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Module Hooks

Module hooks execute logic when working with Sugar modules (e.g. Accounts, Cases, etc.).


The after_delete hook executes after a record is deleted.
The after_fetch_query logic hook executes after a sugar query has been executed.
The after_relationship_add hook executes after a relationship has been added between two records.
The after_relationship_delete hook executes after a relationship between two records has been deleted.
The after_restore hook executes after a record gets undeleted (i.e. the deleted field's value changes from 1 to 0).
The after_retrieve hook executes after a record has been retrieved from the database.
The after_save hook executes after a record is saved.
The before_delete logic hook executes before a record is deleted.
The before_fetch_query logic hook executes before a sugar query has been executed.
The before_relationship_add logic hook executes before a relationship has been added between two records.
The before_relationship_delete logic hook executes before a relationship between two records is deleted.
The before_restore logic hook executes before a record gets undeleted (i.e. the deleted field's value changes from 1 to 0).
The before_save logic hook executes before a record is saved.
The process_record logic hook executes when the record is being processed as a part of the ListView or subpanel list.