: Users can now download files more quickly by clicking the file's name in Documents.
  • Keyboard shortcuts added: You may now use cmd+Enter or ctrl+Enter to easily submit data when creating a case, replying to a case, inviting users, or filling out the user profile.

Sugar Self-Service Center 4.2.0 (March 27, 2024)

Feature Enhancements
  • Contact lookup when creating a user: During user creation, administrators and account managers can choose a specific contact in the CRM to relate to the external user, automatically creating a relationship between the two to keep data in both systems in sync.
  • Improved case visibility for agents: In Sugar 14.0 and higher, records (e.g., cases) related to an external user are now implicitly related to the contact record, so they are displayed when viewing the contact's record view. 
  • User replies update case status:  When a user replies to their case in the Self-Service Center, the case status automatically changes to "Assigned", allowing for automated processes where agents are informed that there is a reply.
  • Additional language support:  Support has been added for the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional).

Sugar Self-Service Center 4.1.0 (February 28, 2024)

Feature Enhancements
  • Background alignment: The linked background image can be stretched, centered, or tiled to give administrators greater flexibility for configuration. 
  • Branded login screen: The uploaded logo and primary theme color are used in the login screen to create a visually cohesive experience for users.

Sugar Self-Service Center 4.0.0 (January 31, 2024)

Feature Enhancements
  • Theme configuration: Administrators can present their organization's branding, logos, and more to their end users by configuring the look and feel of the Self-Service Center.

Past Release Notes

Click the link below to view details of feature enhancements and fixed issues from past releases.  

Sugar Self-Service Center 2023 Release Notes

Sugar Self-Service Center 3.1.0 (December 6, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • Custom date range in Documents: Users can filter documents between a range of two selected dates, giving the user greater control when filtering for specific documents.
Fixed Issues
  • 91336: Clicking the columns in the activities list view more than two times causes sorting to stop working. As a workaround, use the Sort By option in the three-dots menu instead.

Sugar Self-Service Center 3.0.0 (November 2, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • Document management: Agents can upload documents to share with all end users associated with a specific account in the Self-Service Center, allowing end users to download the documents.

Sugar Self-Service Center 2.1.0 (September 28, 2023)

Fixed Issues
  • This release addresses minor product and performance issues.

Sugar Self-Service Center 2.0.0 (August 24, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • User management: For more flexibility and convenience, Self-Service Center administrators and account managers may invite other users without contacting Sugar.
    • Three user roles for added security: Assign users the role of administrator, account manager, or user to define if they can invite users and whether they can access data for a single account or all accounts in the system.
    • Tabs for active, inactive, and invited users: The user interface separates your active, inactive, and invited but not yet registered users, for quick searching and organization of users.

Sugar Self-Service Center 1.2.0 (June 9, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • Support for APAC: SugarCRM Self-Service Center is now available in the APAC region.

Sugar Self-Service Center 1.1.1 (May 4, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • Support for EMEA: SugarCRM Self-Service Center is now available in the EMEA region.

Sugar Self-Service Center 1.1 (March 30, 2023)

Fixed Issues
  • 91338: Replies on cases from end users will not cause the case status to change.

Sugar Self-Service Center 1.0 (January 30, 2023)

Feature Enhancements
  • Sleek and modern user interface: End users (e.g., customers) can view, create, and reply to cases in a new, intuitive environment that is straightforward to understand and use and makes communicating with agents quick and easy.
  • Layouts preserved across devices: Displayed columns, sort order, and other preferences are stored so end users can have the same experience in the application across different browsers and devices.
  • End users control their data: End user profile details (e.g., name, phone number) stay up-to-date without agent input because users can modify their own profile from within the Self-Service Center.