Let the platform do the work

//MassUpdate PUT


An API to mass update records.

Query String Parameters

Name Type Description Required
massupdate_params Array Mass update parameters. True
massupdate_params.uid Array A list of ids. True
massupdate_params.[field name] [field type] The field to be modified. False
massupdate_params.team_name Array Team array. False
massupdate_params.team_name_type String Whether to replace or add teams. Possible values are 'add' and 'replace'. False


Mass Updating Records by ID in a Module


Mass Updating Records with Teams


Mass Add Leads, Contacts or Prospects to a Target List

    "massupdate_params": {
        "uid": [     /* Leads, Contacts, or Prospects to Add */
        "prospect_lists": [
                 /* Prospect List(s) to Add them To */

Response Arguments

Name Type Description
Status String The status of the mass update. Possible value is 'done'.

Output Done Example


Change Log

Version Change
v10 Added /<module>/MassUpdate PUT endpoint.