Let the platform do the work

Backward Compatibility


As of Sugar® 7, modules are built using the Sidecar framework. Any modules that still use the MVC architecture and have not yet migrated to the Sidecar framework are set in what Sugar refers to as "backward compatibility" (BWC) mode.

For the list of Studio-enabled modules in backward compatibility for your version of Sugar, please refer to the User Interface (Legacy Modules) documentation for your version of Sugar.

URL Differences

There are some important differences between the legacy MVC and Sidecar URLs. When a module is set in backward compatibility, the URL will contain "/#bwc/" in the path and use query string parameters to identify the module and action. An example of the Sidecar BWC URL is shown below.

http://{site url}/#bwc/index.php?module=<module>&action=<action>

You can see that this differs from the standard route of:

http://{site url}/#<module>/<record id>

Studio Differences

There are some important differences between the legacy MVC modules and Sidecar modules. When a module is in backward compatibility mode, an asterisk is placed next to the modules name in Studio. Modules in backward compatibility will use the legacy MVC metadata layouts, located in ./modules/<module>/metadata/, as follows:

  • Layouts
    • Edit View
    • Detail View
    • List View
  • Search
    • Basic Search
    • Advanced Search

These layouts differ from Sidecar in many ways. The underlying metadata is very different and you should notice that the MVC layouts have a separation between the Edit View and Detail View whereas the Sidercar layouts make use of the Record View. The Sidecar metadata for Sugar is located in ./modules/<module>/clients/base/views/.

  • Layouts
    • Record View
    • List View
  • Search
    • Search