The autoloader is an API that allows the unified handling of customizations and customizable metadata while reducing the number of filesystem accesses and improving performance.
The SugarAutoLoader class, located in ./include/utils/autoloader.php
, keeps a map of files within the Sugar directory that may be loaded.
Included File Extensions
The autoloader will only map files with the following extensions:
- bmp
- css
- gif
- hbs
- html
- ico
- jpg
- js
- less
- override
- php
- png
- tif
- tpl
- xml
*All other file extensions are excluded from the mapping.
Class Loading Directories
The autoloader will scan and autoload classes in the following directories:
- ./clients/base/api/
- ./data/duplicatecheck/
- ./data/Relationships/
- ./data/visibility/
- ./include/
- ./include/api/
- ./include/CalendarEvents/
- ./include/SugarSearchEngine/
- ./modules/Calendar/
- ./modules/Mailer/
Ignored Directories
The following directories in Sugar are ignored by the autoloader mapping:
- ./.idea/
- ./cache/
- ./custom/backup/
- ./custom/blowfish/
- ./custom/Extension/
- ./custom/history/
- ./custom/modulebuilder/
- ./docs/
- ./examples/
- ./portal/
- ./tests/
- ./upload/
- ./vendor/bin/
- ./vendor/HTMLPurifier/
- ./vendor/log4php/
- ./vendor/nusoap/
- ./vendor/pclzip/
- ./vendor/reCaptcha/
- ./vendor/ytree/